What happened to love letters?


Going back thousands of years, wherever there has been a civilization with written language, there have been love letters: passion, joy, and longing unbound, letters that ignite and cleanse the soul, surpassing the energies of every-day life…

Today, in our highly technological society, the love letter has been a waning moon. Laura Thompson has wisely decided to resurrect the form and breathe life back into it. Anyone can contribute to the renaissance: Love Letter Challenge.

Laura Thompson: “Why write a love letter? Oh, the power of a love letter! Something you can hold in your hand. Something so real…”

“When you write one, your cells are vibrating… Your body, with all its magnificent division of labor… like an orchestra or chorus during a glorious performance.”

“Is it a lost art form or can we keep it alive?”

“We, as a society, don’t write love letters much anymore. We use cute emojis to express love and admiration. We text phrases. We hint and beat around the bush with the quick forms of communication at our fingertips.”

“…if everyone wrote a love letter to the ones they love… good things would happen that would spur on more good. I wonder how high we could go? Is the sky the limit – or beyond?”

Laura invites your participation.
Why not dive in? You have nothing to lose, except the ordinary and the mundane.


February , 2019

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