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Earth’s magnetic field is weakening between Africa and South America, crashing laptops & disrupting satellites

The Earth’s magnetic field is weakening between Africa and South America, disrupting satellites and spacecrafts. Scientists studying the phenomenon known as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), say the Earth’s magnetic field is about to reverse. NASA has reported that modern laptops have crashed when Space Shuttle flights passed through…

Chinese military discussed weaponizing covid in 2015 ‘to cause enemy’s medical system to collapse’

In 2015, Chinese military scientists discussed how to weaponize SARS coronaviruses, five years before the covid-19 pandemic emerged in Wuhan, China – where CCP scientists were collaborating with a US-funded NGO on so-called ‘gain of function’ research to make bat coronaviruses infect humans more easily. In a 263-page document,…

Escape malefic programming

 “I would like to remind you that most of the people, unknowingly chooses this malefic state, via waves by Dark Forces; a program they make for you is sent here on the planet Earth through antennas on Moon, and you act in accord with this, you behave and live your pseudo-lives accordingly. (…) Currently, this remote control of you…

Paving the way for the Coronascam

“The work that had been done over the years on formulations, RNA modifications and other techniques was paying off just in time for the current pandemic. mRNA vaccination was in exactly the right stage for things to take off with a good expectation of success.” It helps to know how we got here, and the following timeline traces the…

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