The best tips for detoxifying your body

The story at a glance

  • Ten years ago, the average German had 20 toxins above the detection limit in their blood. Today, the average is over 500 – an indication that detoxification is necessary for everyone
  • When the body is burdened with man-made toxins, it tends to compartmentalize them. At some point, these compartments reach a certain threshold of toxicity where the immune system can no longer control microbial growth in that area, resulting in chronic infection
  • Two important water-soluble toxins are the vaccine preservative thimerosal (mercury) and the herbicide glyphosate, which are typically deposited in areas such as the kidneys, lungs and bones
  • Examples of fat-soluble toxins are benzene derivatives, insecticides, pesticides and herbicides. They tend to accumulate in fatty tissue, making them powerful neurotoxins since the brain is mostly made up of fat
  • Water- and fat-soluble toxins require different methods of detoxification. Strategies for detoxification of glyphosate, aluminum, fat-soluble toxins, and parasites that accumulate and store toxins are presented
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is known for his successful treatment of neurological disorders and Lyme disease using integrative medicine. Originally from Berlin, Germany, Klinghardt has practiced medicine in the United States for over 35 years. He also treats patients in England and Switzerland.

In Switzerland, he was part of a group that initiated a constitutional amendment that made alternative medicine a constitutional right for all citizens. This includes homeopathy, neurotherapy, acupuncture and all other practical healing methods.

It’s the only country in the world where complementary medicine or alternative medicine is the birthright of every citizen,” he says. “Once we got that done, I made sure I got a [medical] license in Switzerland as a possible escape from the forces that are sometimes very obstructive here [in the US].”

Here we discuss the importance of detoxification for overall health and disease treatment, and share some of Klinghardt’s best tips for detoxification. Dr. Richard Straube, a German toxicologist, developed a blood washing procedure (apheresis) that filters toxins from the blood and then allows them to be analyzed using inexpensive laboratory tests.

Ten years ago, he found an average of 20 toxins above the detection limit in the population,” says Klinghardt. “In just 10 years, that number has risen to over 500, which is a shocking number. That is an exponential increase that is not compatible with life.

He’s in the process of publishing this research. He did the research on 1,200 patients. It’s one of the largest toxicology studies. The frontrunners, of course, are aluminum, barium, lithium and strontium. These are the [toxins] of geoengineering. It’s basically raining them down on us. For this reason – and many of these toxins are specifically mitochondrial toxins – detoxification is a survival strategy for everyone.”

Toxicity and infectious diseases go hand in hand

When your body is contaminated with man-made toxins, it tends to compartmentalize them. At some point, these body compartments reach a certain threshold of toxicity where the immune system can no longer control microbial growth in that area.

These are the areas where the microbes settle, whether it is bartonella, borreliosis, babesia or herpes viruses. They are not everywhere, but at the same time they have established themselves very strictly in certain body compartments,” explains Klinghardt. “For this reason, you can no longer distinguish between toxicity and infection, because the two belong together. It is a complete package,” says Klinghardt.

I have been working on Lyme disease for 20 years and have developed treatments that do not involve antibiotics, because it is an absolute mistake to treat Lyme disease with antibiotics,” he says. “We now know too much about the microbiome and how sensitive the structures are.

The most recent development in the last two years has been my work with Judy Mikovitz, who was part of our think tank that we convened in 2006 or 2007, and she was trying to alert us to the fact that there are retroviruses embedded in our DNA and that certain environmental conditions override our mechanisms for silencing these viruses, allowing them to become active.

The most well-known retrovirus is the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), but there are hundreds of others. Most of them are immunosuppressive. I would prefer the term ‘immuno-disruptive.’ Some aspects of the immune system are up-regulated, others are down-regulated. This makes us enormously vulnerable to Lyme disease, mycoplasma, and Bartonella. Detoxification is an absolute necessity to survive this crazy time.”

Toxins can be either water- or fat-soluble. Two important water-soluble toxins are the vaccine preservative thimerosal (mercury) and the herbicide glyphosate. Klinghardt says they are typically deposited in areas such as the kidneys, lungs and bones.

Examples of fat-soluble toxins include benzene derivatives, insecticides, pesticides, and herbicides. They tend to accumulate in fatty tissue, making them potent neurotoxins since the brain is mostly made of fat. Water-soluble and fat-soluble toxins require different methods of detoxification.

Detoxification strategy for glyphosate

You may have over 20,000 chemicals in your body, but two of them are particularly dangerous to your brain: glyphosate and aluminum. Glyphosate is an analogue of the amino acid glycine. It attaches itself to where you need glycine. Importantly, glycine is used up in the detoxification process, which is why many of us don’t have enough glycine for efficient detoxification.

To eliminate glyphosate, you need to saturate your body with glycine. Klinghardt recommends taking a teaspoon (4 grams) of glycine powder twice a day for a few weeks, then lowering the dose to a quarter teaspoon (1 gram) twice a day. This will flush the glyphosate out of the body and allow it to be excreted in urine.

Personally, I have been taking 1 gram twice a day for some time. The glycine is inexpensive and actually tastes sweet. It is best taken at the time when you are eating foods that may be contaminated with glyphosate.

We use high doses of glycine, at least for a while. There are no problems with it. The other study that was published is admittedly just a chicken study, showing that humic acid and fulvic acid can completely cleanse a chicken’s organ systems.

So we take glycine for a while. We monitor the urinary excretion of glyphosate. When that slows down – for some people after two months, for others after six months – we take the glycine back and go to a lower dose.”

How to detoxify aluminum

Aluminum is even scarier. Stephenie Seneff, Ph.D., has shown that when aluminum gets into the extracellular space, it completely changes the voltage on the cell walls – the voltage-gated channels – and has a profound effect on the microstructure of that matrix.

It basically affects the receptors we have on the cell wall, hormone receptors, neurotransmitter receptors, insulin receptors. They all get messed up by aluminum. It has a very, very strong effect, stronger than any other toxin,” says Klinghardt.

Seneff’s work shows that glyphosate is a chelating agent. When you have glyphosate in your diet, it binds all trace elements. They are then no longer available for absorption. It deprives us of the trace elements. There is one exception, however, and that is aluminum. It works like a shuttle agent for aluminum. It binds aluminum, transports it through the intestinal wall into the tissue and distributes it there.”

A common condition associated with aluminum toxicity is hypothyroidism, which is very common today. Aluminum hydroxides – such as those found in antacids – interfere with the absorption of thyroid hormones in the intestine. Because it is a metal, it also has an affinity for the nervous system and tends to accumulate in the brain, spinal cord, and enteric nervous system of the intestine. In all of these places, it blocks vital functions.

To excrete aluminum, you need to increase your intake of silica. Klinghardt recommends using silica-rich herbs like cilantro to do this. “Dr. Yoshiaki Omura did a study 20 years ago where he showed that you can lower aluminum levels very quickly in animal models just by giving a cilantro extract,” he says. Other good options include horsetail (which is also high in silica) and a liposomal silica product called BioSil.

Citric acid has also been shown to mobilize aluminum. A simple and inexpensive strategy is to squeeze some lemon into a bottle of water and drink it throughout the day. Malic acid – apple cider vinegar – is another option. You can also buy malic acid in capsule form or use magnesium malate.

Doctors recommend Desferal. It’s an injectable that’s given subcutaneously once a week. It’s an excellent detoxifier. But it’s questionable whether or not it crosses the blood-brain barrier. Silica does. Desferal probably doesn’t.”

How to eliminate fat-soluble toxins

To eliminate fat-soluble toxins, Klinghardt recommends a combination of sauna and binding agents such as chlorella, Ecklonia cava (a brown algae) and enteric gel such as methylated silica and zeolite. One or more of these agents should ideally be taken daily. When taking a sauna, the released toxins are bound by these agents so that they can be safely eliminated and not reabsorbed.

Do this regularly and pay attention to your intestinal transit time; it should be 24 hours or less. That means if you swallow something that is not digestible, it should come out the other end within 24 hours.

We have some patients where the transit time is 20 days or more. These people are unable to excrete anything through the small intestine. They are really doomed. Then getting the digestion going becomes the priority. That is primarily the problem of parasites. That is kind of my other hobby – diagnosing and treating parasites.”

Fighting parasites

Many parasites, especially worms, but also fungi and Candida, can absorb many times their body weight in toxins. For example, many worms are able to concentrate lead 300 times more than in the host’s tissue. The parasite load of a host is also a bioindicator of the toxicity of that host’s environment.

Every chronic Lyme disease patient is also full of parasites,” says Klinghardt. “If these are not treated, it has been proven that the worms in the Lyme patient are themselves infected with Lyme spirochetes. If you administer antibiotic treatment, it does not harm the parasites.

The Lyme spirochetes simply retreat into the worms, wait until you’re done with the antibiotics, and then slip out again. The lesson is to treat from big to small. In a chronically ill patient, you should always assume parasites. Treat them and then slowly back down.”

Unfortunately, there are few effective tests to assess parasite load. Klinghardt uses autonomous response tests (ART) and prescribes various cocktails of antiparasitic drugs based on these tests. Knowing that parasites are laden with toxins, the goal is to lure them out of the tissues and into the intestines where they can be safely eliminated.

Klinghardt uses the Gubarev protocols for this. These are enema protocols developed by a Russian scientist. As soon as no more parasites can be found, he administers antiparasitic agents such as Rizol Kappa and Rizol Gamma – pure ozonized plant oils.

There has been an incredible increase in literature recently showing that pretty much any medical antiparasitic drug can also be used to treat cancer. I’ll give you an example: albendazole, a monthly treatment, used to cost $80. Then came the articles about cancers being cured with it. Now it costs $24,000 a month.

We use the antiparasitic drugs, the multipurpose drugs. The internal pathways of a cancer cell are similar to the pathways of the parasite. It is a very good strategy to start chronic treatment [of parasites] early, before dealing with Lyme disease or mycoplasma.

The main problem with parasites is this: if you undertreat a parasite, that is, if you use a dose of an herb or a drug that is not enough to kill it, but enough to make it sick, that parasite will start to emit huge amounts of biotoxins that will make you really fatally ill. The trick to parasite treatment is to be high and strong from the start so that these creatures can’t shoot back.”

Rectal ozone therapy

Klinghardt also uses ozone therapy, although he prefers rectal ozone administration to injection. “Many of our patients buy an inexpensive ozone machine and do rectal ozone every day,” he says.

Klinghardt worked with one of the leading parasitologists in India and studied the impact of parasites on disease. Not surprisingly, they found a direct, linear relationship between the number of anaerobes in the colon and the health status of the patient.

The more anaerobes the patient had in their feces, the sicker they were. Back then, they didn’t have ozone available, so they ended up treating patients with rectal oxygen. “That was a very successful strategy for getting people out of chronic disease,” he says. Ozone is an even more effective option.

Avoiding EMF is also important for effective detoxification

We also need to consider the importance of avoiding electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation from cell phones, modems, and Wi-Fi routers when treating chronic diseases, as this exposure worsens diseases, including infections. Klinghardt comments:

I think this is the most important issue of our time. Wi-Fi is destroying life on our planet. There is absolutely no question about it. Unfortunately, titanium and aluminum in our system act like an antenna for the Wi-Fi. There is a nice study on amalgam.

If you have an amalgam filling and talk on the phone on the side where the filling is, the rate at which mercury evaporates from the tooth increases many times over.

Basically, we take the position that the body needs to be metal-free to get through this crazy time. One phone call – I think a seven-minute phone call – activates the Epstein-Barr virus for many years. We published that. Every one of us carries that virus. If you want to have chronic fatigue, that’s a great recipe.

There is a direct linear relationship between cumulative exposure to man-made radiation and chronic disease. The more you are exposed, the sicker you are. This needs to change if people are metal toxic. They concentrate the radiation inside themselves, and then it increases exponentially.

The combined effect of the toxicity and the Wi-Fi has released these viruses called human endogenous retroviruses. This is ultimately what causes the severity of the chronic disease.”

To protect against EMF, Klinghardt recommends the building biology approach to EMF remediation, which includes shielding the house, especially the bedroom. For internal protection, he recommends taking rosemary tincture and/or propolis tincture.

To deal with retroviruses, Klinghardt recommends rockrose macerate and broccoli sprouts.


1. Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry
2. Journal of Toxicology
3. Prescribers’ Digital Reference
4. Neurotoxicology
5. Electromedicine (Archived)

Author: Dr. Joseph Mercola


June 16, 2024


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