HUGE: The WHO is BACKING DOWN on the pandemic treaty

This is a major victory for freedom


Have you heard about the WHO pandemic treaty? They have been working on a treaty which would threaten free speech and national sovereignty.

If it went through, it would essentially mean that they could censor speech that the WHO deemed to be misinformation. They could also force countries to vaccinate people and implement vaccine passports.

But now there is good news – they are backing down!

In the latest draft of the WHO pandemic treaty, they appear to be backing down, removing some of the most draconian rules. This doesn’t mean that everything is all fine, but this is definitely a good start and a massive victory for freedom.

First of all, they are making the treaty non-binding. This means that countries will keep their national sovereignty instead of having to hand it over to a bunch of unelected elites at the WHO.

The big issue was Article 13A in the pandemic treaty. It was originally proposed to say the following:

1. States Parties recognize WHO as the guidance and coordinating authority of international public health response during public health Emergency of International Concern and undertake to follow WHO’s recommendations in their international public health response.”

This text would have meant that countries would be forced to follow the rules and recommendations as decided by the unelected elites at the WHO.

But this entire article has in fact now been removed from the latest draft of the pandemic treaty, meaning that countries do no longer have to obey the WHO. This is a massive win for national sovereignty.

And this is very good news!

Because when you look at Article 18 in the pandemic treaty and see what kind of recommendations the WHO could come up with, it gets pretty scary.

For example, they can recommend the following:

  • require medical examinations;
  • review proof of vaccination or other prophylaxis;
  • require vaccination or other prophylaxis;
  • implement qurantine or other health measures for suspect persons;
  • implement isolation and treatment where necessary of affected persons;
  • implement tracing of contacts of suspect or affected persons.

These recommendations mean in reality that countries could have been required to vaccinate people, implement vaccine passports and put people in quarantine if the WHO said so.

Because Article 13A.1 has been removed, it seems that these recommendations are no longer binding. They are still there, but countries aren’t bound to have to follow them.

But it gets even better!

They have also dropped the proposal to setup global censorship of whatever the WHO deems to be “misinformation”. We all know that this would have been used to infringe in free speech, so it is massive news that this has been dropped.

In a new Article 7, it was proposed that “At the Global level, WHO shall strengthen capacities to counter misinformation and disinformation”.

This proposal is not in the current draft, which is good news. We all know that this would have been used to censor anyone that went against their agenda.

Remember that this is still only a draft, and it can change before they have their final negotiations.

This news comes shortly after there was a massive protest in Japan against the WHO pandemic treaty. More and more people all over the world are beginning to see what is really going on.

So make sure to share this article everywhere you can to raise awareness. Let the people be informed so that they can say no to tyranny!

Author: Peter Imanuelsen


May 7, 2024


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