The sixth dimension of warfare

In the future, the “elites” will no longer be satisfied with the usual manipulation techniques — they will use technical means to directly influence our brains


Thoughts are free” – but when it comes to the current society, this statement is unfortunately wishful thinking. Propaganda and narratives determine our thinking. But such external influences are no longer the primary threat to our consciousness: The fourth industrial revolution is now introducing more invasive tools such as neurotechnology and nanotechnology to take control of our thinking through cognitive warfare. It is the final battle for the brain. And for the future of the human species.

Most members of our species fire the first shot of the day shortly after getting up. On. With the thoughtless press of a button on their smartphone. As soon as the network connection is established, they are at war. Without being aware of it. Curiously, the unsuspecting dopamine junkie is both perpetrator and victim at this moment. Because the shot in question is not aimed at an intruder or combatant on the battlefield, but at their own brain.

The omnipresent pocket spy is by no means just a practical tool, but first and foremost a weapon developed by the military-industrial complex. The “news” that bombards us via its display is a social construct, virtual communication networks occupational therapy. A tool of behavioral economics. An isolation economy. Dominated by transgenerational corporate, financial and agency cartels. The irrelevant news, virtual communication networks feeds and buzzword bubbles of the pigs driven through the village have practically no relevance to our personal lives – but an enormous influence on our everyday lives. Our thinking. On our entire understanding of reality.

This is based on the internalization of narratives. On stories. For this reason, the upper end of the social pecking order has always endeavored to ostracize undesirable information. Even King Charles II (1630 to 1685), as a tyrant on the English throne, was keen to prevent “false news“. In 1672, he issued a royal declaration banning the colonies across the pond from criticizing His Majesty, the state, the government or their representatives. At first, the decree only applied to public spaces, but then also to private spaces. Violations were punishable by severe penalties. At first, these were only imposed on critical speakers and journalists. Then also on listeners and readers – unless they reported such “hate speech” critical of the authorities within 24 hours.

Parallels to cancel culture and the curtailment of debate space in postmodernism are no coincidence. History repeats itself. And tyranny has always only worked through deception, manipulation and lies. When methods such as “nudging ” or “soft power” no longer produce the desired effects, violence is used. If this is used too excessively, however, the ruling system can hardly be marketed as pluralism or democracy. The current system will therefore only cross this red line if it sees its existence under a profound threat.

So it’s hardly surprising that in the media age it’s no longer just the long arm of the capricious law that keeps the population in a stranglehold, but primarily the ruling caste’s agitation for attention. Served in multimedia format. With no end date. In exchange for our money, our data – our lives.

As a result, we waste large parts of what we define as free time, apart from earning a living and sleeping, our energy, thoughts and creativity on off-the-shelf patterns of thinking and acting. Like clones. With slightly diverging interests and outfits.

And this is no coincidence, as the founder of modern propaganda noted almost 100 years ago on page one of his standard work:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element of democratic society. Those who manipulate this invisible mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the real ruling power of our country. We are governed, our consciousness manipulated, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical consequence of the way in which our democratic society is organized.” (Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928).

Whether it was Joseph Goebbels, fluoridation of drinking water, advertising for the tobacco industry or the US-led coup d’état in Guatemala — Bernays inspired despots of all kinds. His communication processes based on lies to “crystallize public opinion” served and continue to serve their purpose for every form of lie. To this day. And always true to the motto of their inventor: “You are not really lying if the lies you tell are used to counteract other lies.”

News is created so that we follow it. Accompanied by advertising and nonsense multipliers such as virtual communication networks, it is the primary instrument of non-violent control.

They ensure dominance of interpretation and hegemony of opinion. Good PR turns tyrants into democrats, poison into food and a moderate infection into the pandemic of the century. It manipulates masses, prepares peoples for war, presents military interventions, secret service campaigns and genocide as a defense of Western values and neo-imperialism as development aid.

After the term propaganda had acquired ominous connotations due to all the atrocities associated with it, Bernays later offered his services under the new label ” public relations” (PR). And that is precisely what governs us. From marketing, nudging, social engineering, censorship, influencers, algorithms, filter bubbles and manipulative communication – this is how the ruling system controls the thinking of a mass of human capital that is irritated in proportion to the amount of news. It is a war against free thought. Against free will. The battlefield, littered with detonation craters, is the brain.

It is not for nothing that NATO recently officially declared the cerebrum of Homo demens to be the sixth dimension of warfare. While conflict parties in conventional wars have previously sought victories on land, sea, in the air, or in space, since the dawn of the 21st century it has been cyberspace, the fifth dimension of warfare, that has been the focus of the military-industrial complex. A document from the US Department of Defense dated July 2011 describes the relevant strategies at both national and international levels. A 70-page paper from the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Navy, Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps dated February 5, 2013 goes into more detail and offers an overview of responsibilities, planning processes, interoperability, and multinational operational approaches to warfare on the internet.

After reviewing the previously linked documents, it becomes clear: The declared goal of the Anglo-American empire is and remains “full spectrum dominance” in cyberspace – complete, global control across all operational levels. Hence, complete control of public perception. The media-curated, artificial reality. Even Deutschlandfunk reported on July 7, 2016 under the title The Head as a Target about NATO’s supposedly new methods of hybrid warfare:

The new hybrid, mixed conflicts are no longer determined only by the strength of weapons, but also by propaganda and other social techniques for dividing societies.”

What is new, however, is not the methods or social techniques of warfare – see King Charles II, Bernays or the emergence of the First World War – but the weapons used. Radios and TV sets were faster and more effective than newspapers; laptops and smartphones were a revolution compared to stationary computers. Wearables are now a permanent fixture. And about implants such as RFID chips for digital payments or use in healthcare, The Atlantic wrote on September 21, 2018 that we would “soon run out of good reasons to say No.”

Until now, cognitive warfare has been limited to external influence. To credible communication of narratives, needs and enemy images. To fact-checking and censorship measures to combat supposed misinformation. A decentralized Ministry of Truth was created. An industry. Present in 105 countries. The censorship-digital complex. An Orwellian mélange of governments, media, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and tech companies. In 2014, for example, there were 44 organizations in the USA dedicated to the verification of online content, but by 2019 there were already 195. There are now probably twice as many. See the Course Correct project, which was subsidized in 2022 by the US government, more precisely the National Science Foundation Convergence Accelerator — keyword biodigital convergence — with five million US dollars to develop a digital “toolbox” for news agencies and editorial offices. This is intended to make it easier for them to identify and eliminate undesirable information.

In times of artificial intelligence, it doesn’t take much to imagine what this means for the pluralism of opinion that has been almost stunted by excessive political correctness. The methodology for applying the toolbox, pseudo-coolly titled “REACT“, reads like the traditional propaganda directives of all totalitarian states that promise despotism:

Repeat facts to ensure they are remembered. Offer alternative explanations. Replace false perceptions in the target’s consciousness. Quote credible experts and react quickly to stop the spread of fake news.”

The system is clearly trying to get ahead of the wave of knowledge. Propaganda researcher Jonas Tögel described how the forms the public relations attack on the human intellect are gaining ground in his 2023 book Cognitive Warfare – The Latest Manipulation Techniques as a NATO Weapon. In 251 pages, Tögel dissects the history, methodology and possible uses of modern propaganda. In various interviews, for example with Overton Magazine or Deutsche Wirtschaftsnachrichten (DWN), the author describes how the transatlantic war alliance is preparing to win the battle for the brain with increasingly perfidious practices of psychological warfare.

Much of the history covered in Tögel’s book is unlikely to be new to informed contemporaries. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a look at the details, processes and, above all, original documents of the Western military complex.

Anyone who assumes that NATO exists to protect the European population from external threats is mistaken. NATO is the threat.

See Tögel’s answer to DWN ’s question about the target group of cognitive warfare:

In many countries, the military and government are prohibited from directly influencing their own population with propaganda. A military alliance such as NATO is therefore on thin ice when it develops an official program that (also) aims to deliberately manipulate its own citizens, and NATO knows this too. Therefore, there are few concrete statements in the documents on cognitive warfare regarding the question of the target group.

Although it is openly communicated that the aim of cognitive warfare is to harm societies and not just the military, this does not mean that one’s own population is also included. Nevertheless, there are indications that one’s own population is also the target of the fighting. One document emphasizes that the human sphere as a theater of war refers to the entire human environment, whether friend or foe. Elsewhere it says that the arsonists in this theater of war could be inside or outside one’s own borders.”

Definitive demarcation sounds different. And not without reason: the ruling caste is under time pressure. More and more people are realizing that they are being ruled by a criminal organization. No matter what country they live in. The system is currently pulling out all the stops to set up the digital gulag of electronic IDs, CO2 budgets, digital currencies and geofencing as quickly as possible and touting these activities as progressive. Although the target state is nothing other than a prison without bars, which is intended to make resistance difficult or even impossible in the near future.

While the world was kept in an artificial corona coma or locked at home in autumn 2020, the NATO Innovation Hub published its first 45-page strategy paper on the topic of Cognitive Warfare – an Attack on Truth and Thinking. Tellingly, the cover of the pamphlet features a smartphone with the logos of the virtual communication giants glowing on its display. The table of contents shows unmistakably where the journey is headed. It deals with every conceivable type of psychological warfare, “destabilization through confusion“, “division” and a “new age of truth“. And that was just the beginning.

From June 1 to 3, 2021, the NATO Innovation Hub hosted a workshop entitled “Innovative solutions to improve cognition.” Accredited participants included the US Army and Navy, Johns Hopkins University, and Booz Allen Hamilton, the intelligence sidekick and former employer of Edward Snowden. Instead of simple manipulation of the masses, the focus was now primarily on neuroscience, biodigital convergence – the merging of man and machine – artificial intelligence, and the “battlefield brain.” Invasive methods for controlling thoughts and emotions. Neural weapons.

Just three weeks after this preparatory meeting, on June 21, 2021, the first official NATO Scientific Meeting on Cognitive Warfare took place in Bordeaux (France), accompanied by several organizations. The summary of this symposium, published in March 2022, has the telling title: Cognitive Warfare – The Future of Cognitive Dominance. In chapter three of the document, the human brain is touted as the sixth domain of military operations. Because “narratives overwhelm the world“.

Ethical concerns in this regard are simply brushed aside and sacrificed to the security interests that are to be prioritized. Reading chapters four and five will make any fellow human being blessed with empathy feel sick. The way in which leading NATO representatives degrade the human being to a mere object, soulless and worthless, a battlefield for military-industrial special interests, is disgusting. The inhumane agenda is justified with the tried and tested myth of the necessity of an arms race. Since China is clearly superior to the NATO bloc in this area, the values-based West should urgently catch up, so the tenor goes.

The year 2021 was rounded off on November 9 with a virtual panel on the topic of deployment scenarios. The introduction to the protocol in question gives an idea of why the madness surrounding us has a method:

In theory, cognitive warfare is a process in which a person or organization has the ability to defeat its opponents without physical destruction. However, its goal is to manipulate and impair the cognitive state of these persons and groups. As a result, there may be a change in the way people think and conduct their daily lives (…). People who use cognitive warfare essentially have the competence to influence and shape the opinion of society without having to use violence.”

Define “violence” – the NATO strategists, who of course also held workshops on the topic in subsequent years, do not seem to understand psychological violence as such. Representatives of the military naturally have even fewer scruples in this regard than the pharmaceutical-media complex. After all, killing is their business. And the executive branch also makes no secret of its totalitarian intentions. A look at the history and Global Policing Goals of Interpol (ICPO) is enough, where support for the implementation of the undoubtedly totalitarian UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) takes up a lot of space. Founded in Vienna in 1923 and based in Lyon, the international criminal police organization ICPO links 196 member states and sees itself as a supranational network whose main task is the collection, analysis and distribution of data. A supranational secret service, so to speak.

Interpol is the largest police organization in the world, but is legally regarded as an association under French private law. This means that it is not based on an international treaty, nor has any parliament ever ratified its activities. Regardless of this, Interpol is responsible for ensuring a global police communications system and setting up supranational databases. Until 2011, the ICPO was financed by contributions from member states. From 2011, however, Interpol began receiving increasing payments from corporate companies. Namely, for example, from FIFA, Phillip Morris and 29 pharmaceutical companies. An agreement worth twenty million dollars was concluded with the organizing committee of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. ZEIT ONLINE reported on the process at the time under the headline When the world police deal with FIFA. Conflicts of interest do not appear to be a problem at Interpol.

This is hardly surprising, as various presidents of the “world police” have been in the spotlight because of torture, corruption or their dark past. For example, Paul Dickopf, NSDAP and SS member, spy in Switzerland, CIA agent and from 1965 president of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). In 1968, Dickopf took over the leadership of Interpol. Although the so-called world police has no democratic legitimacy, its activities are more than questionable and its personnel appear to be of a shady nature – to put it mildly – the ICPO is listed as a member of the United Nations ‘ “Counter-Terrorism Implementation Taskforce” (CTITF).

Since 2020, Interpol has been working on building a data processing platform called INSIGHT. The project aims to provide predictive analytics for police forces. Interpol obtains the data from the secret services of its member states as well as from “external” sources, i.e. from commercial providers. This includes master and movement data, video and audio files, facial recognition profiles and other biometric information.

In the third phase of the project, which is scheduled to be completed between 2024 and 2026, INSIGHT will have absorbed virtually every piece of information that exists about a person. According to an unlisted Interpol video published in 2020, to no one’s surprise, this also includes all available data from virtual communications providers.

Projects such as INSIGHT, ShadowDragon, COMPAS or the controversial image crawler Clearview AI, which is popular with police authorities and can correct blurry photos, calculate masks and filter out faces even in photos of a football game or rock concert, form the basis for “predictive policing” – for preventive detention and sanctions based on suspicious behavior. This dystopian procedure has been used in everyday life for almost ten years, and not only in the USA.

As can be seen from the 2018 Bulletin on Swiss security policy, such algorithm-based forecasting methods are also common practice in our latitudes. The cantonal police in Basel, Zug and Zurich use a software package called “PRE-COBS” (Pre Crime Observation System) to prevent burglaries, among others.

In the future, our private data will no longer only be used to manipulate us, but also to preventively sanction us based on machine forecasts and non-transparent stochastics.

In light of the legislative developments of the moment, this ultimately means that anyone who orders controversial books, visits the wrong websites, criticizes the state, posts “fake news” or “hate speech” will be locked up – even if the offense is below the criminal threshold. Total democracy. To protect the collective.

In this respect, it should be convenient for the system that, after Apple, Google has now also activated a worldwide Bluetooth mesh network in April 2024. Tech entrepreneur and cybersecurity expert Rob Braxman describes this development as the basis for a machine-machine network à la Skynet, which most people will probably have dark memories of as the control center of the machines from the Terminator films. Braxman could be right. Because while iPhones were already able to identify and communicate with each other during the corona crisis, see Track & Trace, without having to establish a cellular or internet connection, all Android devices can now do the same. In addition, the systems now understand each other.

Result: The Smart Grid. Smartwatches, smart meters, headsets, fitness trackers, AirPods, laptops, tablets, electric cars and all other devices that send and receive signals via BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) will in future be able to connect together without the owner’s knowledge to form a mesh network. This occurs spontaneously and dynamically, depending on how many devices are nearby.

BLE signals can cover a range of up to one kilometer. BLE transmission cannot be switched off. Apple and Android smartphones transmit BLE signals even when they are switched off. A central AI can control such mesh networks and transmit data packets to them. This allows the receiving devices to be observed, manipulated and remotely controlled. If nanoparticles, nanobots or smartdust particles are in the vicinity of the BLE receptors, these can also be stimulated to programmed or non-linear reactions.

Although conventional WiFi routers have been able to secretly create 3D models of houses and their inhabitants for almost ten years, you might think that the nano element sounds like science fiction. Unfortunately, it isn’t.

Because what Jonas Tögel describes relatively briefly in chapter five of his book as the “militarization of neuroscience” is the holy grail of cognitive warfare: the fusion of man and machine. Direct control of the target person. Remote control instead of manipulation. Transhumanism.

Contrary to popular belief, this will not occur because military neurotechnology is released for civilian use, or everyone gets an RFID chip for digital payments, a Neuralink brain implant, or an exoskeleton for housework. It will occur without us noticing, because the inexpensively scalable nanoparticles, structures, and bots are and will be components of pharmacological products, food, and geoengineering projects. See lipid nanoparticles for mRNA injections. Or the 14-year-old ideas of the World Economic Forum (WEF) on “solar radiation management.” Neurotechnology needs to be applied, implanted, and adjusted. It therefore requires the patient’s consent. But nanotechnology such as smartdust can be applied to the entire population — without them knowing it.

The mapping of the 86 billion nerve cells in the human brain appears to be largely complete. Enough, at least, to be able to intervene. To this end, the EU funded the Human Brain Project from 2013 to 2023, China the China Brain Project, Japan its Brain/MINDS Initiative and America’s neighbour the Brain Canada research project. Collaboration and expansion are taking place across national borders within the framework of the International Brain Initiative.

Until around 2018, the mainstream media occasionally published an insightful article on the subject of smartdust or on advances in the field of nanotechnology. The fact that this has hardly been the case for several years now should not be taken as evidence that the corrupted scientific establishment is no longer active in this field. Au contraire. Because nanotechnology is the key discipline of the interpretive neurosciences. The door opener to biodigital convergence, to the transformation of our organism into a cyborg. The American DARPA alone has launched at least 40 programs in this field in the past two decades. But while the BBC and others are reporting on advances in brain implants that allow paralyzed people to walk again through the power of their thoughts, or Business Insider explains how China analyzes the brain waves of employees in real time to assess their emotional state, media has become suspiciously quiet on the subject of smartdust.

An entire industry has long been established in this sector, developing smart mesh networks for commercial applications. Back in 1997, Kristofer Pister founded the company Dust Networks (now Analog Devices) with start-up capital from DARPA. The company’s premium product, SmartMesh-XR, “significantly lowers the barrier to entry for the installation of sensor and control solutions,” according to the product description. When goods, a vehicle or a person move through a network of intelligent nanodust, for example in a production hall, it displaces the dust or the radiation between the individual particles (nodes) that float in the air or stick to walls and floors. Like a ship displaces water. This makes the position, properties and intention of the displacing object or subject measurable. RFID chips, hardware sensors, light barriers, scanners and cameras become superfluous. A twelve-year-old promotional video from Dust Networks explains how and why smartdust is the central element in terms of building automation, smart cities and thus also surveillance state.

A year after this video was published, the MIT Technology Review described how smartdust could in future “spy on the brain“. According to a study published in Nature in 2015, mesh networks that can be injected using a conventional syringe were already able to record neural functions. Flip a switch in the head was the headline of the Rockefeller University ‘s April 2017 article on radiogenetics, magnetogenetics and optogenetics, describing how “scientists can wirelessly control the brain cells of mice with the push of a button. The first act they did was make the mice hungry“. This feeling of hunger can theoretically be induced until the test animals have eaten themselves to death. If nanobots are present in the targeted organism, they can also be stimulated to react using magnetic fields, radiation or light. This can have an impact not only on bodily functions and feelings, but also on brain activity. How the NeuroSWARM3 nanosensor, delivered via cannula or inhalation, can simultaneously record the thoughts of the living being in question can be seen in an article by BBC Science Focus dated July 24, 2021.

The information you need is all around you,” is the credo of Dust Networks, which not only wants to read out said information, but also import it into the organism. In 2011, Harvard Magazine reported on the developments of chemist Charles Lieber and explained that his nanotransistors are now so small that they can penetrate human cells without damaging them. That was 13 years ago. Six years after the first iPhone. Linear Technology, founded in 1981, has also been developing so-called wireless sensor networks since the late 1990s. The company’s smartdust products – SmartMesh IP and SmartMesh WirelessHART – were touted as being particularly cost-effective, energy-saving and robust. According to Linear Technology, both have been “supplied to almost all Fortune 500 companies” that manufacture network solutions for industrial applications.

The rollout of nano-mesh networks for human genetic purposes can be done by injection, adhesion or inhalation, via cloud seeding or by means of genetically manipulated mosquitoes, a “flying vaccinator“, as the Center for Disease Control (CDC) or a paper from the National Library of Medicine explains. We have known about these injections since the corona regime. Genetically modified mosquitoes have also been released since 2021. And the business is expanding. Factories in the USA and Colombia produce up to 30 million of the weaponized mosquitoes per week. And the first inhalable covid vaccines were also recently approved. In India and China. The fact that it is now easy to enrich these with potent nanotechnology is demonstrated, among others, by US patent 9539210B2 dated March 15, 2013. Smartdust could also easily be distributed over the Earth as a component of aviation fuel. With 500 to 750 aircrafts, the entire land area of the planet could be supplied, as demonstrated in the article Weaponizing Weather using China’s well-documented geoengineering infrastructure as an example.

Once nanoparticles have been distributed over a wide area and become part of our organism, the invisible hand only has to “flip a switch in the head” to influence this mesh network, i.e. our thinking, our emotions or our vital functions, by means of data packets, radiation or magnetic fields.

The 5G mobile technology pushed by the military could play a role in this, as research by journalists Ryan Christian and Derrick Broze suggests. 5G technology offers no additional benefit for smartphone users. But it does for an aggressor like NATO, who wants to use the expanded electromagnetic frequency spectrum and the more closely positioned radio masts to establish smart cities, mesh networks or radiation fields. The inventor Nikola Tesla explained this more than 80 years ago:

If you want to understand the mysteries of our universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

There are probably reasons why Tesla, who is considered by many to be brilliant and “the greatest genius of all time” due to his work on free energy sources, died under mysterious circumstances in 1943, many of his research documents disappeared without a trace and others are kept under lock and key to this day.

Much is still unknown about mRNA, 5G, nanotechnology, smartdust, radio- or optogenetics, even though the technology has been in use for almost two decades. The question is therefore not whether, but how and to what extent it is already being used against our species as part of cognitive warfare. And with what consequences.

Anyone who still calms themselves down with the naive assumption that the military-industrial complex would have scruples about using nanotechnology such as smartdust on a large scale against its own people should urgently take a look at the list of unethical experiments carried out by the US military on the local population, spanning over a century and even mentioned in mainstream publications such as FOCUS or 20 Minuten. Because there are no such scruples.

You will see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension”, said Nikola Tesla.


June 21, 2024


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