Laura Aboli: “The end goal is the extinction of humans as we know them!”

The end goal is the extinction of humanity as we know it, said entrepreneur Linda Aboli at the Way Better conference in Bath, England, earlier this year. She published part of her speech online.

We have been psychologically conditioned, genetically modified, culturally groomed and indoctrinated in school for decades to accept a posthuman future,” Aboli said.

It takes a lot of physical and emotional abuse to make an intelligent species like ours accept its own demise.

Much, if not all, of what has occurred in the last 60 years has been aimed at accepting such a dystopian future, Aboli emphasized.

She pointed out that we live in a “hyper-controlled matrix” in which our perception of reality is influenced to steer us in the direction we desire. And this direction is a posthumanistic world.

In order to achieve this, humanity first had to be destabilized, dehumanized and demoralized in every possible way: disintegration of the family as a cornerstone of society, indoctrination of children by the government, abortion, removal of God and spirituality from textbooks, living in distant megacities of nature, poisoned food and water, poisoned air, virtual communication networks replacing human contact and interaction, causing financial crises and taxes, endless wars and huge migration flows, stress, fear, depression, drugs and alcohol, constant scaremongering, moral relativism as a new religion.

And I could go on and on about how humanity has been influenced and turned away from all the aspects that give us strength, security, purpose and meaning.”

A weak, immoral, uprooted, ignorant and unhealthy population is an easy target for the next phase: the creation of an entire generation of hybrid beings. Masculinity is under attack psychologically, culturally and biologically. Women are being replaced by men pretending to be women. And children learn in school that gender is a choice.

The transgender movement comes from above and has nothing to do with the freedom to be your true self. “It’s an evil psyop,” says Aboli. There is one intention behind this: to bring us closer to transhumanism.

Gender ideology is the arithmetic 2 + 2 = 5 from Orwell’s dystopian book 1984. “It is the ultimate test of whether we will follow the most absurd party line towards our own demise,” she added.

But 2 + 2 = 4, no matter how you dress, what you call yourself or what you look like, nothing will make it a 5. The sad reality is that they are harming more and more children and young people psychically and physically by manipulating us to bring us closer to a post-human future. And it keeps getting worse. This has to stop,” Aboli concluded.


December 3, 2023


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