Foods that weaken your immune system


Presented is a list of immune-strengthening foods and immune weakening foods that you can make choices about during this time.

The coronavirus can easily be beaten providing you are healthy and your immune system is fairly strong. Almost anybody can use Vitamin C in similar ways it was being used in Asia to deal with coronavirus. Along with that, Zinc is being suggested by a lot of people as well. Recommendations are to take about 15mg of zinc into the throat, hold for one minute, then swallow. Do this 2 or 3 times a day. This and vitamin C every day may become a part of your healthy organic diet of primarily raw fruits and veggies. Zinc help against viruses in general.

Given that keeping the immune system strong is important at this point, it’s good to understand which foods can help the immune system and which may weaken it. Food is medicine, and that’s not just a cliché statement; it’s one of the best forms of preventative healthcare. So let’s look at some important foods to avoid right now, and some important foods to consume right now.

Foods that weaken immunity

Dr. Jess Peatross says: “All of the following causes stress and or toxic exposure, both of which deplete immune function. Limiting or avoiding these immune suppressors is advised during the cold and flu season:
– Processed foods and fast food
– Caffeine (Coffee!)
– Alcohol
– Foods with chemicals and preservatives
– Carbonated drinks and sodas, including diet soda
– Refined sugar, sugary snacks etc.
– High glycemic index carbohydrates such as breads and pastas
– Artificial sweeteners.”

These foods are typically a big part of standard Western diets, and given the general state of health in the West, it’s not a bad idea to look to diet as one of the number one reasons why so many chronic illnesses are such a big part of the populace.

During this time if you wish to increase your immune system, avoid the above foods as much as you can. It can be added meet and, for some people, even dairy to the list above as well.

Foods that strengthen immunity

Water: First and foremost stay hydrated. Drink water throughout the day, ideally plain water or with a bit of lemon in it. Plenty of water decreases the risk of viral infections. Chronic dehydration is a common occurrence due to how the amount of cooked food we eat, so be sure to drink!

Fruits & veggies: Eating a lot of raw fruits and veggies will not only provide the body with a lot of nutrient density but it will also provide a great deal of hydration. They also contain critical enzymes that are important for our bodies. Again, given how much cooked food we eat, enzyme depletion is a big problem. Start having some fruit smoothies, eat carrots, cucumbers, apples, berries, melons etc. These things are super healthy for you and don’t fall for the myths about too much fruit sugar. When eating whole fruits, the sugar in them has no negative side effects.

Healthy fats: Enjoy things like nuts, hemp seeds, walnuts, cashews, almonds, avocados, sunflower seeds etc.

Specific immune-supporting foods: Mainstream media is telling people garlic can’t fight coronavirus, what they really mean is they don’t know this. That doesn’t mean you should not focus on foods and herbs like this to help boost your immunity. This is classic irresponsibility and reductionist thinking on the part of mainstream science and media. Fresh raw forms of garlic, ginger, turmeric, honey, elderberry, goldenseal root and basil all have antiviral and antibacterial properties, which means they may help ward off viral infections and they will boost your immune system.

Combine these food choices with good sleep, some basic but high-quality supplements, and having little fear or worry, and you will be fine. You can add to your health recipe a Conscious Breathing program. These breathing techniques reduce anxiety, fear and strengthen overall immunity.


June 11, 2020


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