Nanotechnological Poisons From Above
Swiss Research Team Reveals Geoengineering “Spider Filaments” Are Polyamide Nanofibers Delivering Highly Toxic Chemicals – We Are Inhaling Them
Reinette Senum recently did an interview with the Swiss Scientific Team WIR.
The results are very interesting given the findings of Clifford Carnicom and myself in the rubbery clots, the blood of vaccinated and unvaccinated of polyamide proteins.
Additionally, the findings of Dr. Speicher of spinoidrin dragline spider silk genes in the DNA contamination of covid-19 vials are certainly of interest. I had also analyzed the filaments Reinette sent me last year:
This is also consistent with the extensive French analysis that showed many toxic chemical compounds, many also not listed:
The French group found many toxic phtalates – below is a summary of their findings. The Swiss group found many aromatic hydrocarbonts, there might still be substantial overlap – it would be interesting to do a chemical comparison to see if the toxic components have changed over time.
“Several samples of ‘air borne filaments’ collected in November and December 2012 throughout the French territory were sent to our laboratory (originating from Thénioux, Saint Clément des Levées, Saint Martin de Crau, and Malabat. For each of these samples, two Curie-Point thermal desorption experiments were conducted at 445°C, directly as well as after in-situ methylation (a process allowing detection of polar compounds potentially present). The organic compounds generated in this series of eight experiments were – each time – separated by gas chromatography and identified by mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The data obtained were interpreted and the detailed results are presented in this analytical report. It appears that these ‘air borne filaments’ are complex organic polymers, containing many synthetic chemicals, as evidenced by GC/MS screening of their thermal decomposition products.
Many organic molecules commonly encountered in the composition of jet fuels and jet reactors lubricants were evidenced in this investigation. The four samples studied contain several toxic synthetic compounds (phthalates) and three of them contain DEHP, a member of this family of particular concern due to its properties of endocrine disruptors. All organic molecules, particularly the heterocyclic compounds, present in the ‘air borne filaments’ samples represent a strong concern, for public health as well as environmental protection.”
I am reposting this 119-page chemical report of geoengineering filaments in France 2012:
20131010 Acseipica Rapport Analytique – Download
I have also been looking at the overlap with the covid-19 bioweapons:
Here are some of the shocking slides from the interview:
This slide says it all regarding some of the identified toxic substances sprayed from above – highly toxic, hazardous, corrosive, flammable, harmful to health.
What genocidal maniacs spray this into the air is my question?
From the WIR website:
“The research team’s findings have opened a Pandora’s box of concerns about environmental modification techniques and their potential misuse. As Christian Oesch pointed out, these discoveries may provide evidence of non-peaceful use of such technologies, potentially violating international conventions.
The team’s work not only sheds light on a mysterious phenomenon but also sounds an urgent alarm about the weaponization of our skies and the potential threats to public health and safety.”
Extensive laboratory analyses
“The research team, consisting of Oesch, physicist Philipp Zeller, and engineer Hansjörg Grether, conducted a comprehensive 22-month investigation into these unusual strings. They conducted extensive laboratory analyzes using state-of-the-art methods, including infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and gas chromatography.
Their findings were alarming: the threads contained over 30 different chemical compounds, many of which are hazardous, including toxic hydrocarbons, benzene derivatives, epoxides, and histamine derivatives. The strings can stretch 15 to 20 yards long, hover 3-4 meters above ground, and are extremely sticky.
Oesch emphasizes that these are not natural spider webs. The mysterious threads are hollow, more intensely whitish, and behave differently when burned than normal spider silk.”
Some of the chemical compounds found are not registered
“Most concerningly, some of the chemical compounds found are not registered in any known Safety Data Sheets, suggesting that they are new or experimental substances.
One of the most starting discoveries is the extreme toxicity of these fibers. The research team strongly advises against touching them with bare hands, emphasizing the need for protective equipment when handling or collecting samples.
This toxicity suggests that these are not innocuous materials but potentially dangerous substances deliberately introduced into our environment.
Using advanced techniques like Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy, the team discovered these fibers are hollow inside and could be carriers for unknown substances, including mRNA vaccines. This raises serious concerns about their purpose and potential environmental impact.”
A coordinated effort?
“The widespread distribution of these fibers across multiple countries suggests a coordinated effort or at least a large-scale phenomenon.
The research has significant implications, potentially violating the UN Convention on Environmental Modification Techniques, which prohibits the hostile use of environmental manipulation technologies.
The team’s ultimate goal is to expose what they believe might be a dangerous, non-peaceful environmental modification program. They are prepared to pursue criminal charges if governmental investigations do not provide satisfactory answers. Their work represents a critical intersection of scientific investigation, environmental safety, and potential technological weaponization.”
Hollow nature of the strings
“The hollow nature of these strings allows them to potentially transport and deliver various payloads, ranging from chemicals to biological agents.
This capability transforms these fibers from mere environmental oddities into potential tools for the targeted dispersal of substances.
The implications of this carrier capacity are far-reaching. These fibers could target specific areas, crops, individuals, or body parts.”
Patents For Device Weaponization
“Oesch referenced two patents from 2008 and 2013 describing hollow fibers as carriers for pesticides, fertilizers, or medicines, speculating that the discovered threads might be part of an experimental application of such technologies.
Layers of different compounds can be within the hollow channels. Depending on their exposure to moisture, these compounds can be time-released.”
I completely agree with the presenters, this is depopulation genocide from above. It does not matter if you are a common person or a politician, a judge or a military person or pilot participating in killing civilians – everyone is inhaling this poison. Do the people doing this ever consider the adverse effects to themselves? Makes you wonder if these people do not have children they love? They are being poisoned too.
No wonder humanity is ill. I am not so sure of the biodegradable aspect of their conclusion, given what we see in the blood and the rubbery clots that have not been soluble even with the most caustic agents as Clifford and I showed. Clifford has been able to culture multiple abnormal proteins from human blood. The polyamide chemical group is consistent, other proteins made from amino acids are present. Possibly the chemicals from geoengineering create other adverse reactions and interaction with self assembly nanotechnology in the body.

However, the polyamides that Dr. Staninger found in the Morgellons filaments and mesogen microchips were unidentified animal proteins. Who knows what kind of a genetically modified poisenous concoction this is.
It is my great hope that the next step of analysis can also be the correlation of the chemicals in the covid-19 bioweapons with the toxic substances deployed via military geoengineering operations.
The final request of the group is the most important part. Clifford and I have been warning about an extinction level event due to the contamination of human blood. Every citizen should take this information to their politicians, their police officers, their townhalls. Maybe if they understand that they are being slow killed too, someone will do something about this.
All poisons create oxidative stress in the body. High level of antioxidants like Vitamin C, NAC, Glutathione and others can help mitigate the damage to some degree.
Thank you to Reinette and the WIR team for exposing this.
Author: Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
February 17, 2025