Engineered Chaos And Fear – the New Norm In America As Many Assume The Reality Of Staged Events
There is a new norm in America that is one of chaos, race wars and mass shootings that are supposedly all “real”… unless of course you can provide a mountain of evidence to debunk the official mainstream media narrative, police announcements or whatever “intelligence sources” are “saying”.
This new norm is even being contributed to by many alternative media sources in the interest of being “correct” and authentic about what they are saying. This major logical fallacy of “assumed truth” and how it contributes to core government deception has been discussed in this article about How Small Lies Obscure Objective Truth and Simplicity. Notice how more than ever we are being asked to accept core narratives presented by mainstream media as truth until and only until you, the independent thinker, can mount up enough “proof” to debunk it.
This single fallacy is one of the greatest obstruction to truth and one of the greatest psyop tools being used to sell every single staged shooting event we are now seeing in the news every day. This fallacy is allowing the transition of America from what was a country of law and order to one of chaos, fear and daily psychological operations being played on the general public. The younger (millennials) generation may find the following unimaginable based on the world we currently live in today, but – believe it or not – there was a time in America where people could plan a future. There was a time when there was actually a sense of normality all around us and there was a sense of justice and accountability at the government level even if it was mostly the perception of it.
Once upon a time people had a (sense of a) personal private life that was distinguishable from their public life. There was even a time when you could comfortably plan on traveling pretty much anywhere in the world especially in the United States for business or pleasure without having to deal with the prospect of “terrorism” or another psyop mass shooting, terror truck drivers, snipers or lockdowns.
You also didn’t have to worry about a violent police state, check points, surveillance cameras, killer robots, government spying and 24/7 fear, death and destruction being put out by the mainstream media news. There was a sense of order, in other words, that many of us still remember and we remember exactly what it felt like.
Obviously you can’t miss something or yearn for the days you’ve never experienced. This disconnection that the younger generation has to what some may refer to as “the good old days” is important in the grand scheme of things because this chaos is all they know and it is a grand example of learned helplessness. For the first time in modern American history, there is a generation that doesn’t know what order, calmness and peace looks like. They have no idea what it’s like to not be at war or even to be in a war that has realistic scenarios for a possible ending date.
And now, with the ruling elite moving as fast as ever to get their new world order done, we are seeing a brand new level of chaos and fear slowly becoming the new norm that particularly the millennials are being led to believe is inevitable and the new unavoidable reality. Many people would agree the term “in your face” is a good way to describe the nature of the Western cabal’s world order that is being pushed on us all, both in the US and around the world. Everyone is feeling it… and witnessing it with their own eyes.
We are all watching a global government attempt to give birth and many of us are doing everything we can to stop this process by sharing information. Events are unfolding faster than ever before. Meanwhile across the other side of the world Russian President Vladimir Putin is making one urgent speech after another, warning of the reality that is soon becoming an “irreversible” path to “nuclear war” due to NATO-US relentless aggression and taunting. The chaos once almost exclusively limited to the Middle East that we’ve become so accustomed to watching on TV is slowly but surely carrying over to the United States one psyop Gladio B staged event at a time. No longer is chaos something happening thousands of miles away.
It’s happening in America and in Europe as well, and notice we keep saying “chaos” because unlike operation Gladio, which occurred throughout Europe mostly from 1960-1990, the current so called Operation Gladio B (that some have been calling for years Northwood II) is much more sophisticated. Gladio B, unlike Gladio (A) is being conducted in an era of mass psychological terror and deception made possible by technology, legalized propaganda, fake terror groups like ISIS and a clear end-game scenario where the ruling elite know that faking an “attack” has the same effect as conducting an actual Gladio style attack.
In other words, few are considering Gladio B in a post Jade Helm (extensive military drills that took place in US in 2015 – editor’s note) highly technological AI era and considering that it is a much more sophisticated operation being used this time around. The speed at which they are now orchestrating events itself presents a challenge for truth seekers and alternative media, who now have to deal with issues such as:
– “How many false flags and staged events can we cover at the same time?”;
– “How do we convince those still unaware that one event after another is staged?”;
– “How do we convince others that everything they are seeing and hearing on TV is a lie?”;
– “Since I don’t want to be wrong about claims surrounding an event, perhaps I’ll stay quiet on this or that event”.
This all may sound crazy but unfortunately it’s the reality we are now living in due to the speed at which the ruling elite are imposing their evil on humanity. For the first time in American history, the ongoing series of staged events and psyop shootings and psychological terror attacks designed to disrupt everyone’s lives and instill fear and disarray are now happening almost every day.
The psyop campaign included the supposed shooting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The “story” of this psyop shooting is one where the number of cops killed changed many times throughout the day on Sunday, July 17, 2016, from 3 back to 2, and then 3, then 2 again, and so on. The media continued to run the same irrelevant fuzzy footage and this time there were no sloppy Orlando style crisis actors to tell the story and be caught in obvious contradictions and lies.
And curiously, one of the Police head figures held a press conference on that Sunday (7/17/16) where he was almost reading from the exact same script as Lt. Paul Vance following the Sandy Hook psyop staged event, warning everyone to not consider anything about this event to be true and factual, unless he himself or one of his minions at the Baton Rouge police department confirms it to be true. This is a classic example of controlling of the information Sandy Hook style, but this is not what this article is about.
With the US rogue government now wildly slapping together one staged psyop event after another to keep the attention of the masses away from terrorist and career criminal Hillary Clinton as she got away with unspeakable crimes in her attempt to become President, we can all see that the rule of law is out and the oligarchs that they (the satanic elite ruling the planet from the shadow) want to put into power (namely the Clintons) are clearly well above the law. That is the kind of news they don’t want you to hear and it is another reason for the chaos and fear they are spreading.
This chaos and fear we are immersed in marks the end of America as everyone awaits the next “event” to quickly be followed by the next one and so on. All along, few are realizing that State sponsored terrorism now comes in multiple forms potentially mixing various realities: false flag Gladio B operations executed by operatives, provocateurs and „patsies”, all-out staged psychological terrorism fake events and possibly mixed events.
All of these events, however, have many markings of a planned event in one way or another and they are all missing the organic spontaneous reality we would expect in a real scenario.
Layering the psyops and conditioned behavior
To make up for the missing reality, we are getting detailed crisis actor accounts, police conferences claiming to be the only true source of information (think Lt Paul Vance and the Baton Rouge psyop shooting), virtual reality recreations of the scene (Orlando), songs written about the players involved (Sandy Hook), highly distorted video footage (Nice, France truck attack, Paris attacks), movies about the event, presidential speeches and on and on.
To add to all of this, we are dealing with a pack of “new speak” terms such as “active shooter”, “active shooter drills”, “mass shooting”, “lone wolf”, “domestic terror”, “sources say…”, “manifestos”, “lockdown”, even phrases like “ISIS-inspired” and on and on. All of these terms are part of the psyop which is contributing to the chaos, confusion, lies and fear.
To add to the ongoing chaotic psyop events, we’re now conditioned to expect presidential speeches following every psyop shooting event. We’ve also been conditioned to have presidential candidates chime in on false flag events as if to authenticate the reality of the event to their many supporters.
Of deep concern is the appearance that much of the alternative media is now quickly buying into the reality of these staged events even after seeing how fake Sandy Hook, Boston bombing, Virginia television reporter shooting, Charleston, Orlando and other events were. This is perhaps the most disturbing development.
In order to stop the chaos, ask yourself: can you truly handle the reality if it turns out that all of it is staged? Can you wrap this around your head? If you cannot, then you are already primed to be fooled.
Also let’s stop with the all-or-nothing fallacy which assumes that if anyone actually dies then the event is “real”, or that if someone claims that “no one died” and you think someone did die, then the person claiming that no one died is wrong about everything.
Realize that everything is being staged, that they (the satanic elite ruling the planet from the shadow) are potentially mixing the events deliberately to confuse truth seekers. The Orlando event alone had multiple segments that screamed “please expose this fakery” as if they wanted you to see the fakery.
Most importantly, realize that all of these shooting events have a political motive and are all planned by the state in various ways (mind controlled shooters, provocateurs, crisis actors, paid patsies and more) even ways we can’t imagine.
Stop believing these events are so “real” and stop falling for the lies that those who control the information are telling you. In the times we live in, there is no reason to believe that any of these events have any reality to them until you see the easily verifiable evidence without any secrecy.
Stop thinking the event is not staged because you saw a doctor or a police officer or a soccer mom stating the reality of the event on TV. If that is all it takes to fool you, then you are in trouble. It’s time to see the bigger picture before it’s too late and stop the madness they are driving America and the world into as all forms of perceived security, order and calmness is slowly eroding before our very eyes. Again, realize that this mass chaos is by design.
As George W. Bush said, the goal is to bring “order out of chaos”. Let’s make sure that the “order” that comes from this current chaos is true order that will expel from power all those who have committed unspeakable crimes (Bushes, Obamas and Clintons) and remove these terrorists from our lives for good.
Without question these criminals deserve nothing short of the life in prison. Someday soon, America and the world will have to confront this reality and the longer it takes us to realize this, the worse everyone else will be. Evil must be punished and the time to awaken from the chaotic spell they are creating is now, before it’s too late. Stop trying to hold on to their reality, and become your own news gathering organization. Then collect fully verifiable facts for yourself and see where that rabbit hole leads you.
When you truly practice this, you will find that these events you’ve been assuming are genuine are very far from being proven real. You will then finally realize this “assumed reality” we speak of. Many of you do know what we’re speaking of and it is up to you also to help spread this information.
March 2, 2018
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