On a witch hunt. What terrible things the press says about us

Many, sooo many, it is impossible to list them all. So we will limit ourselves to the most common ones, plus some comically-absurd ones. We hope that intelligent people will notice how the narrative repeats itself periodically and how a pattern has already been created [nb a specific model, a pattern representing the simplified structure of a sociological, linguistic, psychological phenomenon]. Closing bracket. Jut to show that we are not really brainwashed, we also know psychology.

Although it is not the most representative accusation against the MISA Yoga School, certainly one of the most hilarious is that we wanted to buy the Carpathian mountains. If you don’t know this one, it was in the press about 20 or so years ago, or before the internet age anyway. We regret that we no longer know who released it at the time, it would have deserved an originality award. But we are on the move, if someone accuses us this time of wanting to buy the Pyrenees or the French Riviera, let’s not forget their name. So, dear journalists, we know you have a duty (would it be more correct “from the secret services”?) to gossip about us, but you could at least be more original.

The myth of “group sex” is probably first on the list of indignation. Everyone “knows” that it is practiced at MISA, in the camps, on the beach, at the baths in Herculane, anywhere, but no one has ever seen it. What does it matter, sex scandals get an audience at any hour, and people’s hypocrisy knows no bounds. On TV they express their indignation in chorus, but who fills the strip clubs, who wastes the nights on “adult” sites, who fuels the porn industry? Aren’t they the same characters who declare themselves outraged in the light of day? How many politicians and businessmen rent apartments for their young mistresses? How many clients do luxury escort firms have? (Okay, we don’t know the exact figure either, but we can make an “educated guess”.)

On top of that, the biggest fuss is made by tabloids or television stations that promote themselves exactly with sex, with “the girl from page 5”, with pseudo-stars with cleavage up to the navel and implants the size of Silicon Valley, with or without intimate underwear, or with sitcoms overflowing with vulgarity and obscene dialogue. Furthermore, the height of hypocrisy, swinger talk shows are appreciated and considered chic, in-your-face homosexual propaganda has become something normal, while pure, transfigurative eroticism based on love and amorous erotic continence is considered something deviant and no journalist would mention such a thing. To be completely honest, if “group sex” were practiced at MISA, we should thank the media for the publicity. After each more intense media campaign, messages flow in which people ask us how they can also participate, because it seems interesting. We can only imagine their subsequent disappointment… We also apologize that you were misled, it’s not our fault!

With great coverage in the French press, “brainwashing” is another favourite topic. That was never very clear to us. That is, if you believe that life means more than career, management meetings, house, car, children, trips to Tenerife, company clothes and expense accounts, Swiss watches, iPhone 275 etc, and you honestly believe that spirit is more important than matter, you clearly have problems upstairs. If your parents want you to practice medicine because they know what’s good for you, then you grow up to be in the world, a guy “with status” being a necessity, but if you prefer to decide for yourself what to do with your life, it is an indication that you are a psychiatric case. If you stuff your guts, with beer and steaks to the bone, then spend Christmas night at emergency, you’re a cool guy, maybe you even appear on TV. God forbid the world sees you in some asana or meditating, you are definitely possessed. If 30,000 people scream like crazy at concerts with more decibels than neurons in the audience, it’s a sign that they’ve integrated into European culture. If 5,000 yogis participate in a spiral in Costinești, they have been indoctrinated.

Or if you’re a fan of team X, where X = any known football team, you paint your face, you run around like a lunatic chasing a round leather thing that goes through some posts and stops in a net, if you swear at the referee and the coach and their whole family because you thought the whistle was wrong, what’s the problem, you’re a football fan, what does it matter that you’re 120 kilos and your only sport is lifting pints and punching your wife. It is a behaviour accepted by modern society, that we cannot call it civilized, you are possibly sanctioned (only if you are caught…) when you break someone’s legs, stick a knife in the fans of the opposing team or throw Molotov cocktails at someone. Until then, it’s all good … Tell us once more the definition of brainwashing, as you have lost us! Since black is getting whiter and white is getting blacker, brainwashing is not what it used to be either…

Drug and arms trafficking did not last long, but they could not be absent either. Did the prosecutors in the barbaric raids, excuse me, “searches” of 2004 find at least one pack of cigarettes? They did not, you answered correctly. But (drum roll…) they found a total of one piece of plastic syringe in the 18 houses, the most banal model, moreover unopened, irrefutable proof that yogis take drugs. Speaking of searches, we were forgetting something, big mistake. A stack of copies of the “Gospel of John”, with a large image of Jesus on the A4 cover, were shown to the camera by a police officer choked with indignation: “you see they have a lot of pornographic material here!” Well, let’s say that instead of the Gospels it would have been the Playboy collection (which everyone read under the table in its heyday, let’s not hide behind the hands) or even some pornographic publication of questionable taste. And so? What is the problem? Is there a new offense in the Criminal Code called “possession of material with bad taste”? As for the arms traffic trumpeted on TV, even the kitchen knives were not too sharp, nor water pistols had any more ammunition, they buried this topic directly. No “sorry for misinforming you”. They just drew a simple line through it.

The media’s recent obsession, however, is the “sect label. An easy-to-remember, impactful, four-letter, one-syllable word, spelled pretty much the same in all spoken languages, a word that sends a shiver down your spine when you hear it. How is a sect defined? Who cares! You don’t eat a lot, you don’t drink some beer with the boys on the terrace? You are sectarian. You practice nudism at the beach (on the nudist beach after all)? You are mega-sectarian. Do you talk to your friends about the benefits of amorous erotic continence? You are ultra-sectarian. Are you giving blessings to those in need? Who do you think you are, the church gave you permission? We will show you, send a circular and no priest will baptize you again… (real fact, by the way, ask around the parish of Herculane and its surroundings). Godly Attributes? We don’t care, mind your own sect. This priest just said that yoga comes from the impure. (Which, by the way, many Christians in Bucharest invoke when they find their place occupied in the parking lot.) It is not good to start your day with a consecration, those from the EU told us, God you can only remember in relation to the mother of those who cut you up in traffic. What other arguments does the press really have to justify the sect label? Did they find any citizens who could swear that they were being held somewhere against their will by someone from MISA? (When the tram gets stuck in the intersection it’s really not our fault.) They didn’t find it. A hooded gentleman with his back to the camera tried to convince the viewing public that he was forcibly kept in an ashram, but to the common-sense question “did anyone stop you from opening the door and leaving?” he could not answer. 20-25-30-year-old “children” were snatched by the “sect” from their tearful mothers, the newsrooms saw, but they did not ask the simple question, why do you need the right to vote at the age of majority, if your mom tells you what to do until you’re 27? It makes you cry rather than laugh, but the obsession with the “sect” will be difficult to remove from the heads of journalists. Especially since it has now spread abroad. Foreign journalists don’t really know what MISA is and what Atman is (as if MISA had changed its name to Atman since Gregorian Bivolaru left Romania…), but they know for sure that each of these and/or both together are a dangerous sect. A “yoga sect”, whatever that means.

We were thinking of stopping here for now, like in “1001 nights”, there are other days, although we have more examples. But something unusual caught our attention. In one of the articles in Romanian about the 26 women “extracted from the sect” by the French police (with handcuffs and in pyjamas at zero degrees, if you remember), it is stated that it was “obvious” that the girls “had consumed alcoholic beverages”. Really? Well, they were woken up, it was 6 in the morning, they weren’t collected from the station buffet, you probably messed up the scenarios… It happens… Or it could be from google translate, which doesn’t translate that well, and if you didn’t learn French at school either, where you don’t understand, you don’t match it anymore, because…

When the story reached here, Scheherazade saw the dawn of day approaching and, timidly, kept silent…

(Read the second part of this article here)

Source: misa.yoga


December 9, 2023


Also available in: Română Français

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