Seven Cancer-Causing Items You Need To Remove From Your Bedroom Right Now


There are so many easy switches we can make in order to prevent cancer: from the foods we eat to the products we put on our body, it’s important to be informed on what to buy and what to avoid. Some of these things are more obvious, like “eat less McDonald’s” and “don’t use chemicals you can’t pronounce” but many other cancer-causing products could be hiding in our houses and we don’t even know it!

This article isn’t meant to scare you, but rather to keep you informed. If there are ways to prevent getting sick, why not take advantage of that knowledge and do so? After all, your body is your temple, and you can’t enjoy your wonderful life without taking care of it.

With that being said, let’s take a look at some common cancer-causing items that are hiding in bedrooms:

1. Cotton Pillowcases and Sheets

Conventional cotton is one of the most pesticide-ridden crops that exist, and one of the most commonly used herbicides sprayed on them is Monsanto’s Roundup, the active ingredient in which is glyphosate. Glyphosate has been linked to cancer time after time, yet people are still consuming and using things that have known glyphosate residue on them.
There are tons of alternatives to conventional cotton, including bamboo and organic cotton.

2. Fake Leather Furniture

Fake leather that’s derived from PVC (an endocrine disruptor) and other chemicals often contains toxic ingredients linked to a wide range of health issues.
What’s more, there are often flame retardants in sofas, regardless of whether or not it’s fake leather. Many flame retardants pose health concerns, including but not limited to cancer, hormone disruption, and negative effects on brain development.

3. Paints

The pungent smell of a freshly painted home doesn’t come without a cost. One of the most common sources of volatile organic compounds in homes is paint, which is a known carcinogen! What’s worse is that exposure to these is even more potent when indoors.
The EPA’s website reads: “Studies have found that levels of several organics average 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outdoors. During and for several hours immediately after certain activities, such as paint stripping, levels may be 1,000 times background outdoor levels.”

4. Electronic Devices

Do you sleep with a cell phone next to your bed? If you do, obviously you’re not alone, as tons of people use their cell phones before falling asleep or as an alarm clock for the morning. Plus, if you have any other electronic devices in your bedroom such as televisions, hairdryers, and alarm clocks, or even just outlets, WiFi, and dimmer switches, you’re further increasing your exposure to EMFs.
EMF exposure has been considered a probable carcinogen for a long time, and a lot of science now backs up this claim. Some easy fixes would be to turn your phone on airplane mode, turn your phone off, or leave it outside your bedroom entirely. You’ll improve the quality of your sleep and reduce your EMF exposure.

5. Mattress

Unfortunately, tons of mattresses are also doused in flame retardants. As previously discussed, flame retardants are associated with a variety of health issues including but not limited to cancer, hormone disruption, and negative effects on brain development.
Though the most efficient alternative would be to purchase an organic mattress, it is said that flipping your mattress can at least help keep things clean!

6. Stuffed Animals

Another item commonly sprayed with flame retardants is stuffed animals. This is especially disappointing, as children would then be exposed to these toxic chemicals at a very young age. Many of us tend to keep our stuffed animals from childhood, but after learning this, you may want to toss them!

7. “Relaxing” Room Sprays

Air fresheners are all over people’s houses; from bedrooms to bathrooms to cars, people love them. Typically, they’re made with synthetic fragrance, otherwise known as perfume. Perfume is basically a cocktail of toxic chemicals, but instead of listing all of these chemicals on the back of products, it’s conveniently labelled as “perfume” so that companies can keep their signature fragrance a trade secret.
Unfortunately, this also allows companies to hide harmful ingredients, many of which are known carcinogens, in their products without the consumer even knowing.
For a more natural alternative, try brands that use natural ingredients, or make your own air freshener using essential oils and water! For a relaxing blend try using lavender and chamomile essential oils.

Final Thoughts

We do not publish articles like these to inspire fear amongst the public, but rather to empower people to make more informed choices. It’s incredible that we have this knowledge and that we can use it to actually better our health! So, rather than worrying about what these products could do to you, just use this information to make smarter decisions in your life.


December 13, 2018

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