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Globalist Plan for Human Control

  Recognizing that there is and has been a century’s long shrouded plan to mastermind a worldwide Weltanschauung that puts a diabolical elite mastery over the billions of human beings, which make up the vast hordes of divinely created life on this planet, is a taboo topic in most cultures. The entire system of…

Spot The Manipulators In Your Own Life

  by Caitlin Johnstone The real underlying currency of our world is not gold, nor bureaucratic fiat, nor even military might. The real underlying currency of our world is narrative, and the ability to control it. Everything always comes down to this one real currency. If you look at what all these think tanks, NGOs, media…

Directed Energy Weapons

  Directed energy weapons are not plasma weapons, they are not scalar weapons. They are physical weapons emitting electromagnetic radiation. They are used by the Cabal in their attacks towards the awakened part of human population. By attacking…

Who Are The Globalists And What Do They Want?

  Who are these “globalists” we refer to so much in the liberty movement? Sometimes this question is put by honest people who only want to learn more. Sometimes it comes from disinformation agents attempting to mire discussion on the issue with assertions that the globalists ‘don't exist’. The answer to…

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