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14 Alternative ways to stay warm without electricity

Survival scenarios during winter may be dangerous because you’re not just dealing with things like a power outage, you also have to face various factors like freezing temperatures. If you’re worried about how you’re going to keep your family warm during a power outage, invest in a wood-burning stove or get a kerosene heater and…

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire (I)

As some of you know, I’m an aficionado of ancient history. I thought it might be worthwhile to discuss what happened to Rome and based on that, what’s likely to happen to the U.S. Spoiler alert: There are some similarities between the U.S. and Rome. But before continuing, please seat yourself comfortably. This article will…

CJ Hopkins: We’ve Got About a Month Before New Normal Germany’s New Enabling Act Takes Effect

So, it’s official. On Wednesday, 24 August, New Normal Germany’s Bundestag rubber-stamped the government’s latest revision to the so-called “Infection Protection Act” (i.e., New Normal Germany’s new Enabling Act), authorising the continued persecution of “the Unvaccinated” (i.e., New Normal Germany’s new official Untermenschen), the…

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