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October 1st, 2004: Yoga practitioner magistrate discredited

Bucharest, October 1st, 2004. MISA yoga school denounces the way in which the investigators created sensation around the case of MISA and its leader Gregorian Bivolaru. It can not be a coincidence the fact that in the very day of Gregorian Bivolaru’s trial the representatives of the Supreme Council of Magistracy are investigating…

September 28th, 2004: The gendarmes’ abuses in the case of MISA yoga school investigated by the Military Prosecuting Magistracy

Bucharest, September 28th, 2004. During Monday, September 27th, M.I.S.A.’s leadership, represented by Vicepresident Claudiu Trandafir, was in audience at the Military Prosecuting Magistracy, to Mr. Prosecutor Magistrate Colonel Ionel Slavoiu, in order to begin the penal investigation in the case of the gendarmes’ abuses during the…

September 6th, 2004: The MISA yoga school claims the necessity to correctly inform the public regarding the yoga practice

Bucharest, September 6th, 2004. MISA yoga school supports the appeal addressed to mass media by the National Group for the Study of Yoga Practice (GNSPY) to inform correctly the public regarding the yoga practice. We consider that the whole press campaign of the last months brought major detriments to the understanding of the yoga…

Romanian State Authorities Manipulating the Mass-Media In MISA Case

The abusive, violent actions which the Romanian Authorities displayed against the Romanian Yoga School, MISA, raised a series of questions and issues, which have largely arrested people's attention. Journalists, lawmen and even some high political figures made their own opinions concerning these events, but the point is that in doing so,…

Abuse, terror, violence

Abuse, terror, violence. The denigration of MISA campain leaded by romanian autorities. Download Film (3,42 min, 5Mb, film encoded with divx 5.1.1, winzip archive)Download subtitles: English

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