What We’ve Learned from a Year of Vaccine Shedding Data (1)
Numerous data sources now corroborate that the covid vaccines shed in a consistent and replicable manner. When doctors in this movement speak at events about vaccines, by far the most common question they receive is, “Is vaccine shedding real?”. This is understandable as covid vaccine shedding (becoming ill from vaccinated people) represents the one way the unvaccinated are also at risk from the vaccines and hence still need to be directly concerned about them.
Shedding Patterns
In the same manner that there is a fairly high replicability in the symptoms of people who are affected by shedding experience, there is also a fairly high congruency in the patterns of how they are affected. Specifically:
- Some people are hypersensitive to shedders and can immediately detect when they are in the presence of a shedder or are on their way to developing harmful symptoms.
- Others are less sensitive, but quickly notice specific characteristic symptoms consistently occur following shedding exposures (e.g., always feeling ill when a vaccinated relative returns from a long trip away, when going to the supermarket, when singing with their choir, or when taking a crowded route to work).
In some cases, they are able to identify a “super shedder” (amongst a group) who consistently made them ill, and in many cases they can identify the exact shedding incident that made them ill. Likewise, through tracking serial spike protein antibody levels (e.g., for patients undergoing treatment for long covid or a vaccine injury) we’ve objectively corroborated that shedding exposures repeatedly worsen these patients (providing an explanation for why their symptoms “inexplicably” ebb and flow), that this can be seen objectively in their lab work and that spike protein detox after shedding exposures clinically improve these patients.
Note: Pierre Kory’s practice has been able to determine that those they suspect are a shedder (e.g., a husband) test positive (through an antibody test) for a high spike protein levels and that eliminating the shedder from the patient’s life or treating the (asymptomatic) shedder with a vaccine injury protocol frequently significantly improves their patient’s recovery. Likewise, readers here have reported significant improvements from avoiding shedders—which sadly in some cases has required the more sensitive people to isolate themselves from society.
In the majority of cases, the effects of shedding are temporary and go away, but in a subset of people, they can last for months if not years.
Recognition of the shedding phenomenon has forced many to significantly modify their lives. This included regretfully terminating a long-term romantic relationship, leaving their line of work (e.g., some massage therapists can no longer handle working on vaccinated clients), or only seeing unvaccinated healthcare providers (e.g., numerous people reported getting ill from vaccinated chiropractors or massage therapists, and we now periodically will have patients state they can only see us since we are unvaccinated).
The “stronger” the shedding exposure, the more likely shedding is to cause issues, but conversely, for more sensitive patients, “weaker” exposures also will. More substantial exposures include being around someone who was recently vaccinated or boosted (as shedding is strongest initially), being around more shedders, being in a confined space (e.g., a car) with a shedder for a prolonged period, or having close physical contact with a shedder.
Note: given all of this, I thought flying on airlines would be a significant issue, but I have only received two reports from readers where this was the case.
There appear to be some unexplained symptoms otherwise healthy patients now experience that are tied to shedding. However, it’s still often very challenging to tease out when shedding is the culprit due to how many variables are involved and the ambiguity of the subject (which is part of why so much detail has gone into this post so each of you can figure out if you are being affected by shedding).
Susceptibility to Shedding
In general, there are three categories of people who are susceptible to shedding (and in many cases these categories overlap). The first are the sensitive patients (e.g., those who frequently react to chemicals or get injured by pharmaceuticals). For example, near the start of the vaccine rollout (before I was aware that shedding was an issue), I saw this video and genuinely wondered if it was real as many of its claims were quite extraordinary but at the same time, were somewhat in line with what a highly sensitive patient (of whom I know many) would describe.
However, I’ve since received numerous accounts from sensitive patients identically matching hers along with similar but less extreme cases,12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 such as a susceptible nurse who shared: “I am so distraught. I went to school and trained for this work. I loved caring for my senior community, and now they’re all covid vaccinated.”
Additionally, many of these people pointed out that they had the MTHFR genetic polymorphism, and attributed their sensitivity to it.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 While this is likely true (as MTHFR has long been observed to increase one’s likelihood of a vaccine injury), I am unsure how useful this data point is as there are many different MTHFR mutations that create varying susceptibilities (e.g., 60-70% of the population has an MTHFR mutation but most are not of the type that creates hypersensitivities).
Note: As I discuss here, sensitive patients are largely neglected and unrecognized by the medical system but frequently encountered in clinical practice. Typically in addition to being sensitive to environmental toxins or medical interventions, they are also very empathetic and aware of subtle human (or animal) qualities others miss. Generally, they tend to have an ectomorphic or Sattvic constitution and are hypermobile (which as discussed here, plays a key role in why they tend to frequently experience vaccine injuries). Since publishing those articles, many readers here have shared they are more frequently injured (e.g., by shedding).
Due to these susceptibilities, those patients frequently have chronic illnesses such as mast cell degranulation disorder, multiple chemical sensitivities, EMF sensitivities, Lyme disease, mold toxicity, and fibromyalgia. These patients were more likely to avoid the covid vaccine (due to their previous bad experiences with pharmaceuticals) and more likely to be chronically debilitated by the covid vaccine (or a covid infection). Tragically, we’ve also seen many people develop these sensitivities after a covid vaccine injury, and a few people have shared spike shedding caused them to develop environmental sensitivities. Additionally, I received a report from someone who noticed environmental EMFs worsened their sensitivities to shedding.
The sensitive patients tend to be the most susceptible to shedding. I’ve seen numerous reports of people (e.g., consider this report from one of Pierre Kory’s patients) who can immediately tell if they are around people who have been vaccinated (e.g., because they immediately feel a “toxic” presence or feel a shedder injure them). Likewise, these patients tend to become ill from “weaker” shedding exposures.
Note: I consider myself to be a sensitive person, but I have not had any issues being in close proximity to people (e.g., patients) who were recently vaccinated. Conversely, many of my sensitive female friends (who are less sensitive than me) have experienced notable effects from shedding (e.g., menstrual abnormalities), which suggests to me there is more to this picture than just having a “sensitive” constitution.
The second group is patients sensitized to the spike protein due to a previous vaccine injury or long covid. These patients frequently find their symptoms worsen when they are around vaccinated people, and many have reported that their sensitivity to shedding increases with time.
Note: I believe the Cell Danger Response (discussed here) provides one of the best models to explain what occurs to the patients in the first two categories (e.g., a persistent CDR accounts for many environmental sensitivities while conversely, treating the CDR is often very beneficial to these patients). Likewise, I also find a pre-existing impairment in zeta potential (discussed here) frequently predisposes these patients to these issues and that restoring the physiologic zeta potential often greatly benefits them. Finally, since the spike protein is an allergen that is highly effective at creating autoimmunity in the body, that also can explain why successive exposures to it increase one’s sensitivity to it (and likewise some of the most promising covid treatments simply use allergy medications).
The third group are the people who cannot effectively produce antibodies to the spike protein. I was initially clued into this from a study of vaccinated patients who developed myocarditis, which discovered that (unlike controls) their ability to develop a neutralizing antibody for the spike protein was impaired, leading to free spike protein circulating in their blood (whereas normally it would be bound to an antibody). Because of this, the spike protein being produced in their body is thus able to create havoc throughout it, and those patients become symptomatic after being exposed to a much lower concentration of the spike protein. It is important to note that while reactive to shedding, these patients are nowhere near as sensitive to shedding as the previously described “sensitive patients.”
Note: at the time of the disastrous smallpox campaign, many clinicians believed that those with a weakened immune system could not mount a response to the vaccine and in turn, were both more likely to be injured by it and to catch smallpox (both before and after vaccination). This led them to argue the vaccine’s “efficacy” was an artifact of the skin reaction it caused being a proxy for a functioning immune system, and I suspect the 2023 myocarditis study suggests something similar is occurring for the spike protein vaccines.
Additionally, while very rare, I have received a few compelling cases that suggest pets (e.g., cats, dogs, and parrots) can also be susceptible to shedding events..1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 If shedding did indeed occur there, it suggests that like human beings, certain animals are much more sensitive to shedding than others, and that the shedding agent has a mechanism of harm which is not dependent upon a human receptor (e.g., it adversely affects the physiologic zeta potential).
Note: since most of the symptoms of shedding are tricky to observe externally (e.g., fatigue or dizziness), it’s also possible that the “lower” incidence of shedding in pets is party due to only rarer events (e.g., cancer, heart attacks or hair loss) being observable by the owners, and that a much larger number of less severe shedding injuries have gone unrecognized.
Characteristics of Shedders
The most common observation with shedders is that they are dramatically more likely to shed soon after vaccination (depending on who you ask, this window ranges from three days to four weeks). However, more sensitive patients find they are affected by a shedder indefinitely and strongly disagree with a 2-4 week cutoff.
I believe this essentially matches what has been found in numerous studies—that following vaccination, spike protein production in the blood spikes and then declines but never reaches zero and appears to continue for months afterward.
Note: presently we do not know how long spike protein persists in the body as the vaccine mRNA was designed to resist degradation, and in each window that’s been looked at (e.g., 28 days, 30 days, 56 days, 187 days) the spike protein is still present in a portion of vaccine recipients. In fact, (still unpublished) research found it at 709 days post vaccination.
Additionally, quite a few people have noticed that shedding events (in the same location) are the most frequent and severe immediately following a new booster rollout, after which they gradually diminish until the next booster campaign.
It has also been observed that young and healthy people tend to shed more frequently (presumably since their body has a greater capacity to manufacture the spike protein), children shed the most, and the elderly shed the least frequently. Additionally, quite a few people have observed that shedding greatly varies by the person (e.g., “I react to specific people I see at church”).
Repeatedly boosting appears to worsen shedding for three reasons:
- It causes patients to temporarily resume having high spike protein levels in their body.
- Successive boosting appears to increase the degree of shedding, which occurs when compared to what was caused by the previous injections.
- Quite a few holistic healers have shared that they believe the most recent boosters are more potent and hence cause more significant shedding than the earlier ones (which might be explained by the boosters now containing multiple strains of mRNA to “cover the new variants”).
In almost all cases, the shedding appeared from mRNA gene therapies. However, a few readers shared common shedding symptoms were triggered by J&J1 2 3 4 or AstraZeneca.1 2
The Shedding Odor
One of the odd aspects quite a few people have reported is a distinct smell which emerged around them after the vaccines entered the market. For example, consider this comment from a reader:
“In terms of crowds, I too have experienced this many times. I feel unwell with flu like symptoms and can smell a unique odour around people. After feeling this way and smelling the same odour several times in company with family and friends, I confirmed the correlation with the covid vaccination. As it transpired each has been vaccinated within the previous week. I am very sensitive to meds and in general, and I can smell something around covid vaccinated people!”
I have received a variety of similar descriptions of the smell itself.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
The labels I’ve seen used to describe the smell are as follows: “mild sickly sweet,” “rotting [or dying] flesh,” “magnetic onion,” “unpleasant,” “distinctive,” “the smell of death,” “medicines plus latrines,” “musty,” “musty plus rancid”, “dead animal,” “a decomposing body,” “road kill,” “putrid meat,” “like ammonia but not as strong,” “sweet,” “sour stomach” “elderly person as their flesh breaks down with age,” “a chemical flu smell” “of seaweed,” “putrid,” “strange and metallic”, “sharp, pungent and toxic”, “horrible”, “unique odour”, “chemical,” “sharp chemical,” “vinegar,” “sour,” “subtle like a pheromone,” “chemical floral,” “foul and sweet,” “acid smell,” “similar to smell chemotherapy patients have,” “horrendous breath,” “overpowering.”
From investigating this odour (which I personally cannot smell) I’ve learned:
- The three aspects that most closely match the odours described here are trans-2-Nonenal, malondialdehyde, and rotting organic matter—all of which can naturally occur in the body, suggesting the shedding odour to some extent represent spike protein tissue injury, and to some extent are congruent with the observation the vaccine often causes accelerated aging.
- The other “chemical” smell-sensitive people have started observing throughout the environment, which may be from molds in the environment metabolizing the shedded spike protein or the disinfectants sprayed everywhere throughout covid.
- A higher spike protein load appears to be “easier” to smell (e.g., in someone recently vaccinated—as spike protein levels spike in the blood after vaccination, if the shedder has had a higher total number of covid vaccines, when in close proximity to a shedder particularly if some type of intimate contact occurred, or when around someone who for some reason sheds to a greater degree). Similarly, more sensitive people (who are typically more likely to be injured by the vaccines) are more likely to detect this smell (e.g., they can still smell it once the shedders are no longer physically present), and in many cases can consistently tell if someone was vaccinated.
- Given that dogs can detect covid infections with a high degree of accuracy (e.g., one study found they could spot it in sweat samples from infected people two days earlier than PCR tests and with a 97% accuracy), dogs could most likely also easily be trained to detect shedders. However, to my knowledge, this has not yet been done.
- Given the previous, I am curious if people who can smell shedders also noticed that smell from covid (especially before the vaccine hit the market). As I did not specifically solicit it, only one reader thus far has reported it (an acid-burning smell both times they got covid).
- People who can smell this will likely lose their attraction to shedders (as appealing smells are often some the most important elements for erotic compatibility).
- A very perceptive colleague who can smell this reports that it appears to be being emitted through the pores, which is consistent with the evidence suggesting the shedding occurs through the sweat since it contaminates sheets.
In certain cases, people perceived the shedding odour through a different sense. These included:
- Since smell is intimately linked to taste, I expected to receive reports resembling the smells. However, almost all of them were simply a “metallic taste,” with the only additional qualifiers being one who found it “unpleasant” and one who had a “dry acid feeling on my tongue.”1 2 3 4 5 6 7. While a metallic taste can represent many aspects, its frequent association with mold toxicity caught my attention.
Note: in the FOIA’d V-safe free-text data, many disclosed that they noticed a metallic taste following covid vaccination (e.g., in the first batch of reports, 2346 respondents reported it, whereas for comparison, 15,786 vaccine recipients reported dizziness or vertigo). - One reader felt as though their nose was inhaling glass shards, suggesting that shedding nosebleeds may be due to whatever is shed damaging superficial blood vessels. Likewise, another noticed inhaling shedder’s sweat caused their lungs to be “on fire like pins and needles,” another reported feeling as though they had inhaled some type of particulate from the air, could not stop coughing, and started feeling sick almost immediately, and a fourth feels shedding in his eyes (and also sneezes).
- One reader reported a hard and painful substance formed inside their nostril from fluid dripping through the pores in the nose and eventually coalescing into a difficult to remove stalactite (which may have been due to a zeta potential collapse of those nasal secretions).
- A few sensitive people a distinct energetic “aura” shedders had.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Most commonly, it was described as “metallic,” but also repeatedly as “heavy,” “dark,” “thick,” “black,” or “grey.” Additionally, people described becoming disconnected from the shedder, becoming unable to feel them, and having a dullness of consciousness—much of which is congruent with “brain fog.”
- One reported overwhelming dread around the shedders, while numerous readers have reported anxiety,1 2 3 4 5mood changes, and depression1 2 3 4 from shedding (some of which I suspect is due to either internal fluid stagnation or heart damage).
Note: there was a case where a “spiritual” massage therapist said she could not pray for 2 years after working on a series of vaccinated clients.
Read the second part of the article
Author: A Midwestern Doctor
January 29, 2025