Paul Revere and the Impending Medical Tyranny

On April 18th, 1775, Paul Revere was sent to Lexington to warn the sleeping rebel militia that British forces were on the move. He had to quietly sneak past an enemy warship and was at one point captured and questioned at gunpoint, but he completed the mission to warn his compatriots that their enemies were coming.

You can consider alternative media the medical Paul Revere. The enemies of medical freedom are coming, and many of us are still fast asleep. It’s time for us to wake up. Our constitutional freedom to choose what we inject into our bodies and the bodies of our children is in peril. States are actively working to remove exemptions, the federal government – in tandem with private interest groups – has mounted a massive propaganda campaign, and all signs point to an eventual federal mandate compelling every American to be injected with whatever vaccines our government sees fit.

This is not alarmism, and these are not scare tactics. These are observable changes that are in motion right now, and a conclusion that is rational, supported, and has historical precedent.

States are Taking Away Our Freedom to Choose

Since the founding of USA, every state’s rights have always been important. When it comes to vaccination policies, this remains true. While federal agencies make recommendations regarding vaccinations, each state maintains sovereignty over its vaccination laws. Requirements currently vary from state to state. All states require vaccinations to attend public schools, but all 50 states offer exemptions on a case-by-case basis.

It used to be that your child could be exempt from vaccination requirements based on one of three:
1. Philosophical belief;
2. Religious belief;
3. Medical risk.

Unfortunately, we’re starting to see these exemptions disappear, while the mainstream media and medical establishment attack anyone claiming these exemptions and any governments allowing them.

Currently, 17 states still allow for all 3 exemptions. This means that if you have a religious objection or simply don’t agree with vaccinating your child, you may claim an exemption and will not be forced to immunize them. 30 states have removed the philosophical exemption, which means parents must have medical or religious grounds if they choose not to vaccinate their children.

Three states – California, Mississippi, and West Virginia – have eliminated all but the medical exemption, which means that parents living in these states must have a letter from a doctor explaining a medical condition that prohibits the child from being vaccinated. As states continue to eliminate exemptions, they essentially take away medical freedom, since many families cannot afford to homeschool or send their children to private school. This is unconstitutional.

The exact wording of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, is as follows: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

For anyone who may question whether this amendment applies to state governments, please note that the Supreme Court decision in Cantwell v. Connecticut, now known as the Incorporation Doctrine, states that the Fourteenth Amendment requires states to maintain freedoms granted in the Bill of Rights: “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States…”

Using the “prohibiting the free exercise thereof” clause to provide exemptions to various laws based on religious grounds is not new. Prison inmates may receive kosher or halal meals based on their religion. Christian Scientists and Jehovah’s Witnesses are known to refuse medicine or blood transfusions on religious grounds. Even state liquor laws provide exemptions for sacramental use by a religious organization. But when it comes to vaccines, this fundamental freedom is slowly eroding.

Who’s Really Pulling the Strings?

Benjamin Rush was a doctor, chemist, politician, and professor of medical theory. He was the Surgeon General of the Continental Army during the revolution, and one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. He was an opponent of slavery and an advocate for free public education and women’s rights. He also believed that all illness was the result of imbalances in the body, something that holistic, eastern, and natural health practitioners still believe today.

He also saw the potential for medical tyranny and advocated that the Constitution more clearly define the right of Americans to medical freedom. You may be familiar with his famous quote: “Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come [that] medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.”

We’re seeing this “undercover dictatorship” right now, even at the state level. Every single year, new legislation is introduced that attempts to restrict vaccine freedom and remove exemptions. California Senate Bill 277, which removed personal and religious belief exemptions in California, was pushed through by State Senator Dr. Richard Pan, who used measles diagnoses from Disneyland as justification for the bill. As is often the case, “patient zero” was a foreigner, visiting the U.S. from another country.

But the motives behind the SB277 may not have been exclusively related to public health. According to the Sacramento Bee, the pharmaceutical industry spent roughly $3 million on lobbying efforts during the 2013-2014 legislative session. What’s more, they donated over $2 million to members of the legislature during that time and more than $500,000 to outside groups that had campaigned for some members.

Senator Pan received the lion’s share of the pharma donations to the tune of nearly $100,000. Not bad for a state senator. Toni Atkins, the speaker of the California State Assembly at the time and later President pro tempore of the State Senate, received more than $90,000 in cash donations from the pharmaceutical industry.

But financial influence isn’t the only dirty factor at play in the state battle for medical freedom of choice. Politicians like Pan have tried, in some cases successfully, to introduce auxiliary legislation that punishes doctors for granting “unwarranted” medical exemptions. Pan, and others like him, claim that government agencies should have the final say because doctors can’t be trusted to appropriately evaluate a child’s need for exemption. This has created an environment in which doctors who grant medical exemptions are being hunted and threatened by government agents, which will almost certainly result in an undue hesitancy of doctors to grant them. And the scare tactics don’t stop with physicians.

According to the National Vaccine Information Center: “One way vaccine industry lobbyists place disruptive pressure on schools allowing students to enroll with vaccine exemptions is to lobby for legislation that requires individual schools to publish vaccine exemption rates and post that information online. These bills are promoted under the guise of educating parents, but they are really about government-sponsored shaming that pits school against school and parent against parent for the purpose of marginalizing and increasing peer pressure on families whose children have vaccine exemptions.”

This is important to understand. Pharmaceutical industries with a vested financial interest in increasing the number of vaccines they sell are donating millions of dollars to politicians who are friendly to their cause. Politicians are then inflating and exploiting public health issues to introduce and pass new, restrictive legislation. They simultaneously use media and subsequent laws to intimidate and demonize the opposition, creating societal bullying that completely inhibits rational and respectful debate among citizens.
And this plays out exactly as it was intended.

The Government Propaganda Machine

Federal agencies are working vigorously on a propaganda campaign designed for one purpose: to increase vaccine administration at any cost. They’re accomplishing this by exaggerating and exploiting a crisis, inciting public outrage, tracking opponents, and controlling media. Simply take a look at the National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP), which was published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS oversees the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Each of these operating divisions are essentially a revolving door for the pharmaceutical and agricultural industries.

Not only are they heavily influenced by money from these industries, but their agents are often former industry employees, receive high-level jobs in the private sector once their public service has ended, or both. In fact, it’s so convoluted that the private companies who manufacture vaccines are no longer liable for proper testing or any injuries caused by their products.

If you’re injured by vaccines (being an American), you have to go through a program called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The VICP is managed by the HRSA, a division of HHS. The ever-increasing federal recommendations for vaccine administration are managed by the CDC, a division of HHS. The vaccines are approved and regulated by the FDA, a division of HHS.

The safety management, recommendations, and liability for vaccines all fall within the purview of HHS. And the employees responsible for these duties are widely influenced by financial intervention from an industry that’s expected to be worth $61 billion by next year. Here’s the first paragraph of the NAIP: “The National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) is intended to facilitate coordinated action by federal and non-federal partners to protect public health and achieve optimal prevention of infectious diseases and their consequences through vaccination of adults. As a national plan, the NAIP requires engagement from a wide range of stakeholders to achieve its full vision. The plan emphasizes collaboration and prioritization of efforts that will have the greatest impact.”

It then lays out four primary objectives. (1) Strengthen the adult immunization infrastructure, (2) Improve access to adult vaccines, (3) Increase community demand for adult immunizations, and (4) Foster innovation in adult vaccine development and vaccination-related technologies. They lay out exactly how they plan to accomplish these goals.

Objective 1.4 is to increase the use of electronic health records (EHRs) and immunization information systems (IIS) to collect and track adult immunization data. This means starting a national database to track exactly who received vaccines, and which ones. It’s involuntary data collection on the American people, a power the U.S. government has repeatedly shown is incapable of wielding responsibly.

Goal three in itself is a clear manipulation of public opinion used to stifle rational debate. “Increasing community demand for adult immunizations” is exactly what it sounds like: a lynch mob. And this isn’t a new tactic. We see this all the time in politics, where each side demonizes the other so that rational discourse is virtually impossible. Consider the current situation at the border. If you support a wall, you’re an inhumane bigot. If you oppose the wall, you’re an unpatriotic socialist. How can you open a dialogue with those parameters? When we allow the government, or any other major power, to frame the conversation, the public always loses.

Objective 3.3 takes it one step further, saying that “all levels of government and community partners can expand and improve their use of social media to increase public awareness of adult vaccine recommendations.” And what’s the best way to dominate social media with your message? Simply remove anyone with an opposing viewpoint. And it’s literally happening right now.

Pinterest deleted the accounts of natural health advocates and anyone calling for greater accountability from the vaccine industry. Recently, alternative media websites were specifically mentioned by major media outlets like NBC and CBS, who claimed that the mentioned websites were “spreading misinformation” and that vaccine safety advocate sites are “a hoax.” Facebook responded by vowing to limit vaccine safety advocate pages and reduce the way that they appear on your newsfeed by utilizing suppression algorithms. They did all this after citing the World Health Organization (WHO), who listed “vaccine hesitancy” as one of the top ten threats to global health in 2019. And it’s not really a surprise.

In 1968, after the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy, both the House and the Senate passed the Gun Control Act. In 1996, after the Oklahoma City Bombing, President Clinton signed the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act. In 2001, after the attacks on September 11th, President Bush signed the Patriot Act. In 2010, after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, President Obama signed an executive order leading to new environmental rules. State Senator Pan used the Disneyland measles debacle in 2014 in to push SB277 through the state senate. Last year, the president used large caravans of immigrants to force his funding request for a wall. This year, legislators in Washington used an increase in measles cases to pass legislation banning religious and philosophical exemptions for vaccine mandates. Recently, New Zealand used the tragic Islamophobic shooting to pass new gun laws.

It’s clear that governments are empowered to make dramatic changes and enact laws that grant new levels of control whenever the nation is afraid. Fear is a powerful weapon for those in a position of power. In a corrupt system, those in power will manufacture fear in order to get what they want: more power.

Healthy People 2020 and “The Decade of Vaccines”

And the NAIP is pulling out all the stops. Since 1980, Healthy People has been a decennial program promoting health goals set by… HHS. Since its inception, Healthy People has promoted increased vaccination rates as a marker of improved public health. The first version, published in 1980 and called Healthy People 1990, set forth 15 topics and 226 health objectives for the coming decade and was a collaboration between the Surgeon and Assistant Surgeon generals and the Institutes of Medicine.

In 2010, Healthy People 2020 contained 42 topics and over 1,200 objectives for this decade, and thousands of people from over 50 agencies contributed to its creation. Healthy People 2020 was meant to be a substantial cog in the propaganda machine, working in tandem with the NAIP and other programs to push the vaccination agenda.

In fact, HHS dubbed the years between 2010 and 2020 “The Decade of Vaccines” and said that “This international effort aims to extend the benefits of immunization to all individuals and communities.” But increased rates of exemption among school children has been seen as a major setback, which is why we’re seeing such increased pressure from governments, agencies, and the media to get vaccinated.
It is not a coincidence that lower vaccination rates directly affect the bottom line of major companies like Merck, Pfizer, and Sanofi.

Federal Mandates and Compulsory Immunizations Are Imminent

All of these indicators point to an impending move by federal lawmakers to introduce federal regulations mandating vaccinations and compelling those opposed to receive them. States are already moving aggressively to remove exemptions and penalize doctors who award them. State laws are targeting medical freedom, yet vaccination rates continue to drop.

Politicians and major media outlets have sensationalized “massive outbreaks” of preventable diseases like measles. In 2017, lighting strikes killed 16 people in the United States, or about 0.000005% of the population. But the truth is that Americans are about 100 times more likely to die from a lightning strike than from measles. In fact, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), you’re more likely to die from the MMR vaccine than you are from measles.

Social media platforms are censoring vaccine safety advocates, and television personalities are labeling us a danger to society. The WHO is claiming that vaccine hesitancy is a top 10 threat to global health. It’s gotten so out of hand that a 2017 editorial published by the Boston Herald says that we should literally be hanged for questioning vaccines or spreading information.

Initiatives like Healthy People 2020 have clearly outlined an aggressive plan for increasing vaccinations, and the National Adult Immunization Program details each nefarious stage of their propaganda agenda. Meanwhile, agencies have begun ramping up efforts to document and track unvaccinated citizens.

UPS is a major company and has long been one of the most recognizable parcel delivery services in the world. Unlike many other industries, the rise of Amazon actually increased UPS’s viability, as Amazon quickly became a significant source of business for UPS. As Amazon grew, so did UPS. But Amazon recently expanded their shipping and logistics capabilities, signaling that they are preparing to handle all of their shipping needs in-house.

This would be a major blow to UPS, who needs to start looking for ways to supplement their revenue and sustain growth. Just recently, the company announced plans to test a U.S. service that dispatches nurses to vaccinate adults in their homes. According to Reuters, Merck is considering a partnering with UPS on the endeavor. But why would a shipping company look to mobile vaccine administration for future growth and security?

Because the outsourced healthcare logistics market, currently worth $85 billion, is expected to explode to $105 billion in the next two years. And although diabetes continues to rise, UPS is not focusing their attention on insulin delivery. They’re looking towards in-home vaccination. This should scare you, because the executives for a company with a market capitalization nearing $100 billion are not likely betting on vaccines without reason. If you want to know what’s coming, just follow the money.

But there are other indications that we’re being prepped for the introduction of mandatory vaccinations. FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb, who recently announced his resignation and is best-known for leading the fight against e-cigarettes, said in February (2019) that the federal government may have to regulate vaccine policies if “lax” state laws “force our hand,” regarding states with high exemption rates. “Some states are engaging in such wide exemptions that they’re creating the opportunity for outbreaks on a scale that is going to have national implications,” he said in an interview with CNN. “If certain states continue down the path that they’re on, I think they’re going to force the hand of the federal health agencies.”

This is the head of the FDA suggesting that the federal government may take control of vaccine regulation if states continue to allow medical freedom and the constitutionally provided right to freedom. While this was a personal comment and not an official statement on behalf of the FDA, it is no less chilling. That Gottlieb would be so emboldened to make this statement publicly and repeatedly is another indication that wheels are already in motion to introduce federal vaccine mandates.

Vaccines are one of the most important topics of our day. People on both sides have dug in their heels and are unwilling to have an open discussion. The moment that a person questions the safety of vaccines, they are branded as a dangerous lunatic. 

US nation was founded by rebels seeking freedom from tyranny. Those principles have guided the nation for 238 years, which is why Americans aren’t legally required to eat their vegetables, and don’t have any mandatory exercise regimens. In fact, self-inflicted obesity is often treated as a disease instead of a lifestyle choice.

There is an active propaganda machine working as a precursor to compulsory vaccination mandates around the world. Fear is already being manufactured, opposition is already being silenced, and ordinary people are already so divided that civil discussion is hard to come by. But we are not alone. Some elected officials have been vocal in their opposition to mandatory vaccination. As long as we have a voice, we have a choice.

You can stand up to your local state governments and demand that exemption policies remain intact. You can let politicians know that anyone taking money from big pharma stands no chance of re-election. You can vote with your money by refusing to support companies that actively stifle freedom. And you can make a difference by becoming well-informed so that you can have respectful, evidence-based discourse with those who disagree with you.

Paul Revere played in important role in warning the forces at Lexington of the impending danger. Alternative media hopes to play a role in warning you, while it still has a voice.


May 31, 2019 

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