Who is behind the WHO?


President Donald Trump decided to withdraw the financial support to the World Health Organization, because of the mishandling of the so called pandemic. The decision will be put in place no later than 16 July next year. The progressive world was enraged. All hell broke loose and the American head of state received his portion of flak. How inhuman, how selfish, how abominable!

The United States contributed in total the whereabouts of 400 million dollars in 2018 or 16% in round numbers for the biennium of 2018-2019. In order to have an idea of how much that is, we need to bear in mind that the WHO is also financed by entities other than states: non-governmental organizations, of which the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation according to the same sources contributed within the corresponding periods in round numbers 380 million dollars or almost 10%. GAVI Alliance contributes a little less than the United Kingdom but more than Germany. There are other private benefactors, like Rotary International or the Rockefeller Foundation.

It appears that the international and supranational health organization is drifting more and more under the control of entities other than states, which is in line with the general trend: corporations, financial institutions and NGOs with their big budgets and big income but little or no obligations towards society are playing an ever greater role on the world’s political stage. Why should an erstwhile Microsoft head or a multibillionaire be interested in worldwide health programmes is a topic worthy of a separate analysis.

Although it is a shock for the WHO, the United States withdrawal from financing the organization it is not going to stop its global activities. Because the same people who run the NGOs supporting the WHO by virtue of their big money also have a big say in policymaking. Governments are becoming increasingly obedient to individuals with pockets. These opulent mortals have their ambitious agenda – vaccination brought to every corner of the earth, birth control cloaked as planned parenthood, the human (sure!) right to identification, and you name it – and they strive to fashion the face of the earth in their image, to quote the Scripture.

Who are they: the United Nations Organization, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the European Union, the, the, the?


July 22, 2020


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