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Store Food While You Still Can, Because 2.4 Billion People Already Do Not Have Enough Food As This New Global Famine Accelerates

Global food supplies just keep getting even tighter, and global hunger has risen to extremely alarming levels. People on the other side of the world are literally starving to death, but most of us in the western world simply do not care about the millions that are deeply suffering because the mainstream media hardly ever talks about what…

No-one except the Globalists Will be allowed to Grow Old

During the last three years, politicians and advisers decreed that the elderly should be denied medical care, and thousands who did find themselves in institutions were treated without compassion, caring or proper, decent care. The elderly were denied contact with relatives or friends and were kept in isolation for many months and in some…

Doom Loops Are Multiplying

Doom loops have been in the lexicon for a long time. The basic idea is the decline of one of the inputs holding up the status quo weakens the other inputs. This weakness feeds back on itself, accelerating the decline until a critical support level breaks and the system collapses. Doom loops are being used to describe big-city…

Former CIA officer teaches you how to recognize a lie

Imagine you could quickly see if someone is lying or telling the truth, at your job, in investments, dates, buying a car or hiring a building contractor. According to Susan Carnicero, a person lies on average 10 times a day, and she has to know. As a former CIA officer who has conducted interrogations, interviews and lie detector tests…

11 very strange deaths from history

Death comes for us all, but some leave better stories than others. These strange deaths will make you shake your head, and think twice! We all die eventually, but some of us go out in weirder ways than others. With the number of people who have existed throughout human history, at least a few strange deaths are to be expected.…

12 Tips to survive an EMP attack

If an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) goes off, a lot of people are going to die – by starvation, lack of conventional medical care or being killed by people trying to get whatever they need because they did not prepare. There are many factors to consider when preparing for the an EMP strike. Detailed below are 12 tips on how to…

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