Message on the revelation for the first time in this esoteric yogic spiritual camp of 13 important initiatory secrets

We offer you a message from the Spiritual Guide on the revelation for the first time, in this esoteric yogic spiritual camp, of 13 important initiatory secrets that impulse and energize us to rapidly transform our inner universe in eminently beneficial directions. In this way this esoteric yogic spiritual camp will also include certain eminently practical aspects.


Dear male listeners, dear female listeners,

Please listen attentively to the announcement we present to you regarding the Esoteric Spiritual Yogic Summer Camp 2023.

This Esoteric Spiritual Yogic Camp will include for the first time the revelation of 13 important initiatory secrets which, including through the subtle, sublime energies of certain Godly Attributes that we need to attract in abundance into our inner universe, into our aura. They stimulate and dynamize our consciousness in every way in order to rapidly transform our inner world, the inner universe, the microcosm that is unique to each of us, to our being.

In this way we can easily revolutionize our inner nature for the better, especially through appropriate grams of attentive, enthusiastic, systematic, perseverant, and correct practice. These important initiatory secrets, which are reserved for the few who are inwardly prepared to discover them gradually, if they decide to apply them and they will contribute, we assure you with anticipation, to the acceleration of the process of spiritual transformation, to the intensifying of your gradual deification.

For the human beings who are already, so to speak, filled with a multitude of extremely valuable esoteric revelations, which they do not deign in the least to apply, these important initiatory secrets will trigger a small impulse that will fade away and be forgotten shortly after hearing the 13 important initiatory secrets, which we reveal to you for the first time.

Therefore, we draw your attention, especially human beings filled with various esoteric revelations, that if they do not immediately choose to put into practice as many of these initiatory secrets as possible, whose value can be discovered and validated through direct experience, through the gram of practice, all this will pass through such persons, just as the water of life passes through a sieve.

The 13 important initiatory secrets will be presented one by one in the 2nd part of this Esoteric Spiritual Yogic Camp. These 13 important initiatory secrets can be considered sui generis living pearls, which you will have at your disposal for the first time. Only those men and those women who will immediately decide to put them into practice will appreciate their value, and especially to deepen them in order to validate in this way their clear value. In this way, you will have a multitude of spiritual surprises that will be revealed to you through practice, through direct experience.

We guarantee that these 13 initiatory secrets have been verified by us hundreds of times over the years. However, it is important to discover them and it is worth knowing that when an important initiatory secret is approached and put into practice at least 49 times, it generates in the microcosm of our being a wonderful mutation and that initiatory secret will be of immense use to us when, inevitably, each of you will reach the world beyond, the astral universe and implicitly you will congratulate yourselves for having invested time and energy to put into practice, to experiment, to deepen such important initiatory secrets.

With this necessary introduction, we will briefly present to you what these 13 important initiatory secrets that we will reveal to you one by one will be. In this way, this Esoteric Spiritual Yogic Camp will also include certain eminently practical aspects.

The first important initiatory secret that we will reveal to you is the essential secret of our clear, constant, ceaseless, powerful intentions that we actually manifest.

The 2nd initiatory secret is the secret of each word that we previously think or speak, which immediately connects us to an occult sphere of energy of that word, sphere that exists in the invisible, by triggering a specific process of occult resonance, which occurs thus, which charges us lightning fast with the subtle, hidden energy of that word.

The 3rd initiatory secret is the secret of the corresponding effects that are generated in our inner universe, in our aura, in the microcosm of our being by every thought that we emit and then specifically nourish, over and over again, in time.

The 4th initiatory secret that we will reveal to you is the secret of the inner world that each of us creates and in this way makes it appear and be maintained through our intentions, thoughts, feelings, emotions and our experiences of every day, of every moment.

The 5th initiatory secret that we are going to reveal to you is the amazing, colossal secret of the occult universe which, within the macrocosm, reveals itself to us in various ways, in every way, permanently, and it is mirrored in the unique microcosm of our being, in close connection, in an intimate connection to the preponderant way in which each of us thinks.

The 6th initiatory secret that we will reveal to you is the huge but obvious secret, hidden in plain sight, of the quality and intensity of our thoughts, which determine in this way the quality, but also the intensity of everything and anything that, moment by moment we feel, we think, we live.

The 7th initiatory secret that we will reveal to you is the formidable secret of the multifaceted reality of the macrocosm and of life, which permanently cooperates with us in every way, in the sense that each of us intends, thinks and chooses through the intermediary of the corresponding focus of our consciousness, through the predominant thoughts we manifest, and then we nourish.

The 8th initiatory secret that we are going to reveal to you is the gigantic secret of the macrocosm which, just like a huge enigmatic mirror that magnifies, focuses, intensifies, multiplies under certain conditions and mirrors all and everything that is intended, that is thought, that is powerfully emitted by us through our consciousness which is dynamized and focused in a specific way.

The 9th initiatory secret that we will reveal to you is the surprising secret of our intentions, of our thoughts which, when oriented, when directed in the same sense as the godly life, with the godly order, and also with the omnipresent mysterious reality of certain Godly Attributes they favour our fulfilled life, health, inner harmony, happiness, inner wellbeing, spiritual flourishing, gradual deification, and thus in this way eases and facilitates the capturing and the accumulation and free circulation of subtle, sublime energies of those Godly Attributes that we choose to evoke, and attract in abundance into our inner universe, into our aura.

In this way it also facilitates the capturing and accumulation by the triggering of occult processes of resonance with certain beneficial, subtle energies, and in this way the application of this initiatory secret ensures for us an excellent vitality, gives us optimal spiritual well-being, expands in an eminently beneficial sense our occult sphere of force, our aura, increases the beneficial power that thus appears and persists in our personal universe.

The application of this initiatory secret increases more and more the quality and intensity of our beneficial, creative, wonderful experiences, and gives us a strong and persistent joy of living. All these and other excellent surprises are revealed to us one by one when we choose to put this surprising initiatory secret into practice again and again.

The 10th initiatory secret that we will reveal to you is the secret of intentions, thoughts, states and desires that are in fact and remain, beyond appearances, the opposite of Godly life, the opposite of Godly order, the opposite of the occult Godly laws of nature, the opposite of Godly truth, but also the opposite of the sublime subtle energy of Godly Attributes. All these opposites are in fact deadly, that are contrary to the inherent, natural, beneficial harmony of our being and which cause the appearance and persistence of weaknesses, of more or less paralysing complexes of inferiority, disharmonies, disturbances, various suffering and illnesses that are never accidental, because, as we have often mentioned, God does not beat us with a club, but instead He shakes us, He indirectly rebukes us by means of the afflictions or illnesses with which some of us are confronted.

The 11th initiatory secret we will reveal to you is the essential secret of the eminently beneficial, unceasing use of the creative power of our thought, of the wonderful, latent possibilities of consciousness. This involves excellent inner vigilance, a great deal of common sense, sparkling intelligence, spiritual intuition, practical wisdom, hyper-lucidity, optimal dynamisation of the mysterious supramental sheath – in Sanskrit vijnanamaya kosha, the considerable deification of our nature, of our being, the permanent realization of God’s will, the ineffable feeling of God’s presence who, when we ask Him, when we implore His support, He helps us also through His angels, and also through certain amazing mysterious signs and Godly synchronicities.

Attracting promptly, even in immense doses, of the subtle, sublime energy of certain Godly Attributes that we urgently need is of immense use to us with regards to choosing, manifesting and nourishing certain thoughts, certain intentions, certain feelings which thus become, through repetition and deepening, the elevated nourishment of our soul, of the personal microcosm, which thus makes the world that exists in each of us appear and persist.

The 12th initiatory secret that we will reveal to you is the revealed secret of all and everything, either good or bad that we choose and that we sow day by day, night by night, hour by hour in our inner universe, or even outside of us, when we manifest all and everything – either good or bad – and which we then consciously or unconsciously project from the distance. It is necessary to know that distance does not matter, so that it becomes possible to sow certain seeds outside of us even billions of light years away, and then, that process of sowing takes place instantaneously, even if billions of light years separate us from our target. Such a process of sowing seeds outside us, no matter how far away, is done, at lightning speed, instantaneously.

By means of this important initiatory secret, you will be able to understand that those sui generis seeds that sprout in us, and then grow, blossom and bear fruit at the right time, cause effects to appear, cause repercussions to arise that are corresponding to the seeds that we have at one time sown. There is therefore a huge difference between sowing wheat and sowing weeds. There is a big difference between sowing an oak tree and sowing thistles or brambles.

Let us take note of all and everything that is good and Godly that we choose to sow come from the good God. However, all that are sui generis satanic seeds, sui generis devilish seeds, sui generis luciferian seeds come from these enemies who, in the framework of the Godly creation and manifestation, have chosen a terrible, evil hypostasis and paradoxically have their role in the enigmatic, gigantic, incessant game that God the Father is constantly playing with Himself.

This is precisely why it is worth remembering that always, without exception, exactly what we choose to sow, then later precisely, we emphasize precisely, precisely that we reap at the right time. It is not possible to sow the seed of an apple tree and then harvest the thistles – it is not possible to sow creeping thistles and then harvest pineapples, or bananas. From an ear of wheat we harvest the grains at harvest time, which have grown from the grain of wheat that we once sowed. It is not possible to harvest wheat from a seed of weeds, but only weeds.

That is why it is essential to take note of everything we sow moment by moment, both in our inner universe and outside of it, when we manifest and then transmit certain thoughts – either good or bad – at any distance. Let us remember that, at the same time, in this way, we promptly put into action the godly law of offering.

The 13th initiatory secret that we will reveal to you involves the unveiling of the great secret that lies eternally at the foundation of Godly creation and manifestation within the macrocosm, which is made up, as some of you know, of the physical universe, the astral universe and the causal universe. In the case of common, ignorant human beings, only the physical universe is to a certain, rather small extent accessible to them through the physical senses.

Within the framework of the Godly creation and manifestation all and everything that exists is always, in a mysterious and complex way, connected within the Godly whole of the macrocosm.

That is why it can be said that the whole macrocosm is also a sui generis archi-gigantic hologram, in which every part is ceaselessly mirrored in the enigmatic godly whole, and the archi-gigantic godly whole, or in other words the macrocosm is also ceaselessly reflected and mirrored in the unique microcosm of every human being.

This Godly truth is expressed in the following saying: “All that is and exists here in the microcosm of our unique being is and exists without ceasing everywhere within the macrocosm. That which is not found, that which does not exist here, within the microcosm of our unique being, is not found, does not exist anywhere.” Beyond appearances, the whole of God’s creation and manifestation, the whole of the macrocosm, is also a permanent, enigmatic, Godly game that the good God plays moment by moment with Himself. In this way the godly creation and manifestation exists and is perpetuated, which makes something appear and exist, instead of existing nothing, nothing at all.

With this we have concluded our brief presentation of the 13 important initiatory secrets that we will reveal to you in this Esoteric Spiritual Yogic Camp. Thank you for your attention with which you have followed us and listening to us. We have concluded.


August 7, 2023


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