Organizing announcement regarding the recuperation of the special Krishna initiation (Krishna 2) lectures
The persons who have heard all the previous lectures of the Krishna 2 initiation and cannot participate this year in the new lectures hearings are kindly asked to announce this by e-mail to, specifying the reason that impedes them from coming.
In March 2016 the rehearing of the new lectures presented in Costinești 2015 will be held.
ATTENTION! In March 2016 is the last rehearing that will take place outside the Costinești camps. In the following years, no more supplementary hearings will be held except those from August in Costinesti.
From now on, the persons who miss the special Krishna initiation (Krishna 2) in a year will be able to recuperate those lectures only in the following year. In case they will not respect this rule, their initiation pass will be taken back definitively. Example: if a person misses the Costinești 2016 lectures, he/she may only recuperate in 2017, also in Costinești. If that person does not come to recuperate the lectures in 2017, the initiation pass will be taken back definitively.
yogaesotericAugust 2015
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