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Unmasking Freemasonry

Humanity’s chemical SUICIDE confirmed: Pesticides sprayed on food crops are wiping out food pollinators, leading toward a global food collapse

  The next time you sit down to a delicious meal, consider the fact that bees are responsible for every third bite you eat. Honey bees take care of about 80 percent of all pollination, with just one bee colony pollinating upwards of 300 million flowers in a single day. In fact, 70 percent of the world’s most…

36 Illuminati-Masonic Super/Ur-Lodges Rule the World – Towards Its Demise (1)

  The Illuminati took command over the masonic lodges of the world at the Wilhelmsbad Conference in 1781 – and have governed them ever since from the London City. The Illuminati were founded by the Jesuits Adam Weishaupt and Mayer Amschel Rothschild and set loose on the world on 1 May 1776. Since then, the world…

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