Dark Forces Hierarchy and Control Tactics

The Cabal is a general term for any and all of the Dark Force
hierarchy, either separately or all together. Still there are a few levels of separation, and
people can learn the subtle differences of ‘Darkness’ and how they have controlled

Knowledge is power.

Many people are waking up and are not aware of the lower level
Cabal members who are responsible for evil programs working within a subtle series of groups
like the Illuminati, Freemasons, CFR, (inaudible), RAND, IMF, World Bank, World Health
Organization, the Committee of 300, multi-national corporations.

And, of course, the American political octopus of the DOJ, the
NSA, the CIA, the CDC, Department of Justice, Department of State, and even the Atmospheric and
Engineering is having deep secrets with all of the chemical spraying.

However, most of the population is not aware that these Earth
organizations are controlled by hostile, renegade ET groups, Omegans, Reptilians, Greys,
insectoids, Tall Whites, and others.

Question: This inter-dimensional war that
is totally raging at this time. Will the population ever get a clear history of the
Earth’s dilemma on a mass scale or before the Event? Or will all this info come after the

People are getting snippets of this and snippets of that,
but it’s not being released in one fell swoop because there’s so many groups. Can
you tell us about that? So many people want to know who’s who and what’s going

Cobra: Okay, first I’ll explain
what’s going on. And you have just explained the basic structure of the Illuminati. I
would say the basic structure. But there are people, there are beings, there are structures
behind the scenes that are controlling the Illuminati and all those structures that you have
just mentioned.

The first player is the Jesuits, and I think most people are
not aware of the real power and the real scope of the Jesuits reach and they are basically
controlling. They are the ones that are controlling the so-called Khazarian Mafia. They are the
ones that are controlling all those organizations.

And behind the Jesuits you have the Archon families. They are
old lineages that came from the Andromeda galaxy a long time ago and have been incarnating in
certain select families mainly in Europe. And they are the ones controlling the Jesuits which
are controlling the Illuminati. And behind them are inter-dimensional ET entities and the
Chimera group.

Regarding the Reptilians, the Draco, that you have just
mentioned, most of those have been cleared out and they are not having as much influence on the
planetary situation anymore. And this is just to give you a little explanation of what’s
going on.

Some of the ways Humans are Controlled:

In your blogpost from November 28th, 2013, you mentioned the
“Currently the Jesuits are the main operational task
force for the Archons to maintain the quarantine status for planet Earth. Their previous
superior general Hans Peter Kolvenbach is instrumental in keeping the fear vibration among
humanity on the surface of the planet.”

Question: It has been reported in the
news that Kolvenbach died on November 26th, 2016, in Beirut. According to your sources is he
actually dead? If he is dead, what does that mean for disclosures and justice in regards to 9/11
and 3/11 attacks?

Cobra: It means that one of the major
perpetrators of this have died or shall I say have been removed from the planet but he was not
the only one and he is not the only one who was preventing the truth about this to come out.
There was actually a whole group and this group has not been removed yet. But each of them that
has been removed does make the situation easier and this is one of the reasons why we have so
many releases about various topics that were not happening before.

Question: David Icke had stated that the
Queen of Great Britain and most of the kings of Europe, as well as some US presidents, are all
related to one reptilian bloodline. How about the Russian Tsars, were they related to the royal
line of the reptilians too?

Cobra: Many of them yes.

Question: Excellent. God, it’s so
exciting. You had talked a little bit about the removal of the cabal needs to happen first
before, this event takes place correct?

Cobra: Yes, actually the removal of the cabal
happens at the event.

Question: At the time of the event?

Cobra: Yes. 


January 28, 2020


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