In the context of the current situation, please consider that this month’s spiritual meditations and ceremonies will be performed by each participant at home. The meditations (except for the astrological meditations) will be broadcast online by MISA Senzaţional TV.
Motto: ”Sometimes people stumble over the truth, but only the foolish one are rising immediately and indifferently continue walking on their path.”
Attention! Each of these beneficial moments that are hidden gifts we are given by God, are helping us entering and enjoying, in a spiritual way, the secrets of occult astral resonances. The strong and continuous focus of our attention on these ineffable moments offer us the opportunity to live fully and deeply the mystery of the present moment.
By yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru
(Note: All hours in the program are according to Romanian time)
Wednesday, May 12, between 21:15-22:00 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: MERCURY in TRINE with SATURN. Effects: It confers the acumen awakening and the one of the sense of observation; it brings a state of wisdom and facilitates the emergence of brilliant inspired ideas. It favors the emergence of inner maturity through deep and accurate understanding of the responsibilities we have and awakens altruism; facilitates reaching the state of inner peace and mental deep calm. Allows quick and final removal of the states of mental scattering, increases concentration power, confers practical thinking, objectivity, and punctuality.
Wednesday, May 12, between 23:00-23:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Absolute that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Thursday, May 13, between 08:30-09:15 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: SUN in SEXTILE with NEPTUNE. Effects: It awakens and amplifies spiritual intuition, effervescent creative force. It awakes the refined artistic refinement and sensuality, awakening intuitive communication skills with the angelic realms. It enhances purity and awakens healing abilities through curative magnetism. It awakes the ineffable state of unconditional devotion to God, and increases the aspiration towards spiritual ideals.
Thursday, May 13, between 23:00-23:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Perspective (Point of View) that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Friday, May 14, between 23:00-23:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Love that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Saturday, May 15, between 14:00-14:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Asceticism that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Saturday, May 15, between 22:30-23:00 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Aspiration that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Saturday, May 15, between 23:35-00:00 – SECOND INTEGRATION OF THE FASTING TAPAS PERFORMED FOR 49 CONSECUTIVE SUNDIES will be performed, in unison, on MISA Sensațional TV.
Sunday, May 16, between 00:15-00:45 – Meditation of deep spiritual communion with the ARCHETYPE OF THE SIGN OF TAURUS.
Sunday, May 16, between 22:30-23:00 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Truth that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Monday, May 17, between 12:30-13:15 ‒ Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: SUN in TRINE with PLUTO. Effects: It awakens and amplifies the power of regeneration in the entire being, it increases and refines the power of mental penetration, it facilitates inner transformation, it awakens harmoniously refined and frantic sexuality, it dynamises masculinity, making it manifest fully and harmoniously. It increases creative force, determination, courage, vitality and virility. The complex beneficial astral energy of this aspect awakens and amplifies affective power, the state of aspiration and it favors the revealing of unsuspected depths of our being, making at the same time possible the inner ineffable fusion with God the Father. This aspect awakens and facilitates profound transformations within the subconscious sphere and it brings the appearance of a complete sacred relationship to eros, and at the same time it favors the transmutation of the sexual potential and the harmonious sublimation of effervescent erotic energy.
Tuesday, May 18, between 23:00-23:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Fire that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Wednesday, May 19, between 23:00-23:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Beauty that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Thursday, May 20, between 04:45-05:30 – Meditation of communion to a beneficial astrological aspect: VENUS in TRINE with SATURN. Effects: helps spontaneous, free expression of beneficial emotions, awakes and enhances continuous expression of beneficial feelings. it supports a state of deep respect in human relationship. it enables good communication between people, both in the social and in the spiritual sphere. It awakes and enhances in the being discernment, moderation, responsibility in relationships, also awakes and enhances tact and diplomacy.
Thursday, May 20, between 23:00-23:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Goodwill that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Friday, May 21, between 23:00-23:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Holiness that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Saturday, May 22, between 14:00-14:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Aspiration that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Saturday, May 22, between 22:30-23:00 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Faith that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Saturday, May 22, between 23:35-00:00 – THIRD INTEGRATION OF THE FASTING TAPAS PERFORMED FOR 49 CONSECUTIVE SUNDIES will be performed, in unison, on MISA Sensațional TV.
Sunday, May 23, between 22:30-23:00 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Exaltation that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Monday, May 24 – TRIPURA SUNDARI. The favorable period for engagement in lovemaking for couples, with love, transfiguration and erotic amorous continence is: 10:00 (Monday, May 24) – 02.00 (Tuesday, May 25). Special meditation of communion with the Great Cosmic Power TRIPURA SUNDARI is between 18:17 – 19:17. The moment of maximum benefit is at 18:47.
Tuesday, May 25 – KALI DAY. Between 13:00-14:30: meditation of ample, deep and overwhelming communion with the Great Cosmic Power KALI.
Tuesday, May 25, between 18: 00-18: 45 – Meditation of spiritual communion with the great Christian mystic PADRE PIO.
Tuesday, May 25, between 23:00-23:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Altruism that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Wednesday, May 26 – FULL MOON. The period of negative influence of the Full Moon begins Tuesday, 25 May, at 20:14 and it ends Thursday, May 27, at 08:14. The moment of maximum negative influence of the Full Moon is: Wednesday May 26, at 14:14.
Wednesday, May 26, between 23:00-23:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Balance that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Thursday, May 27, between 23:00-23:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Existence that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Friday, May 28, between 23:00-23:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Contentment that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Saturday, May 29, between 07:55-08:40 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: MERCURY in CONJUNCT with VENUS. Effects: Encourages the affectionate, compassionate, deep and intense communication especially with the loved ones, it brings an ineffable state of harmony between the mental and the emotional spheres of one’s being, enhances the momentum of conscious dedication to God, awakens artistic creativity, romance, spontaneity and playfulness in couple relationships. It is a favorable time for frank and open expression of emotional feelings. It brings an ineffable charm of communication and gives eloquence. It awakens and amplifies the power of conscious dedication to noble ideals.
Saturday, May 29, between 14:00-14:30 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Perspective (Point of View) that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Saturday, May 29, between 22:30-23:00 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Clarity that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Sunday, May 30, between 22:30-23:00 – Meditation: Intense, plenary, deep communion with the endless sublime, free subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Consciousness that we draw in abundance into our inner universe.
Monday, May 31, between 08:00-08:45 – Meditation of communion to a beneficial astrological aspect: MARS in TRINE with NEPTUNE. Effects: this aspect increases interest and propensity to occultism and mysticism. It awakens the abilities of OBE in astral realms, it awakens and enhances creativeness. We will feel inspired for performing beneficial and divinely supported actions.
May 12, 2021
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