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Unmasking Freemasonry

Vaccine debate makes more people question safety and effectiveness – so the industry has shut down all discussion

  In a certain province in China, more than 99 percent of all the children have been vaccinated against measles with the MMR vaccine, but the disease still runs rampant. Do not speak of this case study in America, especially if you work in the fake news MSM or are employed at the highly corrupt CDC, or you will be fired. Do not…

Benjamin Fulford, February 25, 2019 Update: Khazarian Mafia Play Trump Blackmail Card in Final Bid to Avoid Extermination

  The Khazarian mafia is in a state of deep panic as more and more people, including many Jews, wake up to their horrors. That is why they are playing their Trump card by blackmailing U.S. President Donald Trump into sabotaging the restoration of the U.S. Republic and preventing the start of military tribunals, say Pentagon…

Are Laser and Directed Energy Weapons Being Used Against the American People?

  DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) are no longer the stuff of conspiracy theory. In the last few months in the US, there have been a number of incidents where DEW, laser weapons and perhaps other high-tech energy weapons have been openly deployed against the American people. Both the Santa Rosa (2017) and Paradise…

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