Cherchez le Juif: Satanism as the Hidden Grammar of America (4)
Read the third part of the article
Emerson concluded that “Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own consciousness.” When a generation raised on the Bible demurred, saying “But these impulses may be from below, not from above,” Emerson countered by invoking Satan: “They do not seem to be to be such, but if I am the Devil’s child, I will live then from the Devil.” Emerson got the idea that he was “the Devil’s child” from the Calvinist principle of total depravity, which he rejected while at the same time retaining the Satanic gist of the Protestant revolutionary spirit.

Emerson’s neighbor Nathaniel Hawthorne inherited the same Calvinist legacy, and like Emerson, he rejected it, but he could never accept Emerson’s naïve optimism and remained a prisoner of the dark forest which he described in Young Goodman Brown after Brown left his wife Faith to meet up with the Devil. Confronted with the devil’s impatience, all Young Goodman Brown could say is that “Faith kept me back a while” before being welcomed into “the communion of your race,” which is that “Evil is the nature of mankind.”
Faith kept the American Republic back a while, but the emergence of the American Empire after World War II has been one long plunge into Satanism. Like Satan, the dark figure who welcomed Young Goodman Brown into the forest, the Puritan minister explains that “evil needs to be your only happiness.” America, if by that we mean the world’s fourth great religion, has been one long pact with the devil ever since.
Ben Franklin was known as the American Prometheus because he stole fire from the heavens when he flew a kite with a key dangling from it during a thunderstorm and stored the electricity which flowed from it in a Leyden Jar, as a preliminary step toward taming that force of nature and paving the way for its use in running the engines of the emerging American Empire. Thanks to Satanists like Ben Franklin, who was a member of the Hellfire club in London, the spirit of the Great Satan took up its abode in Catholic France a mere 13 years after it emerged in the Declaration of Independence, culminating in the French Revolution of 1789. Russia punished France for its rebellion against God in 1814, but in spite of God’s repeated chastisements, the Spirit of Rebellion has never left France, as evidenced by the riots that are now plaguing that country as it lurches toward anarchy. Sick of Macron’s support of NATO’s war in the Ukraine, the French are now praying for a Russian invasion because Russia was the first scourge of God which punished the French for the sin of rebellion against God’s anointed leader of their country during the French Revolution.
France, however, refused to learn the lesson the Russians taught them. The Prussians became the scourge of God in 1870, but again France refused to learn the lesson. In 1890, Civilta Cattolica explained the lesson when it announced on the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution that any country which turned away from the laws created by God would end up being ruled by Jews, who still embody the revolutionary spirit which France refuses to abjure. Todd’s fixation on Weber’s Protestant Geist blinds him to the fact that the same Jewish spirit has taken over France.
Nihilism is Todd’s word for the Satanic spirit which traces its roots back to the time when Jesus Christ confronted the Jews who claimed that they were the “seed of Abraham” by telling them that “Your father is Satan” (John 8:44). By killing Christ, the Jews who rejected the Logos Incarnate became the “Synagogue of Satan” whose rejection of Logos found expression in a trajectory of revolutionary activity which stretched from Barabbas and Simon bar Kochba, to Trotsky and the Bolsheviks, to Irving Kristol and other Trotskyite revenants from Alcove B at the City College of New York in the 1930s who have come to be known as Neoconservatives, who destroyed what was left of Russia after the demise of Communism through the activity of Jewish looters like Jeffrey Sachs and the Jewish oligarchs who profited from his activity. Under Vladimir Putin, Russia recovered “after the nightmare of the 1990s,” but America did not recover from the victory in the Cold War which created that nightmare because “Western leaders have remained blind to reality.”
Displaying a blind spot of his own, Todd identifies the group of blind men responsible for the eclipse of the WASP elite as “les néoconservateurs,” or simply “les neocons.” Todd’s inability to identify the enemy becomes apparent in the original French edition, where the term “neocons” appears jarringly out of place in the midst of his otherwise precise French prose:
“L’implosion, par étapes, de la culture WASP –blanche, anglo-saxonne et protestante –depuis les années 1960 a créé un empire privé de centre et de projet, un organisme essentiellement militaire dirigé par un groupe sans culture (au sens anthropologique) qui n’a plus comme valeurs fondamentales que la puissance et la violence. Ce groupe est généralement désigné par l’expression « néocons ». Il est assez étroit mais se meut dans une classe supérieure atomisée, anomique, et il a une grande capacité de nuisance géopolitique et historique.”
(The implosion, in stages, of WASP culture – white, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant – since the 1960s has created a private empire of center and project, an essentially military organization led by a group without culture (in the anthropological sense) which only has power and violence as its fundamental values. This group is generally referred to as ‘neocons’. It is quite narrow but moves within an atomized, anomic upper class, and it has a great capacity for geopolitical and historical nuisance.)
If we ask the question: qu’ils sont les neocons (who are the neocons) we learn that they are:
“an essentially military organization led by a group without culture (in the anthropological sense) which only has power and violence as its fundamental values. This group is generally referred to as neocons. It is quite narrow but operates in an atomized, anomic upper class, and it has a great capacity for geopolitical and historical nuisance.”
Instead of naming the Jews as the group which created the Satanic Zero State in America, Todd creates a category known as “The Blob,” which he describes as:
“the group of people who, concretely, conduct the foreign policy of the sick power that America has become. Who is this tribe with singular morals which, through its tastes and its decisions, has led the West to the gates of Russia? We most often study a primitive community in its natural environment: this will be the city of Washington. We will be particularly interested in the American geopolitical establishment, which is colloquially called the Blob, after the name of a worrying micro-organism.”
Todd seems unaware that the name comes from a 1950s horror movie, attributing it instead to Stephen Walt, who got the nickname from Ben Rhodes, a former Obama adviser, to designate the microcosm responsible for foreign policy. “The Washingtonian Blob as presented by Walt corresponds entirely to my vision of a leading group devoid of intellectual or ideological ties external to itself.” After listing the Kagan family—including Victoria “F*** the EU” Nuland, who is married to Robert Kagan—as “one particularly central example of the small band of semi-intellectuals who inhabit the Blob, a sub-village of Washington,” it turns out that the Blob is, mirabile dictu, Jewish:
“I was surprised to note the frequency of Jewish ancestors coming from the Empire of the Tsars and its margins. We noted that the two most influential figures managing Ukraine, Antony Blinken, the Secretary of State, and Victoria Nuland, the Deputy Secretary of State, are of Jewish descent. More precisely, we discover that Blinken is on his mother’s side of Hungarian Jewish origin and that his paternal grandfather was born in Kyiv. Victoria Nuland’s father’s side is a combination of Moldovan and Ukrainian Jews. Let’s move on to the ideological background, Victoria’s in-laws, the Kagans. Robert and Frederick’s father Donald was born in Lithuania. The fact that so many people in the high geopolitical establishment have a family link with the western part of the former Tsarist Empire is disturbing.”
Once Todd establishes the Jewish identity of the Blob all sorts of interesting connections emerge. Because Jews “remember Ukraine as the official birthplace of ‘Russian’ anti-Semitism, beginning with the pogroms of 1881-1882,” NATO’s war against Russia emerges as a Jewish desire, especially on Nuland’s part, to punish the Ukraine for the Chmielnicki pogroms. Or as Todd puts it, “Why would the Americans of Ukrainian Jewish origin who, with the government in Kyiv, co-pilot this butchery not feel this as a just punishment inflicted on the country that made their ancestors suffer so much?”
Unlike “les néoconservateurs,” whom Todd describes as the heirs of McCarthyism, George Kennan, the WASP who was the architect of America’s policy of containment during the Cold War, was “anything but a blind anti-communist.” Because Kennan spoke Russian, because he knew and loved Russian culture, he designed a strategy of containment which aimed to prevent an armed confrontation. The Kennan era ended, according to Todd, when the neocons took over American foreign policy. Todd identifies the man responsible for that takeover as Walt Rostow, Lyndon Johnson’s national security adviser during the Vietnam War. At this point, Todd’s thesis becomes problematic because Rostow was in no sense of the word a “neocon,” (a word which did not exist in the 1960s) but unlike his predecessors at the State Department, who were committed to Kennan’s containment policy, Rostow was a Jew.
Todd tells us that “Today, the village of Washington is nothing more than a collection of persons completely devoid of common morals. I don’t say ‘village’ by chance,” but he can’t bring himself to tell us that the “village” is ruled by Jews, in spite of all of the evidence he amasses to the contrary:
“The same overrepresentation is observed in the Board of Directors of the most prestigious foreign policy think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations: almost a third of its thirty-four members are Jewish. In 2010, the Forbes ranking showed that, among the top hundred fortunes in the United States, there were 30% Jews. We have the impression of being in Budapest at the beginning of the 1930s. The interpretation of this fact is also the same: in order to explain a strong over-representation of Jews in the upper categories of a given society, we must first be looking for, and more often than not finding, an educational weakness in the general population, which allowed the educational intensity of the Jewish religion to be fully manifested.”
And here we reach the fundamental problem of La Defaite de l’Occident. Todd is himself a Jew for whom the term Jew is an empty category which has no reference to the realities I have described in detail. Like Colonel Macgregor and Tucker Carlson, he prefers the euphemism “neoconservative.” Todd admits that “the Blob” is under Jewish control, but Jew is not a meaningful category for Jews, as Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein have shown. Todd’s use of the term “neocon” prevents him from identifying who took over America after the Protestant spirit evaporated in 1978, the year in which John D. Rockefeller, 3rd and his brother Nelson died. Instead of telling us who was responsible for the eclipse of Protestantism which led to the collapse of the American Empire, Todd refers to an impersonal “implosion, in stages, of WASP culture—White, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant” which began in the 1960s when the Neocons deprived the American Empire of “a center and a project,” which Todd describes as “a national culture shared by the masses and the ruling classes.”
Breaking the cultural form of the American empire known as Protestantism was similar to splitting the atom because of the violence and destruction it unleashed on America and the rest of the world, but it was not an impersonal eruption of force majeure. It was a revolution. It was a coup d’etat which supplanted the Protestant work ethic with the Jewish idol of nihilism. Todd is nothing short of brilliant when it comes to explaining how nihilism leads to violence. At this stage in the disintegration of the American Empire, war has become “the dynamic” of the Zero State, for which “because war is, always and everywhere, one of the virtualities of nihilism.”
America’s insistence on war as the solution to every problem, especially in the Middle East, has led to total isolation. The American vote against a UN-sponsored ceasefire in Gaza is “nihilistic,” because “it rejects the common morality of humanity.” In the most recent vote, the US was supported by three other countries, Israel, Micronesia, and Nauru, which, because guano, its main natural resource, has been strip-mined out of existence, qualifies it as the world’s paradigmatic shit-hole country. Nihilism has led to self-destruction, which allows us to see that America’s “thoughtless and unqualified commitment to Israel is a suicidal symptom,” that has turned the United States into the land of mass shootings, fentanyl zombies, zero religion, and denial of reality, where “the primary impulse is a need for violence.” Todd adds the opioid crisis to the list without telling us, of course, that that was another Jewish project run by the Sackler family.
By the end of his book Todd becomes the classic example of an acute critical intelligence sabotaging itself by its failure to identify the enemy. As Sun Tzu said, if you do not know who you are, and you cannot identify the enemy, you will lose every battle. More importantly, Todd doesn’t know that his own identity and the identity of his enemy are one and the same. The French say Cherchez la femme because they feel that any mystery can be solved by finding the woman behind it. We could modify that famous phrase and say, in the light of Todd’s revelations, Cherchez le juif (seek for the Jew behind it). But America gained its own insight into the hidden grammar behind Todd’s expose of the Zero State when Pogo famously said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”
So where does that leave us? A German reader gives some indication when he writes:
“A question came to me to help me understand this better: You are talking about the evaporation of Protestantism.
At the same time, the ‘hidden grammar’ of Puritanism is Satanism – from the beginning. How then should we interpret America’s initial strength and productivity? In your opinion, is this ‘the overhang’ of the Catholic, the fruits of what actually comes from the Catholic spirit and is now simply robbed and harvested until there is nothing left?
So do you mean that there was never actually ‘real’ productivity in the WASP Elite, but rather just a stolen one? So that the idea of a ‘return’ to the WASP Elite is completely unthinkable? Because it was built on Satanism from the start?
Maybe in our next conversation when you get back.”
The best way to understand the term “evaporate” (the Protestant spirit evaporated) would be to intensify its meaning by replacing it with the related term “distillation.” Distillation is an accelerated form of evaporation of the sort we have seen as the Empire plunged toward its end toward the middle of the 21st century. Protestantism is nothing more than the etiolated Catholicism which resulted from the theft of the Bible which took place under the rubric of “sola scriptura” at the time of the Reformation combined with the Satanic spirit of rebellion which transformed Protestantism into an economic system known as capitalism. Over the course of five centuries, as that evaporation intensified into distillation, the Catholic legacy burned off leaving only the Satanic gist of rebellion behind. Perry Miller rightly points out that Ralph Waldo Emerson embodied both aspects equally. He lived the bourgeois life of a married man, patting little Rose Hawthorne on the head and giving her candy while on visits to her father Nathaniel, while at the same time espousing an essentially Satanic philosophy in his writings and especially in Self-Reliance.
Why then was America so spectacularly successful economically if Protestantism was its hidden grammar? The answer is simple enough. America became wealthy because of abundant natural resources and an unprecedented ability to mobilize labor, symbolized best by Henry Ford’s assembly line. Calvinism, as the first manifestation of the protestantische Geist in America, hindered the growth of wealth because Calvin, unlike Luther, allowed usury and because of that the eventual judification of America which took place after World War II. Capitalism, as Heinrich Pesch, reminded us, is state-sponsored usury combined with the systematic appropriation of all surplus value. Toleration of usury created a debt load which forced manufacturing, especially after the creation of the Federal Reserve system, to drive down wages in a futile attempt to keep up with the predations of compound interest.
Once we have a clear idea of the problem, the way out of this mess becomes clear. We must eliminate usury from the economy. We need to appropriate and redistribute wealth accumulated by usury. We should eliminate the funding of all political campaigns as well as political advertising, and, most importantly, we should deny Jews the rights of U.S. citizenship, something which no country in Europe granted them before Napoleon emancipated the Jews at the beginning of the 19th century. The Biden Administration has shown clearly what is going on when Jews take over our government. As long as that occurs, we will have foreign wars, largely in support of Israel, and crushing debt. A first step in this direction would be a ban on anyone holding dual citizenship from any political office. Jonathan Pollard stated plainly after Donald Trump pardoned him that the Jew has a duty to betray any country which grants him citizenship. Again, Sun Tzu said that if you don’t know who you are and you can’t identify the enemy, you will lose every battle. Unlike Pogo, we can say that we have met the enemy and he is not us, because we are Americans and they are rootless supporters of the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.
Author: E. Michael Jones
April 18, 2024