Review: TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin – Deep State Playbook (2)

By Robert David Steele

Read the first part of the article

The author offers some provocative information about Vladimir Putin as a Freemason, also subject to MI-6 mind-control, who freed himself. All I know, if how much I do not know, is that I pray for Xi Jinping, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin to be all talking and in the process of cleansing the top ranks of the Freemasons. What I am told is the Chinese objective: to place the Freemasons on the side of the 99%, and the creation of a prosperous world at peace, that works for all.

Elitist control of the American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association (and follow on, such as the morons who “blessed” water-boarding by the CIA) has been used to “game” mental health so that the dumbed-down obedient person is considered “healthy” while the recalcitrant obstructionist is considered “unhealthy.” Control of these associations also enabled the repression of natural and alternative cures, substituting a panoply of drugs, both legal and illegal, all intended to fragment and soften the mental and physical health of the population. Today just 1% of our youth are qualified for military service. The elite have been successful.

The author adds to my knowledge of the breadth and depth of Nazi transplants to the CIA and to NASA, and the degree to which they were committed to mind-control, occult practices, and the liberal use of drugs to subjugate and enslave individuals. The point is made that over time research across America became so corrupted that only the collaborators survived – “honest academicians where generally weeded out and hounded into retirement.”

The central pivot in the book, from the theory to the practice to today, is chapter three, “Killing of the King,” which coherently, grippingly connects the assassination of John F. Kennedy (JFK) with all that followed including particularly the fragmentation and mind-fucking of America. Although I have reviewed numerous books on the assassination of JFK, none have focused on Freemasons as much as this chapter does, drawing on other sources.

Although I have heard and read over the years of CIA and KGB Freemasons collaborating in betrayal of their countries and organizations by order of the Freemasons, this chapter more than anything I have seen before, makes me wonder if we don’t need a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) scrub of the Freemasons – of course we would have to deal with the fact that the President and virtually everyone of consequence in Congress, Justice, and the FBI is a high-ranking Freemason – which brings in the Chinese Freemasons. I know one of their leaders. Could they be the ones who finally purge global Freemasonry at the top and redirect it toward its more benign avowed goals? Or will we simply get a Chinese version of the Deep State leveraging the Freemasons outside of China to do China’s bidding?

What this chapter does is place the assassination of JFK in the context of a much larger scheme to destroy the innocence and quest for excellence that he inspired and that was inherent in the USA as “the greatest generation” left war behind, created families, and prepared to go to the moon and beyond.

The chapter is a treatise in symbolism, occult machinations, and the alchemy of a hidden government using the assassination as a form of trauma that is then followed by an orchestrated combination of music, movies, television shows, and the creation of a drug culture such that civic consciousness could be said to have been assassinated as well.

The next chapter, “The Doors of Perception: The CIA’s Psychedelic Revolution,” deepens our understanding of how the public was drugged up and dumbed down in the aftermath of the JFK assassination… by design. I knew the lyrist for the Grateful Dead operation, John Perry Barlow (RIP), and this I found shocking because I have continued to be naïve: “An FBI internal memo from 1968 mentions the employment of the Grateful Dead as an avenue to ‘channel youth dissent and rebellion into more benign and non-threatening directions.’ [They] performed a vital service in distracting many young persons into drugs and mysticism, rather than politics.” He cites Jim Keith’s Mind Control, World Control (Adventures Unlimited Press, 1998). I learn that Jim Keith is the author of two other books I have not read, Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2003), and also Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History (Feral House, 1993).

The author draws on multiple sources to show that the CIA orchestrated drug proliferation experiments at over eighty US university campuses with the intent of popularizing LSD, creating a drug counterculture that took an entire generation – or multiple generations – out of civics, out of politics. The intent was to turn people away from God, and human being in Good God’s image, and instead transform America into a perverse complex of dehumanizing drug abuse, sexual perversion, and the glorification of violence. At its most extreme, the intent was to create multiple generations of murderous pedophiles and necrophiliacs. It worked.

The dumbing down of education, turning it into a rote memorization process devoid of critical thinking, to include the teaching of agnosticism, the elimination of core values – ethics – the denial of the nobility of the human being and the unlimited potential of human being for creating heaven on Earth, the denial of soul, were all focused on creating an autistic population living in a virtual concentration camp. Add to this vaccines actually creating a massive number of truly autistic children, and the opioid crisis our own President has condemned, and one begins to see that we are at the tail end of a half century of deliberate genocide and ecocide. Add to this 5G and the alienation and ignorance inherent in what I have termed #GoogleGestapo, and the death knell of civilization is sounded.

It has been my horrible mistake to presume, wrongly, that information pathologies such as I have itemized in various works but with the following specific reviews (one by a guest), were calculated betrayals of the public trust but somehow isolated, temporal, reversible. I have been reading individual trees and not seeing the forest.

I have been in denial. Even in the past two years, as I have taken an interest in 9/11 and a series of false flag events and mind-controlled active shooters across the USA, I have been in denial of the obscenely broad, calculated, deep, intended, persistent nature of this organized threat to society – a threat that includes rogue elements of academia, civil society (labor unions and religions particularly), commerce, government, law enforcement, media, military, and non-government or non-profit “foundations” that turn out to be the true centers of evil.

We are at war, and the two political parties in the USA represent Satan – the repressive tolerance (anything goes including pedophilia) and authoritarian façade that has been conducting mass surveillance, militarizing the police, using false flag operations to advance an anti-gun agenda, drugging us, lying to us, all of it is the plan. President Donald Trump may or may not be part of the plan. I pray that his “America First” nationalism will triumph and his “tongue-kissing” of Benjamin Netanyahu is merely a temporary deception. #UNRIG, the unity for integrity electoral reform movement I founded, I can now see is half of the solution – the other solution is a completely independent Web 3.0 that cannot be censored, where people cannot be lied to and also digitally assassinated, as is the case today with Amazon, Facebook, Google, MeetUp, Twitter, and YouTube.

The left – and Noam Chomsky does not fare well in this chapter – was created to pre-empt the radicalization of the growing middle class and college educated youth. I am reminded of the Great Depression, which was created by the banks, with the complicity of two Presidents, to destroy the middle class rising in political power, while concentrating their own power over government and buying up land at depression level prices. That story is told by my friend and brilliant economist Wayne Jett.

The great American Depression

The chapter on “Television” is one of the longest and most valuable. Television is how everyone is “educated” to the same low level, homogenized, made politically correct, distracted, brainwashed, and turned against everything that is the opposite of television: civics, community, country, culture, ethics, family, and more. Television is about fostering apathy and ignorance. Among the author’s contributions are the naming of names. Television is the Deep State’s voice, and I am immediately reminded of Fareed Zakaria, the most elegant “presstitute” of the Deep State on the air today.

Included in this chapter is a most interesting section suggesting that WikiLeaks is an intelligence operation that has received the directed support of TIME Magazine and the media outlets under the control of Robert Murdoch, whose own public relations person is on the board of WikiLeaks. One does wonder.
Also in this chapter is a segment on language as the cornerstone of independence and the observation that languages created nations, not the other way around.

The chapter concludes most compellingly in suggesting that television as it is used in the USA today is nothing more of less than a Satanic indoctrination program justifying the complete moral collapse of the Republic, and the complete emptying of the collective consciousness of any form of constructive thinking.

The chapter on cybernetics blends CIA MKULTRA with #GoogleGestapo mind control, but I am surprised to find here information about how both contraceptives and “affirmative action” were devised by the Rockefeller and other foundation as very deliberate means of destroying families.

This chapter is helpful in making it clear that globalization and liberalism (anything goes repressive tolerance) are the opposite of nationalism and family values. The line is drawn and I dare say that 2020 is going to be a turning point in American history – either we continue the Trump Revolution and defeat the Deep State and Shadow Government seeking to undermine people and state sovereignty, or we return to the original program of national debasement and devolution. 

Mental health as defined by the authorities is totally centered on obedience and credulity to lies. UNESCO and most medicine including vaccines is about eugenics – population control to the point of genocide and the deliberate eradication of entire cultures. The enemy of the Deep State is humanity itself.

The final chapter on “Science Fiction and the Tavistock Institute” is a fitting conclusion to a book that has truly shocked me into thinking more deeply and more urgently about the challenges that humanity faces in 2020 and beyond.
I am completely persuaded that saving the family, the community, the states and provinces and the larger nation-stations including particularly the United States of America (anyone calling for the end of the Electoral College is either an idiot or a traitor), is our millennial challenge.

I am persuaded that my concept for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), including the truth and wisdom channel that cannot be censored, in which people cannot be digitally assassinated, and the engineering revolution that restores power to the distributed public and ends the ability of banks and lawyers to impoverish the public (while achieving Buckminster Fuller’s concept of ephemeralism, doing more with less), is the other half of the solution (beyond #UNRIG). The human being, optimized to exercise free will and independent discovery, is the opposite of the fascist corporate top-down controlled economy of, by, and for the Satanic elite. Open, not closed systems, are necessary to enable humanity to achieve its destiny.

The future of humanity depends on localization, not globalization. I believe this strongly, and I will spend the rest of my life fighting the Deep State and seeking to empower the people, the family, the local community, and the sovereign state, in that order. Bottom up, not top down, must be our generative guiding principle.


June 6, 2019 

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