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Unmasking Freemasonry

Elite Flock to Doomsday Bunkers as World Bank Tells Peasant Class NOT to Store Food

Since the invasion of Ukraine began, manufacturers of doomsday bunkers have seen a massive spike in sales. This is typical during any crisis as people wait until the last minute to start preparing. What sets this rush toward prepping apart from ones in the past is the fact that the World Bank is warning against such actions — despite many…

The Fabian Society, Eugenics and the Historic Forces Behind Today’s Systemic Breakdown

The Fabian Society, Eugenics and the Historic Forces Behind Today’s Systemic Breakdown The financial system is clearly careening towards a point of dissolution. It isn’t an exaggeration to say that the collapse itself has already happened and we simply have not yet felt the full brutal force of the shockwave accelerating toward…

Adidas ad celebrates and promotes biological men playing in women’s sports

Adidas has released a series of new ads, including a feature that celebrates and promotes biological male athletes competing in female sports. The Adidas ad campaign is entitled “I’mPossible,” and highlights a Brazilian trans athlete Tiffany Abreu as he navigates the difficult world of possessing vastly superior physical traits to…

The Global Digital ID Surveillance Plan Accelerates – Urgent Resistance Needed

The covid-19 plandemic provided the perfect cover for all manner of “New Normal” changes that were always intended to become permanent. One change in particular has continued to go mostly under the radar – the increasing use of all-pervasive surveillance. Unfortunately, this Orwellian, “Big Brother” global digital ID surveillance…

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