ESSENTIAL READING: Pawns In The Game by William Guy Carr (6)

Read the fifth part of the article

The term Aryan actually denotes the lingual groups otherwise known as Indo-European or Indo-Germanic. It comprises two groups. The Western or European, and the Eastern or Armenian. The Aryan languages show a common origin by their vocabulary, system, and inflections. Actually the word Aryan means “An honourable Lord of the Soil”. Thus it is that most leaders of the Aryan group in Europe were Landed Barons who maintained strong armed forces to protect their properties. From amongst these Barons came the Aryan War Lords. They in turn organized Nazism, and used Fascism, and all anti-Semitic groups right of centre to serve their purpose, and further their secret plans for world domination.

The Chief Divisions of the Aryan groups are the Teutonic, the Romanic, and the Slavic races, who settled in Western Europe. The Turks, the Magyars, the Basques, and the Finns are non-Aryan races. The common ancestors of the Aryan groups dwelt among the Pamirs at a period of remote antiquity.
On the other hand the Semitic groups are actually divided into two sections. One includes the Assyrian, the Aramaean, the Hebrew and Phoenician groups. The other section includes the Arabic and Ethiopian groups. The Arabic is the most copious group, and the Aramaean the poorest. The Hebrews occupy an intermediary position.

Today the term Jew is used very loosely to define people who have at one time or another embraced the Jewish Faith. Many of these are not actually Semitic in racial origin. A great number of people who accepted the Jewish Faith are descendants of the Herodians who were Idumeans of Turkish-Mongol blood. They are actually Edomites. The important fact to remember is that among the Jewish leaders, in exactly the same way as among the Aryan leaders, there always has been a small, hard core of men who have been, and still are, Illuminists or Atheists. They may have given lip-service to the Jewish or Christian religions to suit their own purpose, but they never believed in the existence of God. They are Internationalists now. They give allegiance to no particular nation although they have used, on occasion, nationalism to further their causes. Their only concern is to gain greater economic and political power. The ultimate objective of the leaders of both groups is identical. They are determined to win, for themselves, undisputed control of the wealth, natural resources, and man-power of the entire world. They intend to turn the world into THEIR conception of a Totalitarian-Godless Dictatorship.

The Non-Semitic and Turk-Finnish races infiltrated into Europe from Asia about the first century after the advent of Christ. They took the land route North of the Caspian Sea. These peoples are referred to in history as Khazars. They were a pagan people. They settled in Eastern Europe and established the powerful Khazar Kingdom. They expanded their domains by military conquests until, by the end of the 8th Century, they occupied the greater portion of Eastern Europe west of the Ural Mountains, and North of the Black Sea. The Khazars ultimately accepted Judaism as their religion in preference to Christianity or Mohammedanism. Synagogues, and schools for teaching Judaism, were built throughout their Kingdom. At the peak of their power the Khazars were collecting tribute from twenty-five conquered peoples.

The Great Khazar Kingdom flourished for almost five hundred years. Then, towards the end of the 10th century, the Khazars were defeated in battle by the Varangians (Russians) who swept down upon them from the North. The conquest of the Khazars was completed by the end of the 13th Century. The revolutionary movement inspired by the Khazar-Jews went on within the Russian Empire from the 13th Century until the Red October Revolution of 1917. The conquest of the Khazars in the 13th century explains how so many people, now commonly referred to as Jews, remained within the Russian Empire.

There is one other important fact which sheds light on the subject of Aryanism and Semitism. The Finns, and other groups generally classified as Varangians (Russians), were of non-Aryan origin and the German people generally speaking have treated them as enemies.

One act of Christ has a great deal of importance in the study of the World Revolutionary Movement. Christ was considered by many a radical who based his reform movement on the worship of Almighty God, obedience to constituted authority, and love of one’s neighbours. The story of the life of Christ shows that he loved ALL people, however he was harsh to one particular group. He was very firm to the money-lenders with an intensity that seems strange in a man of so mild a character. Jesus repeatedly admonished the money-lenders for their practice of usury. He publicly denounced them as worshippers of Mammon. He said they were of the Synagogue of Satan. (Rev. 2:9). He emphatically expressed His firmness towards the money-lenders when he took a whip and drove them out of the Temple. He admonished them in these words: “This Temple was built as the house of God … But you have turned it into a den of thieves.” By performing this act of scattering the money-lenders, Christ “signed” his own death warrant.

It was the Illuminati, and the false priests and elders in their pay, who hatched the plot by which Christ would be executed by the Roman soldiers. It was they who supplied the thirty pieces of silver used to bribe Judas. It was they who used their propagandists to misinform, and mislead the Mob. It was the agents of the Illuminati who led the Mob when they accepted Barabbas and screamed that Christ be crucified. IT WAS THE ILLUMINATI WHO ARRANGED MATTERS SO THAT THE ROMAN SOLDIERS ACTED AS THEIR EXECUTIONERS. Then, after the foul deed had been done, and they had had their revenge, the conspirators stepped into the background and let their guilt rest on the masses of the Jews and their children. History proves they had a fiendish reason for putting the guilt for the death of Christ on the Jewish people. History proves that they intended to use the hate engendered amongst the Jewish people as the result of persecution, to serve their vile purposes, and further their secret totalitarian ambitions. Christ knew all these things. He made his knowledge known in the most dramatic manner possible. As he hung dying on the Cross he prayed to His Heavenly Father and He said: “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. He was asking forgiveness for the men who had been USED by the Illuminati to be the INSTRUMENT of their revenge. History proves the International Money-Lenders have been using the Mob to further their secret ambitions ever since. In the Lenin Institute in Moscow the professors who lecture to aspiring revolutionary leaders from all over the world invariably refer to the Masses as ‘The Mob’. The Illuminati direct all evil forces.

Study of the World Revolutionary Movement (W.R.M.), from the time of Christ to the present day, proves that it is unjust to blame the whole Jewish Race for the crimes committed against humanity by a small group of false priests and money-lenders. These men always have been, and still are, The Secret Power behind Internationalism. They use Communism today as their manual of action to further their secret pans for ultimate world domination.

Study of history will prove that it is equally unjust to blame the whole German and Italian people for the crimes against humanity committed by the small group of Aryan War Lords who organized Nazism, in the hope that they could defeat International Communism and Political Zionism and give them world domination by military conquest. History proves clearly that the leaders of the two opposing groups have divided the masses of the people regardless of race, colour, or creed, into two opposing camps and then used them all as pawns in the game of International Chess. They play to decide which group will ultimately defeat the other and establish, once and for all, undisputed control over the world, its wealth, its natural resources, its man-power, and its religion. It must be remembered that as the purpose of the Devil is to win men’s souls away from God, Satan uses both “Red” Communism and “Black” Nazism to influence the minds of men so that they will embrace EITHER Atheistic ideology. Those who accept EITHER Atheistic ideology sell their souls to the Devil.

Historical events prove the continuity of the evil purpose of the Illuminati. Many theologians agree that this perfect continuity of their Long Range Plans is positive evidence that they are, as Christ named them, “Of the Synagogue of Satan”. Theologians base their opinion on the theory that nothing human could have such a continuing record of evil down through the ages of time. The continuity of evil is the exact opposite of the Apostolic succession of the Roman Catholic Church. In this, as in many other things, we are forcibly reminded of the actual power of the super-natural forces to influence our individual lives, national policy, and international affairs. Arguments of this kind regarding evil minded Jews are equally applicable to evil minded Aryans, and evil minded men of all races, colour and creeds.

History proves that Seneca (4 B.C. to 65 A.D.) died because he, like Christ, tried to expose the corrupt practices and evil influence of the money-lenders who had infiltrated into the Roman Empire. Seneca was a famous Roman philosopher. He was chosen tutor to Nero who became Emperor of Rome. For a long time Seneca was Nero’s best friend, and most trusted advisor. Nero married Popaea who brought him under the evil influence of the money-lenders. Nero became one of the most infamous rulers the world has ever known. His licentious conduct, and depraved habits, developed in him a character so base that he lived only to persecute and destroy everything that was good. His acts of revenge took the form of atrocities usually committed in public upon the victims of his wrath. Seneca lost his influence over Nero but he never stopped publicly denouncing the money-lenders for their evil influence and corrupt practices. Finally the money-lenders demanded that Nero take action against Seneca who was very popular with the people. So as not to arouse the wrath of the people against himself, and the money-lenders. Nero ordered Seneca to end his own life. Too bad evil Empire Rome was an empire of the money power, the same international money power which later resurrected it as the British Empire.

This is the first recorded case in which the money-lenders made a person commit suicide because he had become troublesome to them, but it was by no means the last. History records dozens of similar suicides, and murders which were made to appear as accidents or suicides.

One of the most notorious in recent years was that of James V. Forrestal. In 1945 Forrestal had been convinced that the American Bankers were closely affiliated with the International Bankers who controlled the Banks of England, France and other countries. He was also convinced, according to his diaries, that the International Money-Barons were the Illuminati and directly responsible for the outbreak of World Wars One and Two. He tried to convince President Roosevelt, and other Top Level Government officials, of the truth. Either he failed, and committed suicide in a fit of depression, or he was murdered to shut his mouth for ever. Murder, made to appear like suicide, has been accepted policy in the top levels of international intrigue for many centuries.

Justinian I, (Flavius Anicius Justianiamus 483-565 A.D.) wrote his famous book of law Corpus Juris Civilis. He tried to put an end to the illegal methods of traffic and trade indulged in by certain Jewish merchants. By engaging in illegal trade, and wholesale smuggling, the Jewish merchants, who were only agents of the Illuminati, obtained unfair advantage over their Gentile competitors. They put them out of business. The book of law, written by Justinian, was accepted as the text book of law right down to the 10th Century. Even today it is considered the most important of all documents of jurisprudence. But the money-lenders were able to offset the good Justinian tried to do. Funk & Wagnall’s Jewish Encyclopaedia has this to say about the Jews in those days: “They enjoyed full religious liberty… Minor offices were open to them. The trade in slaves constituted the main source of livelihood for the Roman Jews, and decrees against this traffic were issued in 335, 336, 339, 384 A.D., etc.”

There is the story in black and white. But history reveals that the Jewish merchants, and money-lenders, did not confine their illegal activities to the slave trade. It is recorded that they engaged in every form of illegal traffic including the drug trade, prostitution, wholesale smuggling of liquors, perfumes, jewels, and other dutiable goods. In order to protect their illegal trade and traffic they bribed and corrupted officials; by use of drugs and liquors, and women, they destroyed the morals of the people. History records that Justinian, although Emperor of the Roman Empire, wasn’t strong enough to put a stop to their activities.

Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) deals with the corrupting influence of the Jewish merchants and money-lenders. He credits them with contributing greatly to The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. He wrote the book with that title. Gibbon gives considerable space to the part Popaea, Nero’s wife, played in bringing about the conditions which started the people of Rome reeling drunkenly towards their own destruction. With the fall of the Roman Empire, Jewish predominance was established. The nations of Europe entered into what historians name “The Dark Ages”.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica has this to say on the subject: “There was an inevitable tendency for them (the Jewish merchants and money-lenders) to specialize in commerce for which their acumen, and ubiquity, gave them special qualifications. In the Dark Ages the commerce of Western Europe was largely in their hands, in particular, the Slave Trade.”

Read the seventh part of the article


March 14, 2019 

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