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How Our Phones Disconnect Us When We’re Together

  Smartphones have changed the world. A quick glance around any street or communal space shows how dominant our favourite digital devices have become. We are familiar with the sight of groups of teenagers not talking, but eagerly composing messages and posts on their screens. Or seeing couples dining silently in…

Bats, gene editing and bioweapons (2)

...recent DARPA experiments raise concerns amid coronavirus outbreak Read the first part of the article  The Pentagon in Wuhan? Beyond the U.S. military’s recent expenditures on and interest in the use of bats of bioweapons, it is also worth examining the recent studies the military…

Secret Societies Revisited

  By Jon Rappoport As many of my readers know, I wrote a book called The Secret Behind Secret Societies (included as a bonus in Exit From The Matrix and Power Outside The Matrix). This article adds a few pieces to the puzzle. Bilderberg Group, CFR, Trilateral Commission – I called these and other such groups…

Outer chaos and inner calm

  “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” R. Buckminster Fuller Election year 2020, Covid-19 fears, and wild swings in the stock market only serve to further agitate people who are already dealing with…

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