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The catastrophic costs of complying

  In the event you haven’t noticed, things are getting worse, not better. And it is not about “Covid-19”, whatever that is or isn’t (no way for us to know, as we have been lied to from the get-go). Is about the state of our God-given rights, many of which U.S. Constitution and any…

Hippocratic Hypocrisy – A tale of two snakes (3)

  Transcript of the Hippocratic Hypocrisy, a collaborative film by Spacebusters and Dr. Andrew Kaufman about how authentic medicine was hijacked by the power elite and turned into a deadly, sickness for profit industry. Read the second part of the article Today, we can now recognize the same alarming…

Covid-19: who’s scheming?

  By Dr. Pascal Sacré In order to be on the same wavelength, I have to define that word. “Conspiracy theorist: an advocate of conspiracy theory”. It’s like saying, racist: defender of a theory of racism. We don’t get very far with that. A synonym is conspiracy theorist. What is a conspiracy theory…

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