One organization controls behind the scenes almost everything human beings on this planet see, hear and read in the media…


…and for decades this octopus has already chosen to its liking the world’s leaders who are in reality a puppet
Shocking, yet true!

WikiLeaks Website Exposes How U.S. Council on Foreign Relations Controls Most All Mainstream Media

Article posted on the internet by Matt Agorist on January 29, 2018

It is no longer a secret to anyone that over the last four decades, mainstream media has been consolidated from dozens of competing companies to only six. Hundreds of channels, websites, news outlets, newspapers, and magazines, making up ninety percent of all media is controlled by very few people – giving the naive and superficial Americans the illusion of a broad palette from where they may have freedom of choice.

While six companies controlling most everything the Western world consumes in regard to media may sound like a sinister arrangement, the Swiss Propaganda Research center (SPR), which handles the study of political coloring of media channels, has just released information that is even more disturbing.

The research group was able to discover that all these media companies are tied to a single organization – the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

For those who may be unaware, the CFR is a primary member of the circle of Washington think-tanks promoting endless war. As former Army Major Todd Pierce describes, this groups act from the shadows as “primary provocateurs” manipulatively using “psychological suggestiveness to create a false narrative of danger from some foreign entity with the objective being to create the paranoia idea within the U.S. population that it is under imminent threat of attack or takeover”.

A senior member of the CFR and outspoken neocon warmonger, Robert Kagan has even publicly proclaimed that the US should create an empire.

The fiction narrative created by CFR and its cohorts is picked up by their secondary communicators from the mainstream media, who push it on the populace with no pertinent analysis ever nor with any real questioning.

When looking at the chart from SPR, the reach by this single organization is so vast that it is no mystery as to how these psychopaths from the occult satanic elite guide Americans into accepting endless war at the expense of losing their loved ones.

Top journalists and executives from all major media companies are integrated into the CFR. As the chart below illustrates, the CFR has even more control in the mainstream media than even the nefarious Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.

As SPR points out, Richard Harwood, former managing editor of the Washington Post, wrote about the Council on Foreign Relations recognizing that its members most likely correspond to what one might call the “ruling establishment of the United States”.
Harwood continued: “The membership of these journalists in the council, however they may think of themselves, is an acknowledgment of their active and important role in public affairs and of their ascension into the American ruling class. They do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy for the United States; they help make it.”

It is worth to consider the true meaning of these words. This group of unaccountable, unelected, professional propagandists in America doesn’t simply analyze US government policy – they make it.

While only five percent of the members of CFR work within the media, as SPR points out that is all they need to implement the will of its other members that includes:
– several US presidents and vice presidents of both parties;
– almost all foreign, defense and finance ministers;
– most chiefs of staff and commanders of the US military and NATO;
– nearly all National Security Advisers, CIA Directors, UN Ambassadors, Federal Reserve Chairmen, World Bank Presidents, and Directors of the National Economic Council;
– some of the most influential members of Congress (especially foreign and security politicians);
– numerous media managers and top journalists, as well as some of the most famous actors;
– numerous prominent academics, especially in the key areas of economics, international relations, political and historical sciences, and journalism;
– numerous executives from think tanks, universities, NGOs, and Wall Street;
– and key members of the 9/11 Commission and the Warren Commission (which was established to solve the JFK case).

To highlight just how much control over the media the CFR wields we need only look at the fact that they criminally operate – in broad daylight – and receive nearly no media coverage. The former chairman of the CFR, High Commissioner for Germany, co-founder of the Atlantic Bridge, World Bank president, and an adviser to a total of nine US presidents, John J. McCloy actually bragged publicly about the CFR hand picking US politicians.

John J. McCloy

“Whenever we needed a man [in Washington], we just thumbed through the roll of Council members and put through a call to New York [to the CFR’s headquarters office]” said McCloy.

Until the election of Trump the past four presidents have been the director of the CFR: George HW Bush, who was replaced by a member of the CFR, Bill Clinton, who was replaced by a family member of the CFR, George W Bush, who was then replaced by CFR aspirant candidate Barack Obama – who filled his cabinet with members of the occult elite group.

Although Donald Trump was never a public member of the CFR, that did not stop him from filling the White House with dozens of CFR members.
Here are just a few of the CFR members appointed by Trump:
– Elaine Chao, United States Secretary of Transportation (CFR individual member);
– Jamie Dimon, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member);
– Jim Donovan, Deputy Treasury Secretary (CFR corporate member);
– Larry Fink, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member);
– Neil M. Gorsuch, Supreme Court Justice (individual CFR member);
– Vice Admiral Robert S. Harward, National Security Advisor (declined appointment) (CFR corporate member).

Even though Trump wasn’t a CFR member outright, his cabinet is made up almost entirely of council’s members. As this information illustrates that democracy is an illusion. This is one more reason to tune out of mainstream media and seek out the truth for yourself. It also explains why alternative media news and channels which help in spreading the truth are attacked in the mainstream media, and their authors are denigrated and persecuted.

Please share this article with your friends, family and to as many human beings as possible to help them understand just how much of the information, political process, and our lives are controlled by a mere handful of evil and corrupt people. The matrix is crumbling to pieces and then we can really ascend on the path of accelerated spiritual evolution.


February 16, 2018

Also available in: Română Français

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