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Freemasonry and Major Crimes (2)

By Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Read the first part of the article  The Unification of Italy Desired by English Masons   The two commemorative plaques above prove that Giuseppe Garibaldi was a Freemason Contrary to what they wanted to make us believe for…

Herd immunity theory has been repeatedly disproven

by Marco Cáceres Nearly every year, there are outbreaks of infectious diseases in the U.S. in which the communities involved were highly vaccinated and, thus, supposedly immune. Several years ago I wrote about the theory of “herd immunity” and explained why it is a myth when applied to a vaccinated…

Freemasonry and Major Crimes (1)

  By Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio There is a thread that binds all great crimes. A single political project.” – Judge Rocco Chinnici, Head of Education of the Court of Palermo During the massacre at Pipitone, Palermo, on July 29, 1983, 35 people were torn apart by a car bomb, among who, the…

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