Proof that officials in NY are worried about Ebola


As many government officials pretend as though the threat of an Ebola outbreak occurring in the United States somehow doesn’t exist, the quiet hiring of an Ebola task force in New York City suggests that, at least in some areas, authorities are starting to panic behind closed doors.

At the end of 2019 it came to attention that the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), in conjunction with its partner group Public Health Solutions, filled a temporary position for a “short-term project,” set to end in May 2020, that involves keeping track of the Ebola virus as it continues to spread around the world.

According to the job description for this position, Public Health Solutions had been looking for someone to “[s]upport the Ebola and special pathogen preparedness programming for healthcare partners including designated treatment centers, network coalitions, and partner agencies (e.g. FDNY), and special projects through deliverable-based contracts (7 Network Coalitions, 2 Designated Treatment Centers, FDNY, others).”

This hired candidate, the job description goes on to explain, will need to “support document development for assessing and supporting the preparedness needs of hospital networks and treatment centers for Ebola and special pathogens” – the implication being that New York City is expecting an outbreak of Ebola in the near future.

New York City apparently has in store some “new initiatives to support communicable disease preparedness that involve making sure that deliverables make it to hospitals and other facilities within their networks in anticipation of having to deal with a potential Ebola crisis.”

United Nations refuses to declare Ebola outbreak a global emergency

The World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly expressed concerns about the spike in Ebola cases, particularly in the Mabalako and Mandima areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. An announcement from the global agency indicated that expected new Ebola cases would likely bring the running total to nearly 3,000.

But the United Nations, of which the WHO is a part, has yet to issue its own warning, or even admit that Ebola is now a global health emergency. In fact, the U.N. is actually happy about the so-called “replacement migration” that’s occurring in the United States, where refugees from the Congo who may be harboring Ebola are being allowed entry into the country through San Antonio, Texas.

At least three people have been quarantined with a “mystery disease” at a private hospital in El Paso. And as for the rest of the Congolese migrants who’ve been let into the country in San Antonio, nobody really knows where they’ve ended up settling.

“There were some Congolese people caught crossing the border, it was suspected they had Ebola,” a medical professional at the border told Big League Politics. “In one facility there are three patients being held because they don’t know what they have.”

While this same individual admitted that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been down to evaluate and assess the three quarantined patients, the agency has not been able to identify what they have.

“What scares me is, what happens if someone comes over here with Ebola. We only need one person, and there’s a pandemic.”

According to officials, some of the foreign invaders have also been identified as having mumps, which reportedly triggered a mumps outbreak at the border. Other diseases like influenza liver cirrhosis are also common, adding to the public health threat.


May 30, 2020


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