How to eliminate the threat of autoimmune disorders safely and naturally


At least 50 million Americans have some form of autoimmune disease, and some individuals may even live with more than one. Unfortunately, food produced in the country is becoming more processed and contains more GMOs (genetically modified organisms) than ever, which can only worsen the conditions of people with autoimmune disorders.

What is the link between gluten and autoimmune disorders?

Natural health experts like Dr. Peter Osborne report that there is a link between GMO-laden processed foods and the increasing number of people with autoimmune disorders. Dr. Osborne warned that diet, especially gluten intolerance, is one of the leading causes of more than 90 different autoimmune diseases.

These disorders include debilitating and life-threatening conditions like:
– Diabetes
– Hypothyroidism
– Lupus
– Multiple sclerosis
– Rheumatoid arthritis
– Ulcerative colitis

Some conventionally-trained physicians may say that “there is no cure,” while others may resort to prescribing immune-suppressing drugs that only increase the risk of systemic infections. If you have an autoimmune disorder, take note that gluten can harm the intestinal tract and even promote autoimmune disease.

Gluten refers to a group of proteins found in grains, mainly barley, rye, and wheat. Dr. Osborne noted that other foods and non-food sources might also contain gluten, and the use of GMOs in food has caused gluten content to double in recent years. In fact, at least 40 percent of the population now reacts poorly to gluten, proving that human DNA can’t always adjust to the numerous changes in food quality and content.

Gluten also increases zonulin, a protein produced in the small intestine. Zonulin breaks down the proteins in the gut that help keep the gut lining intact. However, this creates gaps where undigested food and proteins can enter the bloodstream and trigger an immune reaction.)

This condition is also called leaky gut syndrome, which means a person will have “increased intestinal hyperpermeability.” Leaky gut is also linked to different symptoms, like inflammation, immune over-stimulation, and the poor absorption of nutrients.

Natural remedies for leaky gut syndrome

If you have gluten intolerance, you can still suffer from health problems even if you follow a gluten-free diet. Dr. Osborne explained that one reason for this is the fact that a lot of “gluten-free” products contain corn and rice. Like other grains, corn and rice still contain gluten proteins. They can also trigger the same type of immune response as gluten intolerance.

Even beans and seeds that have lectins (gluten-like proteins) may cause problems like gastrointestinal inflammation and leaky gut. Dr. Osborne commented that all grains and legumes are technically seeds. This means they were created for the sole purpose of incubating and protecting the embryonic plant, which makes them unfit for consumption.

Your diet and gut health are closely linked. To improve your gut health, avoid or limit the consumption of foods high in refined sugars, high-fat foods, and processed foods. These three types of food can destroy good bacteria and promote the growth of harmful bacteria.

To improve your gut health and manage the symptoms of a leaky gut, you can promote the growth of “good” bacteria by eating the foods listed below:

Collagen-boosting foods – Foods that contain collagen, such as bone broth and salmon, can improve your overall health. It’s also good for your gut health. One way to boost your body’s collagen production is by eating foods such as certain meats, dairy, and mushrooms.

Fermented foods – Fermented foods like kefir, kimchi, miso, tempeh, sauerkraut, and yogurt (plain, not with added flavors and sugar) are full of probiotics. Studies have also proven that probiotics, which have beneficial bacteria, can improve your gut health.

Garlic and onion – Garlic and onion, which studies show have some anti-cancer and immune system-enhancing properties, are also associated with some of the primary functions of the gut.

High-fiber foods – According to several studies, high-fiber foods like asparagus, bananas, berries, and leeks can help improve your gut health.


April 1, 2019


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