09:30 – 10:00 Special meditation sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The manifestation, energizing and expansion of the subtle spherical, preponderantly euphoric, spiritual field of the “YOGA SPIRITUAL HOLIDAY CAMP® COSTINESTI 2012”
10:30 – 11:00 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
Consecration to God, totally and unconditionally, of the fruit of all the beneficial integrated actions that will be done by us in this “Yoga Spiritual Holiday Camp®”
11:30 – 12:00 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
Spiritual communion with the Heavenly Kingdom of God the Father
12:10 – 12:30 Laya Yoga meditation
The state of profound communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bagalamukhi
21:00 – 21:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The state of profound communion with the subtle energy of the sublime, overwhelming, paradisiacal Grace of God
21:40 – 22:00 Laya Yoga meditation
The state of profound communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bagalamukhi
Initiation “Beneficial state of romantic trance” – Registration (1)
(Registration may ONLY be done personally, during the Headquarters program.
Attention! The request may also be done by those who were not admitted at the selection in August 2007, August 2008, August 2009 and August 2010.)
14:00 – 14:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
Evocation and spiritual communion with the great yogi Lahiri Mahasaya
14:40 – 15:00 Laya Yoga meditation
The state of profound communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bagalamukhi
19:40 – 19:57 Presentation by Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru:
Godly Attribute of Divine Simultaneity (00hr17min) – audio recording
20:00 – 20:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The ample, profound and clear awareness of the Divine Simultaneity, which leads to the ineffable experience, in our own inner universe, of the mysterious Reality of God the Father
21:00 – 21:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The state of supramental intelligence
21:40 – 22:00 Laya Yoga meditation
The state of profound communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bagalamukhi
Initiation “Beneficial state of romantic trance” – Registration (2)
(Registration may ONLY be done personally, during the Headquarters program.
Attention! The request may also be done by those who were not admitted at the selection in August 2007, August 2008, August 2009 and August 2010.)
14:00 – 14:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
Evocation and spiritual communion with the great yogi Sri Yukteswar
14:40 – 15:00 Laya Yoga meditation
The state of profound communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bagalamukhi
19:40 – 19:54 Presentation by Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru:
Godly Attribute of the Divine Moment (00hr14min) – audio recording
20:00 – 20:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The ample, profound and clear awareness of the subtle, sublime, mysterious energy of the Godly Attribute of the Divine Moment
21:00 – 21:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The ineffable state of time-space synesthesia
21:40 – 22:00 Laya Yoga meditation
The state of profound communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bagalamukhi
Initiation “Beneficial state of romantic trance” – Conference (1)
(The conference on trance from August 2004 will be replayed.)
10:00 – 10:55 Preliminary presentation
Practical elements regarding some aspects implied by the beneficial state of romantic trance, presentation by Dr. Cristian Boerescu
11:00 – 13:50 and 14:35 – 17:30 Special conference by Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru
The mysteries of the beneficial states of trance which are consciously induced (1)
(6hr40min) – audio recording
14:00 – 14:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The profound state of communion with the great sage and yogi Balayogi 14:40 – 15:00 Laya Yoga meditation
The state of profound communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bagalamukhi
20:00 – 20:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The ample, profound and intense awareness of the subtle, sublime, mysterious energy of the Godly Attribute of Divine Liberty
21:00 – 21:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The state of deep communion with the subtle secret energy of the mysterious, ceaselessly equal with itself, profound, absolute and unique Divine Humility
21:40 – 22:00 Laya Yoga meditation
The state of profound communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bagalamukhi
Initiation “Beneficial state of romantic trance” – Conference (2)
(The conference on trance from 17th, 18th, 20th, 23rd and 29th August 2007 will be replayed.)
10:00 – 13:50 and 14:35 – 19:15 Special conference by Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru:
The mysteries of the beneficial states of trance which are consciously induced (2)
(08hr34min) – audio recording
14:00 – 14:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
Evocation and profound telepathic communion with the great yogi Yoga Swami
20:00 – 20:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The ample, profound and intense awareness of the subtle, sublime, mysterious energy of the Godly Attribute of Divine Simplicity
21:00 – 21:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The state of deep communion with the subtle energy of complete, profound and matchless Godly Wisdom
21:40 – 22:00 Laya Yoga meditation
The state of profound communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bagalamukhi
Initiation “Beneficial state of romantic trance” – Conference (3)
(The conference on trance from 30th August 2007 and the first part of the conference about trance from 31st August 2007 will be replayed.)
09:00 – 13:50 and 14:40 – 15:50 Special conference by Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru:
The mysteries of the beneficial states of trance which are consciously induced (3)
(05hr 57min) – audio recording
14:00 – 14:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
Spiritual evocation in Akasha and mediation on the Divine Moment of the “Transfiguration” of Jesus
19:30 – 19:58 Presentation by Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru:
Godly Attribute of the Divine Covenant (00hr28min) – audio recording
20:00 – 20:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The ample, profound and intense awareness of the subtle, sublime, mysterious energy of the Godly Attribute of the Divine Covenant 21:00 – 21:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The sublime state of divine altruism
21:40 – 22:00 Laya Yoga meditation
The state of profound communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bagalamukhi
Initiation “Beneficial state of romantic trance” – Conference (4)
(The second part of the conference on trance from 31st August 2007 and the conference on trance from 1st and 2nd September 2007 will be replayed.)
08:00 – 13:50 and 14:40 – 19:15 Special conference by yoga professor Gregorian Bivolaru:
The mysteries of the beneficial states of trance which are consciously induced (4)
(10hr 23min) – audio recording
14:00 – 14:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
Evocation and spiritual communion with the great Tibetan yogi Milarepa
19:40 – 19:55 Presentation by Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru:
Godly Attribute of Divine Synthesis (00hr15min) – audio recording
20:00 – 20:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The ample, profound and intense awareness of the subtle, sublime, mysterious energy of the Godly Attribute of Divine Synthesis
21:00 – 21:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The state of exemplary beneficial success
21:40 – 22:00 Laya Yoga meditation
The state of profound communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bagalamukhi
Initiation “Indra” – Registration “Indra” (1)
(Registration may ONLY be done personally, during the Headquarters program.)
Initiation “Beneficial state of romantic trance” – Conference (5)
(The conference on trance presented for the first time during Herculane 2008 camp will be replayed.)
08:00 – 13:50 and 14:35 – 15:50 Special conference by Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru:
The mysteries of the beneficial states of trance which are consciously induced (5)
(07hr04min) – audio recording
14:00 – 14:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The state of spiritual communion with the great sage and yogi Dattatreya
14:45 – 15:50 Conference by Yoga Instructor Mircea Morariu
Dharana and Dhyana – superior stages of yoga practice
YANG SPIRAL Meditation® of Communion with the Soul of the Romanian People
18:30 – 19:30 Yang Spiral Meditation®
Profound spiritual communion with the Soul of the Romanian People
Special meditation sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg.
20:00 – 20:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The clearly superior state of pluri-disciplinary competence, generated in the being by the activation of the supramental layer (VIJNANAMAYA KOSHA)
20:40 – 20:56 Presentation by Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru:
Godly Attribute of Divine Intention (00hr16min) – audio recording
21:00 – 21:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The ample, profound and intense awareness of the subtle, sublime, mysterious energy of the Godly Attribute of Divine Intention
Yang Spiral Meditation® with the Induction of the State of Spiritual Liberation through Divine Miracle (1),
followed by aCollective Prayer to God the Father
12:00 – 13:45 Yang Spiral Meditation® followed by the Induction of the State of Spiritual Liberation through Divine Miracle
Meditation sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg
14:00 – 15:00 Collective invocation realized in unison
Collective Prayer to God the Father
Attention! For the participation in this spiritual action, it is recommended to fast during the day when such a collective prayer is to be performed, and in order to attend this recommendation we will not eat at all and we will drink nothing but water, starting at 06:00, until we finish this collective prayer, namely at 15:00.
Initiation “Beneficial state of romantic trance” – Viewing testimonies (1)
(Testimonies about trance by colleagues who participated in the induction of the beneficial state of romantic trance in 2008, 2009, 2010 will be viewed.)
21:35 – 02:50 Viewing recorded testimonies (07hr 20min) – video recording
21:00 – 21:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The state of profound communion with the infinite Mind of God (Maha Ajna Chakra)
21:40 – 22:10 Laya Yoga meditation
The state of profound communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bagalamukhi
22:30 – 00:30 Conference sustained by yoga instructor Feika Timoce
The “Friendship” case – an amazing case of mass contact with beneficial extraterrestrials
Initaition “Indra” – Registration “Indra” (2)
(Registration may ONLY be done personally, during the Headquarters program.)
Initiation “Indra” – Conference “Indra” (1)
(The conference about Indra presented for the first time during the Costinesti 2008 camp will be replayed.)
10:00 – 13:10 Special conference by Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru:
Indra – the divine leader of the spiritual realm of the godly beings (1)
(03hr10min) – audio recording
14:00 – 14:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
Evocation and spiritual communion with the great liberated sage Abhinavagupta
14:35 – 14:55 Laya Yoga meditation
The state of profound communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bagalamukhi
15:00 – 15:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The ample, profound and intense awareness of the subtle, sublime, mysterious energy of the Godly Attribute of Spiritual Liberation
Yin Spiral Meditation®, Yang Spiral Meditation® and unified Yin and Yang Spiral Meditation®
19:00 – 21:45 Meditation done in Yin Spiral®, meditation done in Yang Spiral, and meditation done in unified Yin Spiral® and Yang Spiral®
Meditations sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg
22:00 – 22:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The state of frenetic aspiration and unconditional self denial towards God
Initiation “Indra” – Conference “Indra” (2)
(The conference about Indra presented for the first time during the Costinesti 2008 camp will be replayed.)
07:30 – 13:50; 14:35 – 15:25 and 16:05 – 16:55 Special conference by Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru:
Indra – the divine leader of the spiritual realm of the godly beings (2)
(08hr00min) – audio recording
14:00 – 14:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The state of profound spiritual communion with Ganesha
14:40 – 15:25 Presentation by Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru
Godly Attribute of Divine Immobility (00h45m) – audio recording
15:30 – 16:00 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The ample, profound and intense awareness of the subtle, sublime, mysterious energy of the Godly Attribute of Divine Immobility
16:20 – 17:20 Special conference sustained by yoga instructor Angela Petrescu and yoga instructor Cristina Costas
The healing power of forgiveness
Yang Spiral Meditation® with the Induction of the State of Spiritual Liberation through Divine Miracle (2)
19:00 – 20:45 Meditation done in Yang Spiral® followed by the Induction of the State of Spiritual Liberation through Divine Miracle
Meditation sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg
21:00 – 21:30 Spiritual exemplification sustained in a subtle-telepathic way by Grieg:
The revelation in our being of the state of the God’s Omnipotence
Initiation “Mysterious Godly Hypostases” – Invocation (1)
22:00 – 23:45 Exceptional spiritual exemplification:
The Mysterious Godly Hypostases – 1st series
August 1st, 2012
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