Five Reasons To Worry About The Imminent Economic Collapse And The $22 Trillion Dollar Darkness Of Debt
By Amy S.
If we do not change course, our once great nation will be destroyed by an economic collapse because of the $22 trillion dollar government debt that has grown wildly out of control.
No one seems to care that a government already over $22 trillion in debt is on schedule to borrow another $990 million. We are facing an unprecedented debt crisis that literally threatens to bring our country to a major economic collapse, and yet our politicians are almost entirely silent on this issue.
In fact, Republicans and Democrats just worked together to pass another big, fat spending bill through Congress that is actually going to increase the pace at which we are going into debt. What the Republicrats are doing is not just wrong. To be honest, the truth is that they are committing crimes against humanity, and they are completely wiping out the very bright future that our children and our grandchildren were supposed to have.
How in the world is America supposed to be “great again” when we are buried in so much debt that future generations can never have any possible hope of getting free from it? Over the last 10 years, we have added more than 11 trillion dollars to the government debt, and that means that it has been growing at a pace of more than a trillion dollars a year. The debt-based system we live under won’t sustain itself forever and at the end a major economic collapse will hit America.
Don’t get us wrong, the sociopaths in government and at the Federal Reserve (central bankers) will prop it up for as long as possible, but it is doomed to fail. That $22 trillion doesn’t include unfunded liabilities either, making the economic crisis even uglier. The deficits are likely to double within ten years, making this an issue that could impoverish everyone.
When I am asked how preppers stockpile food for an economic collapse or other emergency, I am often surprised by the reaction that people have. They naturally assume that I have a bunch of pallets of Army MREs or freeze-dried survival meals in the garage.
Don’t get me wrong, if I had a rich man’s bank account I might have a climate controlled bunker stockpiled with freeze-dried survival meals. But I live in the real world and as a Prepper Consultant I have to advise people who don’t have unlimited resources.
So how does a typical prepper stockpile food for an economic collapse or other “SHTF” (“Sewage Hits The Fan”) scenario? First, it is nothing as glamorous as what you might see on an episode of “Doomsday Preppers.”
Step one is to divide your thinking and your food storage into short-term and long-term. Short-term is thought of as the food storage that has to last you for up to 3 months. Long-term is considered food storage that will last you up to one year.
The thing about short-term food storage is that it includes all the items in your pantry that you eat every day. It is constantly rotated and used up before it goes out of date. There is nothing exotic or freeze-dried and certainly no Army MREs.
Long-term food storage may be freeze-dried, but that is some very expensive food. Better choices for these foods are staples like wheat, flour, potato flakes and oats that will last in their cans for 10-20 years, so rotating them is not a major consideration.
The thing about these long-term food stores is that, since they are not “just-add-water” emergency / survival foods, you actually have to know how to cook. So “Job One” for a serious prepper is that each week they want to be cooking at least one meal from items in their long-term food storage, to ensure that when the time comes, they will be already acclimated to using them.
Stockpiling food this way is both very practical and very economical and can be done step by step instead of requiring a single, budget-busting purchase of survival foods from some online store.
However, preppers do more than stockpile food for an economic collapse or other emergency. Preppers are also thinking about being stranded in their cars away from their supplies and are thinking about what they will do if the power grid goes down.
When the power goes out, your safety and comfort is important. Protect your home or business with a new fully automatic standby generator. Maintain your security system, lighting and air conditioning to keep your family or business safe and comfortable through any power outage.
January 6, 2020
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