What (other) horrors the press says about us – episode 2

(Read the first part of this article here)

As we promised you, we continue reviewing the most ridiculous facts that the press attributes to us, and some of them swallowed whole. (We have learned from reliable sources that Baron Münchhausen is already prepared to take notes). Moreover, history has proved the reality of the statement of a dictator of sad memory: the large masses of people would rather believe a big lie than a small one. Correlating this observation with the fact that a lie repeated often enough (and loud enough) eventually becomes the “truth”, you can easily understand why no one sees that the emperor is naked when the media points the guns at MISA, however absurd the facts attributed to us may be.

As there is no anti-MISA article without sex, we develop a little more in the present episode this topic, it seems inexhaustible. A guy from one of the “Antene” [a group of Romanian TV stations], it doesn’t matter which one, because there isn’t much difference between them, recently stated that at MISA they have sex on graves. First of all, there is no sex at MISA. The difference between raw sexuality and pure eroticism is clearly established, you can learn more here , in addition, MISA students have already known the benefits of amorous erotic continence for a long time. We can provide interested journalists with a lot of study material, we do not elaborate here so as not to stray from the topic. The question that bothers us, however, is where the press could get such “information” (and additionally verify it, as required by the Code of Ethics, which no one reads). Reporters in cemeteries clearly do not have. If, by reduction to the absurd, someone, anyone, had engaged in such actions in broad daylight (hard to believe though…), and someone else had seen them, how did they deduce that they were from MISA? If someone, anyone, had indulged in such actions in the middle of the night (and harder to believe…), there was no way to see them, so how could such a “news” get to the press? An ignorant person would have seen the terrible image of the Great Macrocosmic Power Kali dancing on a corpse and, without understanding the complex symbolism of this traditional representation (the meaning of which you can find here), would have thought that it was describing a yogic technique taught at MISA and put into practice in cemeteries? (By the way, you know joke about the skeleton that wants to scare a drunk wandering through the cemetery at night and asks him “Do you have a fire?” and the drunk looks at him for a long time and replies “I don’t, and stop smoking so much, don’t you see that you’re as skinny a skeleton?” If you don’t know it, we’ll tell you.)

Okay, so let’s move on from that statement, we’re wasting time talking about it. It is an aberration that disqualifies you from the start as a journalist. Also in the sphere of sexual obsessions of the media (obsessions that, ridiculously, they project on us, like the thief who shouts “thieves”), they have been accusing us of prostitution for years. Who feeds them such accusations exactly? Among others, one named Agnes Arabela Marques (about whom I wrote in extenso here), a person of dubious morals, with star ambitions, famous in Portugal because of the scandals in which she was involved, and not because of her talent, which peaked at a currently banned from entering Japan precisely because of accusations of prostitution (made against her, it’s clear, yes?). They could not find another more credible “witness”? Apparently not, and if they’re reviving the same stories after 10 years we assume that’s all they have. The fracture in logic does not seem to bother the journalists, as long as the aforementioned is telegenic, has training in public speaking and putting her feet on her head, and last but not least, she supports the narrative that the press has embraced. We cannot leave Arabela without citing at least two of her recent musings. “Exiting MISA is often a difficult process. Those who do are judged so harshly.” Did you catch it? She would have been – she says – “trafficked” and “exploited” by a “sect”, from which she was able to leave without any problem (although from a real sect, because there are some of these, it is very difficult to leave and you are left with many traumas), the only difficulty being that it was harshly judged. Follow the iron logic of the press. The fact that the “victims” that the French police “liberated” were taken out in handcuffs (and left to fend for themselves on the street when they were no longer useful) does not revolt anyone. But Arabela was “harshly judged”, dear viewers, woe and alas, don’t the bastards deserve to go to jail? And the second “rare pearl”: “There was no minimum age, most them were minors.”  Where were the minors? Show us, please. When law enforcement raided 18 houses in Bucharest, they did not find any minors. When they filmed the television shows at the camps, the few minors who still passed through the frame were with their mothers. No minors are allowed in yoga classes unless they have parental consent, and you can count them on one hand anyway. There are photos, there are videos, the internet is full of the materials that the prosecutors picked up during the searches and gave them as a gift to the media. Do you really not see that they are people? Has the age of majority changed to 38 and we’re the only ones who didn’t find out?

Related to prostitution, in about the same register, we also find accusations of sexual exploitation. We will come back to this topic, because it causes a lot of ink to flow, for the moment we stop at a statement from the press of the last few days. The three so-called “victims” who – according to the journalists – seem to be at the center of the file that is now being built in France, declare in unison that “they feel safer now that Gregorian Bivolaru is imprisoned”. From where do you deduce, by way of consequence, that until now they felt threatened. By whom, exactly? The press does not ask them and does not ask whether in all these years there was at least one person who suffered because of the false testimony against Gregorian Bivolaru or against anyone else in MISA. While, on the other hand, examples abound of MISA students who have been fired from work, thrown out of their homes, threatened by neighbours or even attacked in the street with a knife because “I know you, those from MISA”.

Enough about sex, there are other topics. Because we had earlier touched the sepulchral sphere, we remembered another foolishness, which, at its peak, public opinion swallowed whole. Several years ago there was a story, supported by the “testimonies” of the neighbours, that one night from the administrative centre of MISA commonly called “the library” (because there really was a huge library of rare spiritual books prior to the barbaric attacks of 2004) a corpse was taken out, through the back door (although that space, located on the ground floor of a block of flats, has an entrance only at the front…) Wrapped in a carpet or some blankets, we no longer know the exact details, however the neighbours with X-ray eyes identified very clearly that it was a corpse! Well, they didn’t think to call the police, too much effort, lucky the press came to hunt for the wretches, otherwise they wouldn’t even “remember” the macabre incident. To laugh, to cry?… Better to detach, we are in Kali Yuga [nb the age of maximum spiritual decay], we live in Romania, where almost everything is possible, luckily some have short memories and few neurons, so the next day their attention is switched to other scandalous topics.

The media’s favorite refrain to all more or less phantasmagorical claims is that they have “shocking testimonies” from “victims” or, as the case may be, “witnesses”, see the neighbours above. So we infer that the witnesses, and not the evidence, are the element that validates the journalists’ claims. Now we come and ask: but those who testify about the blackmail made by the press, about their practices of intimidation, about editors who censor articles or who impose certain predetermined conclusions on journalistic “investigations”, why should these witnesses be less credible than Agnes Arabela who-knows-her-name-now, or Cecilia Tiz, or the young ladies with fake names, who “fear for their lives”? They have reason to fear, but not those from MISA, but the law of karma, which since the creation of the world is implaccable, whatever you do. Sooner or later, whoever draws the sword will die by the sword. After the deed, the reward. You do evil, you find evil. If you get into the pig sty, the pigs eat you. He who sows wind reaps storm. Each of these sayings of the spirit, which we did not invent, we just took them from the Gospels and from Romanian folklore, are basically nothing more than expressions of the law of karma – even if popular wisdom did not call it that. That you can escape human justice, but not immanent justice. You can put a hood on your head, change your name, change your voice, but you can’t hide from God. (If you think you can, or if you think you won’t deal with Him because you’re an atheist, you have our full compassion from now on.)

We’re stopping here for now, but we promise to keep going. Subjects, the press offers us, if only the keyboard could resist…

When the story reached here, Scheherazade saw the dawn of day approaching and, timidly, kept silent…”

Source: misa.yoga


December 8, 2023


Also available in: Română Français

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