Three Ways To Fall Asleep Faster And Get A Better Night’s Sleep


Insomnia is a very real experience for many people in this world. Before you pop any pills or spray lavender on your pillow, here are three uncommon tools that can help you sleep better at night.

Most likely you don’t need anyone to convince you that sleep is a beautiful thing. Not only is it quite comfortable and cozy, it’s also the core activity responsible for helping us to recharge and reset daily.

While some of us have little to no issue with not only falling asleep in our beds at night but also pretty well anywhere we can “safely” close our eyes, there are also quite a few of us that struggle to get the shut-eye that we need.

And while all insomnia is undoubtedly frustrating to deal with, it can be particularly challenging when you know you need the rest, but the second your head hits the pillow your consciousness opts to kick into overdrive.

It reminds us of an animated meme popular a couple of years back but which soon disappeared from the internet. On the left side of this graphic it had the outline of a person standing up with their emotions (which were represented by a liquid) filling the lower half of their body. On the right side, it showed the same person now lying down in bed; however, this time, because of the horizontal nature of this position, all of their emotions now filled a portion of their entire body, playfully representing how our consciousness has a tendency to kick in at night.

For those who have been kept up by their consciousness far too many occasions to count, here are three tools effective in helping us fall asleep faster and ultimately get a better night’s sleep:

1. Put Down Your Phone

The first decision that is very helpful at getting us to sleep faster at night is to not end the night by being on the phone. Many people are addicted to varying degrees, and smartphones only become more capable and therefore appealing, but their potential negative impact on our sleep is becoming clearer by the day.

The goal is to put all devices away at least one hour before bed. Of course, there are a number of occasions where this simply isn’t possible, and that’s why we also suggest that you consider investing in a pair of blue light blocking glasses.

2. Meditate

One of the biggest rejections from those who don’t meditate is that, when they try, they can’t seem to focus and as a result they fall asleep. Given the purpose of this article, we can humorously say “case closed”.

However, for those able to meditate, this practice before bed will sooth the consciousness and it will not wander later on, when you just want to sleep.

3. Write It Out

The last tool we suggest is nightly journaling. If that doesn’t sound particularly appealing to you, instead think of it as a consciousness soother. Let your consciousness say everything it wants to, even with no structure. You can also use the 5 minute journal, where you simply end your day by writing out some awesome events that occurred to you over the course of the day, and some quick things you could have done better.


February 2, 2020


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