Genocide is their End Game

In a nutshell, they are to cull a large percentage of the human race and to turn the survivors into a completely controlled army of slaves who own nothing and are dictated to and tracked, traced and monitored 24/7 everywhere, even inside their own homes, which of course they will no longer own.”

It only starts to make sense when you understand that everything that has occured and is occuring is due to a meticulously planned and sinister plot being implemented by the narrow clique of gangsters who aim to control the world.

The period from 1945 to 2019 was for many a “Golden Age” – a period of relative peace, prosperity, stability, and freedom. This has now ended as the most dangerous and destructive timeline in the history of the World has begun, initiated by malevolent and extremely ruthless Plutonian forces characterized by a complete lack of empathy intent on creating a global totalitarian regime. If this timeline is not derailed soon the result will be death, destruction, and enslavement on a biblical scale for the majority of humanity and we are already seeing this starting.

Examples of other such inflection points in history that lead to catastrophe are the shooting of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo that triggered the onset of the 1st World War and the declaration of war on Germany by Britain in 1939, using the excuse that it had a pact with Poland, but what people are seeing now is an order of magnitude higher and truly global in nature so that nowhere on Earth will escape the dragnet. This time around the trigger is the timed release of a relatively harmless virus that has been heavily hyped by the media, non-stop, to make the public think it is akin to the Black Death.

With respect to the timing of the release of the virus and attendant media hysteria, this was determined by two factors. One was that the global debt situation had become critical with the world economy on the verge of collapse – they needed a crisis to provide the excuse for another orgy of money creation, so they crashed world markets into March 2020 and put the blame on the virus.

The way the heist works couldn’t be simpler. Those in control collapse the world economy and force the majority of its population into massive debt just to survive. Those with any assets worth stealing are then given an ultimatum – hand them over or starve or be sent to the debtors’ prison, which in the US will doubtless mean utilization of the vast sprawling network of FEMA camps.

Around this time a large proportion of the world’s population deemed surplus to requirement and an unnecessary burden on the environment and a nuisance will be culled (meaning killed) either by lethal injection or starvation…

Now almost the entire world population unknowingly engaging in occult rituals that are designed to transport them into a new subservient reality. This is the first time this has ever happened in the history of the world… It is important to understand that this narrow but extremely wealthy and powerful clique at the top of the pyramid almost controls everything – Central Banks including and especially the Fed, governments, politicians, and judiciaries, who are nearly all “for sale”, the clergy, the media etc. They don’t entirely control the internet yet …but they are working on it, and soon they might close this window. As for their objectives, in a nutshell, they are to cull a large percentage of the human race and to turn the survivors into a completely controlled army of slaves who own nothing and are dictated to and tracked, traced, and monitored 24/7 everywhere, even inside their own homes, which of course they will no longer own.

Their grandiose plans include clearing the countryside of those who aren’t culled so that it can “return to nature” apart from the private estates of the NWO that will be replete with an army of servants and private security. Survivors occupying the countryside after The Great Cull will be coerced and eventually forcibly removed to heavily surveilled box type high rise living quarters in the cities that they may have to share on a rotating basis with others, which will be made easier by them owning no property, perhaps in the manner of Japanese “love hotels”.

The NWO is of the view that the world is grossly overpopulated, with the massively bloated population placing a crushing burden on planetary ecosystems… the NWO is going to intercede and forcibly reduce their numbers via lethal vaccines with a “kill switch” which is why the virus vaccines will be compulsory or via a deliberately induced wave of mass starvation caused by supply chain disruptions, or a combination of the two.

There are three big reasons for all the severe restrictions imposed, which are as follows. They are eliminating as much human interaction as they can, in order to destroy social cohesion, isolate people and prevent them from exchanging ideas and thus learning the truth of what this is all about, so reducing the chances of insurrection and possible revolution, and also for good measure to weaken them psychologically and physically.

This is why they have closed down all places where people meet – bars cafes and pubs, restaurants, gyms, etc. and even art galleries, churches and museums, and are making people afraid of interacting with each other via masks and antisocial distancing etc. It was particularly important to stop churchgoers’ meetings because those with faith have principles and believe in something bigger than themselves which gives them the courage to act that many others lack.

A big reason for the lockdowns was to destroy as many small businesses as possible in order to make people dependent, either on large corporations for employment, which they control or on government handouts such as the pending Universal Guaranteed Income (UGI), which people will only receive if they behave themselves and accept all the sinister diktats. The NWO is already talking about people owning nothing by 2030 and being happy and the people can already see how the elite will bring this about.

As mentioned above they will do it by crashing the economy and forcing people to go heavily into debt just to survive. They then come along and make people an offer they can’t refuse, saying “You have to pay back that debt, but you can’t, so we will eliminate it for you in exchange for all of your property.” Through this method, they will be able to acquire most Real Estate owned by people in what will be the biggest heist of all time. Some of the people may have already seen the WEF video You’ll own nothing.

What the world have witnessed in 2020 is absolute insanity on a global scale, all purportedly for an illness that is not much different from the flu and kills less than 1% of its victims, and has virtually no effect on the young. People have seen society destroyed with the forced prevention of human interaction, bars, cafes, and pubs closed and millions forced out of business, concert halls and museums closed and football games played before empty stadiums. Children having their development stunted and being psychologically scarred by being shut indoors and isolated from their classmates and friends, people told how many people they can have visited their house etc. It was/is sheer lunacy, and yet people have gone along with it due to being brainwashed and weak. It only starts to make sense when everyone understands that everything that has occured and is occuring is due to a meticulously planned and sinister plot being implemented by the narrow clique of gangsters who wants to control the world.

Their goals have been set out above, which include exterminating 70% or more of the population and herding the rest into high tech urban ghettoes to be farmed as slaves, where their every move and even their thoughts will be monitored and controlled. The secret to stopping them is for millions to withdraw their support and refuse to go along with their demands, regardless of personal consequences. That is the only way to derail this apocalyptic timeline that is fast-tracking the majority of the population towards either death or slavery.

Author: Clive Maund, technical analyst specialized in precious metals


A comment from Tony B

A real “reset” would be a return to local everything, including manufactured products, family industries which the “industrial revolution” criminals purposely destroyed, and food distribution, all at local levels only, which would make each of these local areas prosperous beyond what today’s monopoly manufacturing and distribution could ever dream of. Who needs daily semiloads of processed, destroyed “food” shipped from central food ruining centers when a few decent gardens in a town of a thousand people would feed them all? Meat, too, used to come from local farmers but government stopped that with its lying “safety” regulations as local farmers were known by the people and sloppy, lazy, dirty product farmers had few customers unless they changed their habits. Yet even these were usually cleaner, plus more natural, than the supermarket “processed” garbage people are forced to eat today. People need to ask why these monopolies have surplus money running out of them in rivers when local people can’t budget through a month without using “credit,” i.e., debt.

True, areas without the natural means to sustain life, including huge, body and soul destroying cities, would be abandoned, as they should be and were keep in proportion before our false “capitalist” (or socialist – same illusion) economy, as this world has massive “easy life” areas empty of people as they are owned by those thieving super rich who could never use a tiny portion of them if they lived forever. The Catholic Christian religion rightly says that such lands, given humanity by God for man’s proper use, may be correctly taken by those in need for the necessities of their families, something talmudic protestantism murdered starving innocents to prevent as part of its “industrial revolution.” That sort of distribution of property points to the kind of reset this world needs, not the murdering, enslaving, opposite that these greed filled satanists are attempting to impose on people. The world’s people is necessary to fight these satanic destroyers to the death, IF no other solution exists, to prevent this satanic scourge of God’s earth.


April 20, 2021



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