Exposing the Cabal, Illuminati, Deep State, Globalists, and Global Elites that Rule the World (3)

By Shoshi Herscu
(investigative journalist)

Read the second part of the article

The Secret Religion of the Cabal /

Elizabeth Wilcock, trained in martial arts,
qigong, and a healer, describes the different ways that the dark elite or Cabal, as
David Wilcock calls them, enslaves humanity worldwide, including lifelong debt, fiat
money, murdering those who created free energy, and poison our food. Their secret
– or not so secret – religion is Luciferianism.

Dean Henderson describes Luciferianism as
“inversion of reality black becomes white” at 42-minute mark in
the following interview with Paul Seils entitled STOP 5G Global – Big Data
is the new Oil.

What is Luciferianism?

Luciferianism is also referred to as
To understand how prevalent this religion is,
Elizabeth Wilcock describes a discussion she overheard of a mother scolding her
child for wanting to go to the bathroom [alone].

This mother explained her child about child
trafficking! This is our reality of children being trafficked for ritual sacrifices,
pedophilia, sex trafficking, and other gruesome crimes committed against them.
She was shocked of what she overheard:
“People steal children and make them do bad things, so you can’t go
off alone in public places. I have to be with you.”

These crimes, which are an integral part of this
religion, take place in mansions around the world of those 13 bloodlines, royal
families, Vatican, and more.
Elizabeth Wilcock continues “If one
googles ‘pedophile priests’ and ‘ritual satanic abuse in the
Church’, you will traverse a disturbing landscape of first-hand testimonies
and articles, some which have been taken offline.”

There are many witnesses to these crimes. Intellihub describes how European royals hunt and kill
children for fun in parties.

Elizabeth Wilcock urges us to look to the light,
despite these horrendous crimes she reveals and the darkness that is being exposed.
“In the face of hopelessness, we must find hope. When we are afraid, we
must find courage.”

Dean and Jill Henderson provide an in-depth
analysis of the Luciferian plan for the world in their book: Illuminati Agenda
21: The Luciferian Plan To Destroy Creation.

If the Rothschilds Are Not Jews, Then What
Are They?

The Rothschild Family is one of the richest and
most powerful families worldwide.
It is also one of the most famous Illuminati 13
bloodlines according to the book Bloodlines of Illuminati by Fritz
Springmeier (1995) and also appears on the list of the Committee of

The Rothschilds are Sabbatean Jews. They are
apostate Jews who are connected to Jacob Frank, a Sabbatean Jew who converted to
Christianity, according to the Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot.
According to Porges.net, the evidence for this connection can be seen in
the symbol of the Rothschilds – the red shield – which is also the
symbol of the Frankists, the followers of Jacob Frank.
To understand what the Sabbateans, or the
Frankists stood for, Rabbi Marvin Anteiman stated that “the Frankists
glorified evil as holy, even as a means of salvation”.

Who Are the Sabbateans?

According to BibleSearchers.com, The
Sabbateans originate “from within the Jewish faith”. However,
they have abandoned the “commands of the Torah and reject the God of
Israel as they spread their messianic faith around the globe.”
They are called Sabbateans, or Sabbatean Jews, as
they are the followers of Shabtai Zvi, the false prophet in the 17th century who at
his peak he had a million Jewish followers until he converted to Islam in Turkey,
where he was forced to choose either to die or convert to Islam by the Sultan.

Later on, 500 Sabbateans converted to Christianity
in 1759-1760, according to Fritz Springmeier. The most famous quote by Shabtai Zvi
which embodies the essence of this sect is “Blessed is he who permits the
forbidden”. In other words, it was the inversion of all the commands of
the Torah and other Jewish scriptures. 

According to BibleSearchers.com,
“It was the Sabbateans who were the first to believe with all their hearts
that the messianic era would be instituted when Jews would systematically begin
breaking every law of the Torah and defy their judgments by the God of
The Sabbateans who practiced the occult, according
to Rabbi Antelman on Henry Makow’s blog, “hated Jews and sought
their extinction”. He quoted rabbis “who warned as far back as
1750 that if the Jews didn’t stop the Sabbateans, they would be destroyed by

Henry Makow shows the degree to which the
Sabbateans hated the Jews by giving new, unknown interpretation of the word
“Holocaust”. Rabbi Antelman stated that it meant
“burnt offering”, as in sacrifice, between the two world
Rabbi Antelman quoted Bruno Battelheim who said
that “calling the most callous, most brutal, most horrid, most heinous
mass murder a ‘burnt offering’ is a sacrilege, a profanation of God and
These Sabbateans aren’t Khazars, as some
claim. They are ex-Jews, apostate Jews.

Was the Illuminati Created by Jews?

According to BibleResearchers.com, Adam
Weishaupt, who was the founder of the Illuminati (the Bavarian Order of the
Illuminate) [Weishaupt was actually tasked by Baron Amschel Mayer von Rothschild to
revise and modernise the age-old ‘protocols’], “was trained as
a Roman Catholic Jesuit.”
The Jesuits are those who appointed the first
Black Pope (hidden to the masses), who controls “the most powerful
intelligence organization in the world.”

According to secular Israeli investigative
reporter, Barry Chamish: “Frankfurt at the time was the headquarters of
the Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, as well as Rothschild
Brothers’ financial empire.

This is worth repeating; Frankfurt was the
birthplace of both the Illuminati and the Rothschild Empire. When Jacob Frank
entered the city, the alliance between the two had already begun.

Weishaupt provided the conspiratorial
resources of the Jesuit Order, while the Rothschilds contributed the money. What was
missing was a means to spread the agenda of the Illuminati and the Frankists added
with their network of agents throughout the Christian and Islamic
worlds.” (Barry Chamish, Kerry, Gaza and the New Sabbatean
Holocaust, pg 2)”.

Who Are Ashkenazi Jews? Are They

BibleResearchers.com provides some
background history about the Jewish people that “have experienced two
exiles, with two redemptions and restorations to their homeland in Israel. The
Jewish capital of Jerusalem has been conquered over twenty-five times in its
history, but that national capital with its holy temple has been destroyed

Both temples were destroyed on the same day of the
Jewish year, according to BookResearchers.com, on the 9th of Av (10th of
August) in the year of 586 BCE and in the year of 70 CE. Only two tribes of the
twelve Israelite tribes survived: Yehuda (the Hebrew name or Judah) and Levy.

These two exiles led to the attempts to annihilate
the Jewish people, which culminated with the “greatest attempt to
exterminate the Jewish people occurred during the Great German Nazi Holocaust that
began in 1942 and ended in 1945 CE.”

The Romans renamed the area of Judea to Palaestina
to punish and minimize the identification of Jews with the Land of Israel, according
to Jewish Virtual Library.
That’s where the name Palestina came from,
and then Palestine.
Jews were displaced from the Land of Israel two
thousand years ago. Those who are called Sepharadic Jews dispersed in Spain,
Portugal, other European countries, Middle East, and some in Latin America.
These Jews had to flee the Spanish inquisition
from Spain to other countries in the 15th century, while the Ashkenazi Jews
dispersed in Eastern Europe.

Ashkenazi Jews (Ashkenazi pronounced with Z, not
as in the word Nazi) are those who most suffered in the Holocaust (but not only as
some from Northern Africa also suffered under Nazi Germany occupation and those
Sepharadic Jews in Europe), including my own family on my father’s side.

Some of them died on the “death
trains” to Auschwitz, some died in concentration camps (Transnistria
Concentration Camp) or forced labor. It’s not, as some say,
“Holohoax”. Many families and entire communities were
completely wiped out across Europe.

Some Jews arrived to Ukraine but they are not the
descendants of the Khazars, a central Asian people, that are said that some or all
became Jews during the ninth or tenth century.

According to a recent exhaustive research by the
Hebrew University’s Prof. Shaul Stampfer, there has been no mass conversion of
Khazars to Judaism. An article on the Hebrew University site provides this
conclusion for lack of reliable evidence for such conversion. You can watch his
lecture about this topic here.

Prof. Shaul Stampfer is Professor of East European
and Soviet Jewry, in the department of the History of the Jewish People at the
Hebrew University’s Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies.

What Is the Proof that Ashkenazi Jews Are
Not Khazars?

Alexander Beider, a linguist and the author on
Forward.com provides proof that there is no connection between Ashkenazi
Jews and Khazars. One of these proofs is that the Yiddish language – which is
based on German – spoken by Ashkenazi Jews has no words from the language
spoken by the Khazars (Turkic people). Secondly, there is no evidence that Judaism
was very widespread in the Khazarian state which was destroyed by the Russians in
the 10th century. Non-existent archeological evidence in this area for this

This theory, known as the “Khazar
theory,” has been also discredited by geneticists worldwide, according to
Ari Feldman. This population also has specific diseases like Tay-Sachs, according to
Genetic Literacy Project. Moreover, ScienceMag proves the
connection between Ashkenazi and Sepharadic Jews which dispels the Khazarian theory:
“Ashkenazi Jews, whose genetic profiles indicated between 30% to 60%
admixture with Europeans, nevertheless clustered more closely with Middle Eastern
and Sephardic Jews, a finding the researchers say is inconsistent with the Khazar
hypothesis.” According to Ari Feldman, “it had no strong basis
in history,” and had been “used by anti-Semites to delegitimize
the Jewish connection to Israel.”

So What Is the Origin of Ashkenazi Jews?

US National Library of Medicine National
Institutes of Health provides details about a recent study entitled No evidence
from genome-wide data of a Khazar origin for the Ashkenazi Jews.

According to Ari Feldman “There is no
DNA evidence that supports a lineal descent of Jews from an ancient population in
the modern-day Land of Israel.”

The Times of Israel also emphasizes that
DNA tests for over 30 years affirms the Middle Eastern origin (Levantine from the
Canaanites) of Ashkenazi Jews that half of their genome makeup can be traced to the

Are the Ethiopian Jews the Only Authentic

People also claim that the only authentic Jews are
Ethiopian Jews and the rest are fake ones pretending to be Jews.
Some of the Jews originated from Ethiopia. Not
all. That was the reason for Operation Solomon mentioned on
Wikipedia, in which Israeli military covertly airlifted Ethiopian Jews to
Israel from May 24 to May 25, 1991. It is said that Queen Sheba that was married to
King Solomon was from Ethiopia and that’s why Ethiopian Jews know part of the
Jewish traditions.

Jews dispersed everywhere; some before the Romans
expelled and enslaved them from Judea. Other Jews also left the Land of Israel
before the expulsion by Rome for economic reasons too.

The nation of Israel is not a race, we come in all
colors and we are one people. I believe that there are going to be major surprises
when there’s full disclosure about this topic, too. There is an argument that
those that today are called “Palestinian” Arabs are the descendants of
Jews, which reveals that they forcefully converted to Islam when the Arabs invaded
this land.

Some start returning to their Jewish roots and
heritage. Nothing is as it seems. According to The Times of Israel (Dov
Ivry), it could be that the Bedouin population was 100 percent Jewish. Moreover,
“Tzvi Misinai, a software pioneer, who has devoted his life to assembling
the facts on this issue, says that 90 per cent of Palestinian Arabs are descendants
of Jews and 50 per cent know it.[…] The DNA findings back this up. The
Palestinian Arabs, who are descendants of Jews, are very close to Ashkenazi Jews in
their gene makeup.”

The Cabal’s divide and conquer tactics of
making us hate one another only leads to our downfall. Together we stand, divided we
We all lose if we’re not united, because the
Cabal perpetrates crimes against all of us irrespective of religion, gender, race,
or political affiliation.
We are all being attacked by these Luciferian
“elements” in so many ways.
We all need to unite, expose, and fight the bad
guys who pretend to be Jewish or Christians or other religion and not fight each
other to facilitate their annihilation plans for all of us. If we all stand up, they


February 13, 2020


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