Tantrism and YOGA
Yoga and Tantra form the primary basis of the Indian spirituality and they are closely connected to universal philosophy. There have been lots of things written and reported about these spiritual disciplines, but due to their depth and hidden symbolism, they mostly remain unknown to the West. Being concealed along ages, Tantra stays diffuse, mysterious and enigmatic though it occurs in lots of yoga techniques and particularly in the Tibetan forms of yoga. At a consistent approach it unveils as an original science about man, where the cosmic powers merge with physiology, psychology, magic and spiritualism. Tantra can offer a practical multilevel vision about the human being, a unified theory that explains the finest aspects of the human behaviour, which slip to minute analysis. A detailed research on tantrism would improve modern science and psychology in a new and original way.
The ultimate aim of all yoga forms is to point out the way of perfect communion to the objective Reality and accomplish a congruous union between different levels of cosmic phenomena manifestation. The main target is to perfectly comply with the superior cosmic harmony and existence. This is why by means of different yoga techniques, the consciousness of the yoga practitioner is widened and the ability of superior perception is developed and utterly enhanced. This is particular to all spiritual disciplines and Tantra couldn’t stand for an exception.Tantra conceives the Universe as a texture of invisible energies, quite complex and multidimensional. This science enables the controlled expansion of the consciousness beyond this tissue of illusive appearances and releases us from ignorance.
Tantra is also called Vama Marga, i.e. “the left-handed Way”, due to the essential role the woman plays as the Moon energetic influence here, supporting the negative, left pole. However, the recommended way here is not at all made up of negations and austerities as in most of the systems; on the contrary it is a way of acceptance, pleasure and bliss. The tantric tradition clearly points out that the state of congruous communion and spiritual freedom can be attained by direct experience and in everyday life. The lower levels of consciousness cannot be easily controlled and surpassed, unless they are wholly and frantically experienced, at a complete and intense level of their plenary power.
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