Using EMF Filters For Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (2)

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read the first part of the article

Tinnitus Shares Pathophysiology with EHS

Researchers have also found a significant association between tinnitus and EMF hypersensitivity, hinting at a shared pathophysiology between the two conditions. In this study, 89 EMF hypersensitive patients were compared to 107 controls, matched for age, gender, living surroundings and workplace environment.
Nearly 51 percent of EMF hypersensitive patients had tinnitus, compared to just 17.5 percent of controls. While prevalence was significantly higher among those sensitive to EMFs, tinnitus duration and severity did not differ between the two groups. 

According to the authors: “Our data indicate that tinnitus is associated with subjective electromagnetic hypersensitivity. An individual vulnerability probably due to an overactivated cortical distress network seems to be responsible for both electromagnetic hypersensitivity and tinnitus. Hence, therapeutic efforts should focus on treatment strategies (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy) aiming at normalizing this dysfunctional distress network.”

EMFs Effect on Heart Rate

One organ that is particularly sensitive to EMFs is your heart. To investigate, Havas conducted an experiment with people who claimed EMFs caused heart palpitations, very frequently when entering certain stores, or the mall.
“They felt as soon as they walked in, their heart rate would rise. They would have kind of an anxiety attack and have to leave the store as quickly as possible,” Havas says.
“Often, they said they would make a list, go in and do the shopping as quickly as possible and leave, because the longer they stayed in the store, the worse they felt. They would develop brain fog, become dizzy and nauseous.”

Using heart rate variability technology, Havas and Jeffrey Marrongelle, a chiropractor who does energy medicine, assessed 25 people, some of which claimed to have EHS and others who had never even heard the term.
The participants were exposed to microwave radiation from the bay station of a cordless phone, which emits nonstop radiation. Interestingly, while no real relationship could be found between those who claimed to have EHS and the exposure, people who were fit and in good health had the greatest response.

“Basically, what they experienced was a stress response. There was an increase in their sympathetic and a decrease in their parasympathetic response, with an increase in either heart rate or a change in the heart rate, in terms of arrhythmia …

This was a double-blind study that was really very powerful, showing this is not something that people can actually regulate themselves.

Just one example, we had a person who had a heartrate of about 65. They were lying down on a mat. The cordless phone was behind their heads, so they couldn’t see it and didn’t know when it was turned on or off. Their heart rate zoomed up to 120 beats per minute while they were lying down.

Most people would have to go up at least a flight of stairs in order to get that kind of response from their heart. As soon as the phone was disconnected, their heart rate returned to normal. While this was a more extreme case, there were several people who had that kind of response.”

EMFs Effects on Blood

Havas has also conducted many tests on her own blood over the years. She noticed that after working on the computer, her blood was coagulated and viscous.
After spending eight minutes on a PEMF mat, her blood was free-flowing again. Continuing her tests, she realized that whenever her body had been exposed to microwave radiation, whether from a Wi-Fi router, a cordless phone or cellphone, it went into rouleau formation (aggregates of red blood cells). 

She explains:
“There are virtually no cells that are single cells. Everything is just clumping together. We know that the effect of that is really quite damaging. It could cause a stroke. It could cause a heart attack. It certainly reduces your circulation in your fingers and toes, for example, leading to cold extremities and a tingling sensation.

All these tests we were doing was to try to alert medical doctors to what they can do in office to diagnose someone with EHS. Things like blood sugar, heart rate and blood coagulation are some of the things that can actually be done, so that doctors can do the diagnostics …

There are some people who respond only to microwave radiation. They don’t respond to anything else. Others respond primarily to dirty power. Dirty power and microwaves are virtually ubiquitous. They’re everywhere … I think dirty electricity is really a missing link.

There are very few people in the world studying the biological effects of dirty electricity. There has been a huge amount of research looking at electromagnetic interference, which is another thing that dirty electricity does.

Engineers are very familiar with this. They very often will shield against that to protect sensitive electronic equipment. They don’t realize that by protecting the equipment, you’re also protecting human health. That’s really important.”

Remediation Tools

Before you begin remediation, you need a couple of tools to actually measure the EMFs in your home or office. Here, it’s important to realize that not all devices accurately measure all three types of EMFs – the electric fields, magnetic fields and radiofrequency fields. Havas recommends three different types of meters:
• The Acousticom 2;
• The TriField meter (while it measures electric, magnetic and radio frequencies, it’s really only good for measuring magnetic fields. It’s not an accurate tool for measuring electric fields or radio frequencies);
• A Microsurge (Stetzer) meter, which measures dirty electricity, and at least one Stetzer filter, to allow you to determine how much you can reduce the dirty power at any given location.

She explains:
“I think if you have these three different devices, and you know what the levels are, what you’re looking for … then you can go around your house and find out what you’re exposed to. It’s really quite simple.”
“There are ways of going around doing the measurements. The more you play around with it, the more comfortable you become with it. You’ll find some real surprises when you have the meters, because things that you think might be turned off or aren’t radiating may be and increasing your exposure. Doing your own testing is something I highly recommend.”

As for the Stetzer filter, most homes will probably need at least 20. A large home may need anywhere from 40 to 80 filters in larger homes. At about $40 apiece, the investment can be significant. You can, however, get a discounted bulk rate if you call Stetzer Electric. You won’t find the discount online; you’ll need to make a phone call and you can get the price down to around $25 per unit.

It will be important to also purchase a meter, otherwise you will have no idea how serious your problem is and where to place the filters. Typically, two to three need to be installed in your bedroom (the most important), rooms that have computers, and the room close to your circuit breakers.
Ideally, readings should be below 50 and even better below 35. If installing a filter doesn’t lower the reading by at least 20 percent, it is probably best to find a different location for the filter.

It also would be best to have a knowledgeable electrician evaluate your home for any wiring errors as that cannot be fixed by the filters. What’s more, anything you plug into an improperly wired (code violation) circuit will increase harmful magnetic fields. A surprisingly large number of homes have wiring errors and can be as high as 30 percent or more in some areas.

Beware Of Smart Lights

I’ve previously written about the dangers of LEDs and fluorescent light bulbs, but Havas brings up yet another, even worse, type of bulb – so-called “smart lights” that you can turn on and off with your smartphone.

“They radiate microwaves as high as your Wi-Fi router or your wireless phone” Havas says. “I went to a lighting conference in Germany two years ago. I was giving a talk on different types of lighting and looking at the spectrum, looking at all the different frequencies they emit, including ultraviolet and the relative ratio of blue to red, all that kind of stuff.

The lighting industry was sponsoring this conference, so I said: ‘Can you send me a good-quality lightbulb?’ They said: ‘No problem’. They sent me one and it was probably the worst bulb I’ve ever tested. It was one of these smart bulbs that as soon as you turn it on, it’s emitting microwave radiation.

I remember talking to the president of the company when I went to Germany. I showed the results … I said: ‘Your lightbulb was one of the worst because of this microwave radiation. You know, it’s making people sick.’ He said: ‘I had no idea. But the entire industry is going that way, and we don’t want to be left out’.”

On Ground Current

Havas explains:
“It turns out you can have electricity flowing through the ground. This is happening more and more often. In part because of the way we use electricity in North America; with the way that we distribute it and transmit it.

We have so many multiple grounds that the electricity from an area of high electrical conductivity can move to an area where there’s less electrons, so they just move through the ground. When you have moving electrons, you can create a current.

There are farms mostly in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa that have a really serious ground current problem with their dairy cows. These cows are just constantly lifting their feet because they’re being exposed to ground current. But it’s not the 60-cycle that’s most damaging. It’s the dirty power [100 kHz] flowing through the ground that is causing it …

There are people who claim that the best thing you can ever do is get grounded. I would agree with that, provided you’re in an area where you don’t have a ground current problem. It’s like you can drink clean water, you can drink dirty water. They have very different effects.

If you have dirty electricity flowing through the ground, getting grounded means it’s now entering your body, because it comes right in through one leg and down the other basically.

These devices that you plug into your electrical outlet that you then put on your bed so that you’re grounded at night, people who use them are beginning to tell me that after a couple of days or a couple of weeks, they’re actually beginning to feel quite ill.

My guess is that they’ve got dirty electricity coming through the ground, into their sleeping area, and hence, making them sick. You have to be very, very careful where you’re grounded …”

More Information

The EMF topic is a big one, and we’ve not covered every angle here. For more information about the mechanisms of harm, see “New Study Links Cellphone Radiation to Heart and Brain Tumors” in which I review mechanisms of action proposed by Martin Pall, Ph.D., Alasdair Philips and Paul Héroux, Ph.D.

For more about the health effects of EMFs and the importance of EMF remediation when treating chronic illness, see my interview with Dr. Klinghardt. You can also peruse Havas’ website,, where you’ll find a number of video presentations, historical references and general information about EMFs.

Five of her case studies were also published for the World Health Organization Workshop on Electrical Hypersensitivity in 2004, and one of her most recent papers, “When Theory and Observation Collide: Can Non-Ionizing Radiation Cause Cancer?” can be found in the journal Environmental Pollution.


January 30, 2019


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