Romanian Justice keeps pushing the procedure errors in the file of Gregorian Bivolaru Appeal ruled on though lawyers not announced
Gregorian Bivolaru cannot enjoy a fair trial in Romania
The decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of Sweden once again reasonable
Last week the Bucharest Court of Appeal declined the appeal for the warrant of arrest issued on the name of Gregorian Bivolaru for the file of human beings trafficking. The appeal was ruled on by breaking the legal procedures Codes, in behind-doors meeting, on 16th November. Gregorian Bivolaru was deprived of the right to defence as his lawyers missed the hearings for not having been previously announced and nor defendant summoned.
Gregorian Bivolaru’s chosen lawyers submitted the appeal by the end of April to challenge the warrant of arrest issued on April 15, 2005. The warrant was meant to support the second extradition request for Gregorian Bivolaru that the Romanian authorities submitted to Sweden. By that time, Gregorian Bivolaru was already in custody at the Malmo Police, in Sweden, pendant for his asylum request in Sweden. The warrant of arrest on April 15, 2005, was issued against the current procedures, in attendance of a counsel for the defence appointed by the judge, although the chosen barristers of Gregorian Bivolaru were already quite known. The decision on April 15, 2005 states, among the reasons to imprison a Romanian citizen, the fact that “he claims to be enlightened”.
The High Court of Justice in Stockholm declined on October 21 the extradition request twice submitted by the Romanian authorities, for reason of unsupported accusations. The highest Court of Justice in Sweden confirmed by the reached decision the lack of substance in a warrant of arrest meant to artificially label the deliberate practice of some ancient form of yoga (karma yoga), as human beings trafficking.
Dragoş Tudoran
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