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Unmasking Freemasonry

Benjamin Fulford 9-9-19: U.S. War College study shows 95-100% probability of Khazarian mafia defeat

  The international military and legal campaign against the Khazarian mafia is “95-100% likely to succeed,” according to probability models tested by the U.S. War College, say MI6 and Pentagon sources. This year’s anniversary of 9/11 was followed by a Friday the 13th and was a good time to push hard for their…

Dr. Alan Sabrosky (Jewish): Israel did 9/11 (Video)

  Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D, is a retired Marine officer and former Director of Studies at the United States Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute where he held the position of The Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. He received The Superior Civilian Service Award in 1998. He has taught at The United States Military Academy…

Putin’s Comments about Satanism and Pedophilia within Politics Are Turning out to Be True

  A few years ago, Vladimir Putin mentioned Satanism and pedophilia within politics, and he hasn’t been the first to do so. He expressed how there are attempts to normalize these practices within society and make it global.Who are the people that have amassed so much power that they practically control all resources…

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