CUI BONO? Who gains from Istanbul 2017 New Year’s Eve attack and Ankara assassin?

Hint: It isn’t the patsies

By Kevin Barrett

Terrorism is a tactic, not a strategy.
And though I never went to West Point, I’m pretty sure our premier military academies agree with that statement.
The mainstream media and other dupes of the real terrorists pretend terrorism (targeting civilians to incite fear) is a strategy, if not an end it itself. “Those evil terrorists just do it because … well, they hate our freedoms!” Thanks to the mainstream liars and idiots, the word “terrorist” now connotes fanatics who engage in random acts of senseless brutality just for the hell of it. They have persuaded most of the public to view a military tactic, one of the most powerful pieces on the chess board, as mindless emotional self-expression by demonized fanatical misfits.

But the truth is that almost all terrorism is tactical, deployed by more-or-less state-sponsored military professionals to achieve strategic ends. So if you want to know who is really behind the latest terrorist outrage, always start with the question cui bono, “who gains?”.

Take 2017 New Year’s Eve massacre in Istanbul. It had all the usual earmarks of a mindless slaughter by the proverbial “radical Islamists”. Therefore, if we want to know who really did it, we must ask ourselves: “Who has the means, motive and opportunity to commit such an act; and specifically, who would have a good reason to view such an act, attributed to the usual ‘radical Islamists’, as strategically useful?”

There are many real Islamist groups in Turkey – I have personally met with some of their leaders and members – and virtually all of them are committed to re-establishing the central place of Islam in Turkish society by peaceful and democratic means. The AKP party falls into that category. So did the Gulen movement, at least until it got involved in a foreign-sponsored coup attempt against Erdogan. The many dozens of other Islamic movements in Turkey are essentially more or less on the same wavelength. And whatever may be the differences in viewpoint between and within these groups, none of them are stupid enough to think that terrorist massacres blamed on Islamists are (a) acceptable under Islam, and/or (b) beneficial to Islamism in Turkey or anywhere else.

But wait a minute… isn’t Erdogan, a very savvy (some would say slimy) politician, capable of engineering a false flag that would give him more emergency powers to crack down on his opposition? That, of course, is one interpretation of the Gulen coup attempt. I disagree with that interpretation – all signs point to a real attempted coup that came within a few minutes of killing Erdogan – but even admitting that Erdogan might be willing to massacre large numbers of Turkish civilians to cement his rule, which I have no reason to believe is the case, the 2017 New Year’s Eve massacre in Istanbul does not help Erdogan at all. He already has all the emergency powers he needs; and if he were going to demonize anybody, it would be the PKK, not “Islamists”.

Terrorism in Turkey has reached the point of destabilizing Turkish society and discrediting its leaders. So it works against Erdogan, not for him… especially when it is blamed on “Islamists” targeting a “secularist” New Year’s Eve celebration. Erdogan, after all, represents the triumph of the democratic Islamists over the fascist, coup-loving, NATO-and-Israel front men Kemalist secularists.

The 2017 New Year’s Eve attack was obviously designed to frame “Islamists” as the bad guys. Not only was the “secularist” target selected specifically to reinforce that narrative, with the terrorists screaming the obligatory “Allahu akbar” but pre-attack publicity also contributed to framing the good-guys-bad-guys narrative.

Turkish “Islamist” newspapers warning “don’t celebrate the New Year”

As The Guardian reported on January 1, 2017: “Some of the marginal newspapers with a very conservative following like Akit and Milli Gazete published front page features on NYE celebrations. In Milli the headline was: ‘This is the last warning, don’t celebrate’.
In Akit, the front page said ‘Down with your civilisation’, with pictures side by side of people in Syria and people partying.
An influential CHP deputy from Istanbul, Gursel Tekin, said at the hospital: ‘In the coming days we should be talking about this – in the last week there were so many messages which can damage our social peace but none of these messages were investigated. Those responsible should resign’.”

This “predictive programming” was obviously designed to steer public opinion towards blaming “Islamists” and triggering popular outrage against them, and against Erdogan and his ruling party (“those responsible”).
This reverse-psychology-based “predictive programming” is reminiscent of the “right-wing” anti-JFK propaganda that sprouted all over Dallas shortly before the assassination.

“Weissman”… Hmmm… Funny name for a right-wing Texas redneck. A friend of “Rubenstein”?
The Zionist mob that killed JFK, led by David Ben-Gurion, his Lansky-mob associates, and their assets in the CIA starting with Israeli mole James Jesus Angleton, set up “angry Cubans” and more pertinently “right-wing American patriots” as the most obvious suspects to anyone who didn’t buy the ridiculous official “Oswald acted alone” myth. That was the purpose of the above-pictured ads. (Seriously, folks… if right-wing patriot types were going to kill the president, would they have advertised it this way?)

Likewise, whoever was behind the Istanbul nightclub attack saw to it that these “marginal Islamist newspapers” would publish stories that could be interpreted as threats against New Year’s Eve partiers. The purpose, obviously, was to frame “Islamists” as the bad guys and discredit Erdogan.

So who might want to do that?
My guess is that one purpose of the attack was to punish Erdogan and Turkey for breaking ranks with NATO and pushing through the recent Syria peace initiative with Russia and Iran. The neocon-Zionist-hardliner wing of NATO has been furious with Erdogan since he went off the reservation on Syria; that’s why they used the Gladio network, and its CIA-Mossad asset Fethullah Gulen, to try to overthrow Erdogan in the failed coup attempt.

The 2017 New Year’s Eve terror attack happened just 48 hours after the U.N. backed the Russia-Iran-Turkey peace initiative. Obviously NATO was unhappy that it was side-lined; and even unhappier that it has lost the war. Blaming and punishing Turkey, the NATO member that deserted the coalition and went over to the side of the enemy, would be a natural response. Additionally, these NATO forces have every reason to keep trying to overthrow Erdogan, both to set an example to others who might be tempted to buck NATO discipline, and to replace the Turkish President with someone who would more reliably follow orders.

And then there are the Zionists, the world’s most hyperactive and deceptive terrorists, whose strategic goal is to smash the Middle East into little pieces so Israel can continue its genocidal expansion. The Zionist 9/11 coup triggered an acceleration of the Oded Yinon plan to annihilate and balkanize “seven countries in five years” (all of which were problems for Israel). But Erdogan should remember that just because Turkey wasn’t on that list doesn’t mean the Zionists aren’t planning to “Oded Yinon” Turkey, too. The Zionist-NATO war on Syria was designed to lure Erdogan into a disastrous compliance with the aggressors, setting the stage for the balkanization of Turkey, starting with a breakoff of the Kurdish regions. Massive terrorism is being used to destabilize Turkey in service to this end, and the Zionists are ultimately behind most if not all of it, whether or not it’s mediated by their NATO proxies.

I predict that the Zionist-dominated NATO-backed forces of Gladio B will wage open war on Turkey in hopes of destabilizing and destroying it, just as they have done with Syria. And with Bibi’s organized crime puppet Trump in office, they will have an even easier time getting away with it.

CNN sympathizes with Ankara assassin

Mainstream media tell part of the truth and hide the rest. But the hidden part sometimes slips out between the lines.
Such is the case with CNN’s initial report on the murder of Russian Ambassador Andrey Karlov in Ankara, Turkey. Let’s break down the first three paragraphs:
“A police officer assassinated Russia’s ambassador to Turkey at an art exhibition in Ankara on Monday (December 19, 2016), officials said. The gunman shouted ‘Do not forget Aleppo!’ as he opened fire.
The shooting of Ambassador Andrey Karlov was captured on video. Russia’s foreign ministry described it as a ‘terror attack’.
Russia has been instrumental in helping Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in its push to retake the eastern sector of Aleppo, which had been held by rebels for nearly four years.”

If an American or Israeli ambassador were gunned down at an art opening somewhere, anywhere, CNN wouldn’t write it up this way. “A police officer assassinated Russia’s ambassador” would probably be rephrased as “A terrorist assassinated America’s (Israel’s) ambassador.” Instead of “the gunman shouted, do not forget Allepo!” it would be “the jihadi terrorist shouted ‘Allahu akbar!’ ”.

CNN and the rest of the mainstream media have been crying oceans of crocodile tears for the suffering people of Aleppo. By choosing to quote the gunman as shouting “do not forget Aleppo” when in fact he also shouted “Allahu akbar”, CNN is casting the “gunman” (not “the terrorist”) in a relatively sympathetic light.

CNN then disapprovingly puts the pejorative label “terrorist” in the mouth of “Russia’s foreign ministry”, an entity that the mainstream media has been relentlessly bashing. The terrorist’s motive – avenging Aleppo, which the MSM has been mythologizing as another Guernica or Sarajevo – is spelled out in remarkably non-judgmental terms.

Why would CNN be giving the assassin of a diplomat such sympathetic coverage? Could America’s biggest news network be in bed with the terrorists? Of course it could.
Terror events are staged for one reason and one reason only: To garner media coverage. The only folks who can be absolutely sure that a terror event will get the kind of coverage they want are the people who run the mainstream media. So all really big terror events – the ones that make a massive media splash – should be assumed to have been perpetrated by the same forces that dominate the MSM.

As I wrote in my edited book Orlando False Flag: “Meanwhile in Europe, the other principle bastion of what passes for Western civilization, back-to-back anti-Islam false flags in Nice, France and Munich, Germany were both recorded and propagandized by the same Israeli-Mossad-linked photographer. Richard Gutjahr, a cameraman whose wife Einat Wilf is a leading Israeli operator, was pre-positioned on a balcony in Nice to film the beginning of the July 14, 2016 truck attack. Gutjahr’s iconic footage was heavily promoted in the global media; no mainstream journalists bothered to ask why Gutjahr happened to be on that balcony and for no discernible reason began to film what must have appeared to be an ordinary truck before it had begun to mow people down.

Then on July 22, Gutjahr was apparently once again in the right place at the right time, photographing the Munich, Germany shopping mall shooting and posting the images to his Twitter account – then taking down the images, which simultaneously disappeared from a Russia Today report, just minutes after being exposed in a Veterans Today article by this author.

Gutjahr’s wife Einat Wilf is a former Israeli Intelligence Officer in Unit 8200 who served as foreign policy advisor to Shimon Peres. She is a strategic consultant to MacKenzie and Co. in New York, and a general partner in Core Venture Capital in Israel. In 2007 she ran for the presidency of the World Jewish Congress. The claim that such a person’s spouse’s apparent foreknowledge of two back-to-back terror attacks can be accounted for by coincidence would boggle the mind of the craziest coincidence theorist.

Gutjahr is hardly the only apparent Israeli agent pre-positioned to crank out anti-Islam propaganda in the wake of spectacular terror events. On September 11th, 2001, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, who had stepped down in March 2001 and come to America ‘to oversee the terror attacks of 9/11’ in the words of journalist Christopher Bollyn, was in the BBC studios in London just minutes after news of the airliner crashes broke, purveying what became the official story and calling for US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Like Gutjahr on the balcony in Nice, Barak can hardly have found himself in the BBC studios at that moment, fully prepared with the official conspiracy theory and details about upcoming wars, by coincidence.”

CNN was seized by the usual Zio/NATO suspects (specifically, Time-Warner) from the last major independent-minded goy in MSM, Ted Turner, in 1996. No question about whose interests they represent.
So why would Israel and its US/NATO assets want to kill the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, and then shower media sympathy on the assassin?

All-too-obvious answer (already offered by Putin and seconded by Erdogan): They’re trying to torpedo the Russian-Turkish-Iranian peace process, from which the Zionist-dominated warmongering West has been excluded. It’s a last-ditch effort to prevent peace from breaking out in Syria.

Unlike some of my colleagues, I would not be too quick to pin the blame on Erdogan. While it’s always possible that the Turkish President let a Gulenist (FETO) stooge do the dirty deed as a false flag pretext to crack down even further on that outlawed movement, it’s even more likely that the Gulenists themselves, catspaws of the Zio-NATO Gladio network, did it to punish Erdogan and blow up Ankara’s thaw with Moscow and Tehran.

The overriding Zio-NATO strategic imperative is to prevent all forms of rapprochement between the major Eurasian continental powers. Russia, Turkey and Iran banding together and helping Syria solve its problems – now that is the ultimate Rimland geostrategist’s nightmare. And it’s an even nastier nightmare for the hard-line Zionists, who will pull out all the stops before they allow peace and stability to break out in the Middle East.

The takeaway: CNN can help you figure out what’s really going on in the world. You just need to deconstruct their spin, follow the money, and ask the perpetual million-dollar-question: Cui bono? Who benefits?


November 25, 2018

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