Review: TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin – Deep State Playbook (1)


By Robert David Steele

TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE: Social Engineering the Masses
by Daniel Estulin (Trine Day, 2015)

6 Stars – A Seminal Work Integrating Deep Looks from Others – A Book that Can Transform the Consciousness and Awaken the Soul

Given the author’s past as a former Russian intelligence employee, I have considered the possibility that this book is an active disinformation treatise. While some of this information may be exaggerated or mis-interpreted, on balance I believe this to be a most valuable holistic perspective, essential to taking down the Deep State.

My bottom line up front: the Deep State — the vestiges of the Black Nobility/Ceasar, the British Empire, the Vatican, the Zionists, and the Freemasons (33+ only – the rest can be saved) and their banking fronts including the Rothschilds and Central Banks — are the common enemies of America, China, and Russia as well as all other nation-states and cultural/ethnic/linguistic tribes. We are not doing well at collaborating against these common enemies.

This book floored me. Written in 2011 and republished in 2015, this book is one of three in the past ten years that have transformed my perception of reality. (The other two are Project Human Extinction – The Ultimate Conspiracy and Trance: Formation of America.)

I thought I understood covert action and its subset propaganda. I did not. What this book makes clear, with meticulous naming of names (drawing on varied noted sources), is that virtually everything about our daily lives is propaganda, from church and school, to the news, to social media, to government lies and statistics. I am a fan of Jon Rappoport’s work (The Matrix and his blog No More Fake News), I managed a false flag operation for the CIA, I have done a great deal to confront fake news, but this book leaves me almost breathless with shock. Everything is a programmed lie – I am reminded of Barbara Honegger’s In the Room recollection of William Casey telling Ronald Reagan: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

The saddest and most troubling aspect of this book for me, as a former CIA operations officer, was its documentation of the degree to which CIA, in active collaboration with universities funded by the Rockefellers and other elites, deliberately created the drug culture in the 1960s, liberally dispending LSD and other drugs, and in particular, handing out LSD tabs at Woodstock. The author is compelling in suggesting that the Grateful Dead (perhaps unwitting) were a covert operation by the CIA intended to introduce and then proliferate the drug and consciousness culture, reducing by a considerable number those able to reach adulthood without losing a substantial portion of their brain cells.

Quote (p. 110): “‘At Woodstock,’ writes journalist Donald Phau, ‘nearly half a million youth gathered to be drugged and brainwashed on a farm. The victims were isolated, immersed in filth, pumped with [free] psychedelic drugs, and kept awake continuously for three straight days, and all with the full complicity of the FBI and government officials’.”

Decades later, and after Vietnam, we have the crack cocaine explosion at the intersection of the Nicaraguan contras, the US Marine Corps and El Toro, and the CIA.

The second most troubling aspect of this book for me, as a lapsed Catholic and still Christian who believes strongly in the family unit as the foundation for national power (along with the education of its citizens in the art of critical reasoned thinking) was the documentation of how the “pill” was explicitly invented and popularized (along with “affirmative action”) in order to break up families and foster a libertine culture harmful to children, at the same time that television and Hollywood were used to dumb down the public and make all manner of perversions normal. Herbert Marcuse and others have defined “repressive tolerance” as the ultimate destroyer of family, community, and tribal values: when “anything goes,” which is the Democratic Party’s approach to life, then nothing is sacred.

Although the author relies heavily on one or two sources around which he builds a chapter, he has a gift for synthesis and a gift for narrative, and I have to say that this book is a capstone book – a book so important that if I had the money I would be handing out ten million copies tomorrow.

There is a Trumpian bottom line that I want to emphasize up front: the absolute worst nightmare for the Deep State and the 1% elite seeking to create a New World Order in which the 99% are dumbed down drugged up automatons, is a strong family unit and bottom up community ethos that values individual learning and independence of consciousness. We are at the tail end of fifty years of elite efforts to destroy our ability to think for ourselves while seeking to infect us with both physical and mental diseases, all the while carrying out eugenics and euthanasia programs ranging from vaccines that sterilize to wars based on 935 lies (Iraq).

We are in the midst of a moral and spiritual decline that has been deliberately contrived over the past seventy two years, since 1947 to be precise (the National Security Act and more). CIA was created by Wall Street to be its secret fixer and destabilizer not only abroad, but in the USA, establishing covert and controlled positions in every institution of significance including local law enforcement and of course state governments – Governor Jesse Ventura has spoken and written to this point.

There are three targets that the Deep State – the New World Order elitists – desire to destroy:
• the first is the person, who cannot be allowed to be effectively armed, educated, and independent;
• the second is the family, which Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew once called the “bedrock of civilization” and which others have said is the precise opposite of the industrial slavery model;
• the third is the nation-state.

The author, drawing on thin, but balanced sources, excels at making it clear that all the chaos in the world is contrived – the whole point is to keep us all off balance and unable to realize that there is ample wealth for everyone if we simply come together with intelligence and integrity. We are being lied to, divided and conquered, drugged up, “herded,” and generally repressed mentally, spiritually, and physically. 600 lb people are not an accident – they are a symptom of a complete breakdown – by design – of the cultural and social mores that characterize healthy people living in healthy communities.

The author excels at documenting – with the help of his few cited sources – the timeline from World War II to today – in which the psychological operations profession saw a “marriage” of the Nazis, the British, and the CIA, in service to the 1%, toward the end of asserting political control over everyone on the basis of driving everyone into a state of psychosis using programmed behavior modification.

The New World Order (One World Order) fascist corporate state demands the end of nationalism, the repression of languages and cultures and ethnic or cultural identities, the fragmentation of the family, and the dissolution of community. In other words, everything that we fly over in the country or the rural heartland, believe is our essence. I cannot help but conclude that California and New York are now like the concentration camp or prison “trustees” of the neo-Nazi elitists, and this is one reason why the Electoral College is so important – to keep those two states populated by libertine morons from destroying America the Beautiful.

Early on, the author talks about how the elites understand that local sheriffs loyal to their local communities are a major obstacle to the imposition of a national police regime, and I contemplate how we have, since 9/11 – a false flag operation by the Zionists with the complicity of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld (and then the post-event obstruction of justice and complicity in murder after the fact of Robert Mueller) –, militarized our police and turned the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) into a national Gestapo that specializes in false flag operations from Sandy Hook to the Boston Bombing to Orlando and beyond.

The author covers MKULTRA and mind-control to an extent, and between this book and other reading, I am now persuaded that virtually every “active shooter” since 9/11 has been a mind-controlled person explicitly activated to terrorize us and justify even more draconian police measures.

Quote (p. 13): “Deliberate and habitual falsification of the information is a way of creating desensitization effects in the mass population by causing socially-accredited interpretation of cause-effect relations to violate sensuous rational interpretation of experience.”

Read the second part of the article


June 1, 2019


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