Wireless industry confesses: ‘no studies show 5G is safe’
Recently, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal grilled wireless industry representatives, who admitted the industry has done ZERO health and safety studies on 5G technology. Meanwhile, dozens of independent studies indicate that 5G is a risk to all biological life.
In a February 2019 Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee hearing on the future of 5G wireless technology and their impact on the American people and economy, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) raised concerns with the lack of any scientific research and data on the technology’s potential health risks.
Blumenthal blasted the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – government agencies jointly-responsible for ensuring that cellphone technologies are safe to use – for failing to conduct any research into the safety of 5G technology, and instead, engaging in bureaucratic finger-pointing and deferring to industry.
In December 2018, Blumenthal and U.S. Representative Anna G. Eshoo sent a letter to FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr seeking answers regarding potential health risks posed by new 5G wireless technology. In the February 2019 hearing, Blumenthal criticized Carr for failing to provide answers, and instead, just echoing, “the general statements of the FDA, which shares regulatory responsibility for cell phones with the FCC.” Blumenthal also decried the FDA’s statements as “pretty unsatisfactory.”
During an exchange with wireless industry representatives, Blumenthal asked them whether they have supported research on the safety of 5G technology and potential links between radiofrequency and cancer, and the industry representatives conceded they have not.
Blumenthal stated:
“If you go to the FDA website, there basically is a cursory and superficial citation to existing scientific data saying ‘The FDA has urged the cell phone industry to take a number of steps, including support additional research on possible biological effects of radio frequency fields for the type of signals emitted by cell phones.’ I believe that Americans deserve to know what the health effects are, not to pre-judge what scientific studies may show, and they also deserve a commitment to do the research on outstanding questions.
So my question for you: How much money has the industry committed to supporting additional independent research—I stress independent—research? Is that independent research ongoing? Has any been completed? Where can consumers look for it? And we’re talking about research on the biological effects of this new technology.”
At the end of the exchange, Blumenthal concluded: “So there really is no research ongoing. We’re kind of flying blind here, as far as health and safety is concerned.”
In November 2018, the National Toxicology Program released the final results of the longest and most expensive study to date on cellphones and cancer. Those studies found “some evidence” of a link to cancer, at least in male rats. However, the study only focused on the risks associated with 2G and 3G cell phones.
The latest 5G wireless technology relies on the deployment of many more new antennas and transmitters that are clustered lower to the ground and closer to homes and schools. There has been even more limited research with respect to the health ramifications of 5G technology, and the FCC has thus far failed to adequately explain how they have determined 5G is safe.
Additional Notes
Senator Blumenthal is speaking to industry witnesses in the Senate hearing video:
• Mr. Brad Gillen, Vice President, CTIA;
• Mr. Steve Berry, President and CEO, Competitive Carriers Association;
• Mr. Shailen Bhatt, President and CEO, Intelligent Transportation Society of America;
• Mr. Michael Wessel, Commissioner, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission;
• Ms. Kim Zentz, Chief Executive Officer, Urbanova.
Letter from Blumenthal and Eshoo to FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr asking about the Safety of 5G
Resources from December 2018 Blumenthal Press Conference
• Comments by: B. Blake Levitt, Communications Director, The Berkshire Litchfield Environmental Council, Invited Guest by U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal
• Blake Levitt 5G Information Sites for Media
• Video of Blumenthal Press Conference, 12/3/18, Legislative Office Building, Hartford, CT, Room 1B, 11:00 AM
• Connecticut Post “Blumenthal Urges Cancer Study of 5G Technology” 12/3/ 2018
Resources on 5G and Health
• Facts On 5G: What You Need To Know About 5G Wireless And “Small” Cells
• Resources to Take Action on 5G
Scientific Evidence
• EHTrust: Scientific Research on 5G, Small Cells and Health
• Dr. Martin Pall’s free e-book: “5G: Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them” (PDF, 90 pages)
• Dr. Joel Moskowitz: “5G Wireless Technology: Cutting Through the Hype“
• Electric Sense: “5G Radiation Dangers – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned“
• Health resources summary from WhatIs5G.info
• Health resources summary from TelecomPowerGrab.com
• EMF interview by Luke Storey: Dr. Jack Kruse
• SaferEMR: Summary 400 new EMF scientific studies, Aug 2016 to present (EMF in general)
• Research from Magda Havas
• News from Clear Light Ventures
• Articles from BN Frank at ActivistPost
Grassroots Communities & Organizations
Note: Several of the organizations listed below are still promoting actions limited to contacting your elected representatives and pleading for help. With that being said, there is a resounding increase in awareness that a firmer response is now required.
• 5G Space Appeal: An International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and In Space (sign it)
• InPower Movement: Watch Episode 1: A Mass Action of Liability
• InPower Movement: Watch Episode 2: Notice of Liability Walkthrough
• Environmental Health Trust
• Parents For Safe Technology
• Physicians For Safe Technology
• EMF Safety Network (California)
• Our Town, Our Choice
• Americans For Responsible Technology
• Scientists For Wired Technology
• Dr Jack Kruse (website & community)
5G: Videos from Josh del Sol
“The Truth About 5G” (38 mins, 2016). Reveals an insidious mindset at the top levels of the FCC and industry.
“UN Staff Member: 5G Is War on Humanity” (6 mins, 2019). Documents the UN Secretary General being notified of harm from 5G and wireless proliferation.
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