Wise thoughts from Yoga Swami
Yoga Swami is a great contemporary yogi who attained the state of liberation during this existence (jivanmukta)
*** A truly liberated spirit always has the advantage of acting just as a mirror in which a non-liberated spirit can see itself exactly as it is at that point in reality.
*** A truly liberated human being can show you the path you should follow and he/she can even motivate you while on that path, still, you have to be the one who makes the effort in your spiritual search.
*** The time a human being has is short, but the subject (the realization of the Ultimate divine Truth that leads to wisdom) is vast.
*** The one who is truly liberated spiritually is always a spiritual purifier for the human beings around him.
*** Look closely at the trees. You will notice that trees meditate. Meditation is the experience of silence.
*** As soon as you will truly realize that you do not know anything and that everything is enigmatic, you will be indeed about to meditate.
*** Complete inner honesty is the fertile ground that suits silence the best.
*** In order for you to be simple and pure, you must become one with the blissful creating void which is always present in your consciousness.
*** When you’ve reduced your being to NOTHING and when your ephemeral I has disappeared, then, as soon as you become ONE with the NOTHING, only then you will be fully united with GOD.
*** The man who is already NOTHING will know GOD instantaneously because this is in fact the BLISSFUL CREATIVE VOID which reveals to us when we are truly NOTHING.
*** For the one who is truly enlightened, always being NOTHING actually means being EVERYTHING.
*** The one who becomes aware that he is NOTHING will immediately obtain everything he desires because only for him, being NOTHING means being EVERYTHING.
*** The state of supreme transcendence in which while becoming NOTHING we are in fact NOTHINGNESS means we can say, in our hearts, in all honesty, that we do not know ANYTHING. This also involves the act of not wanting anything for ourselves. This also means that we are not interested in doing anything that would take us out of this creative BLISSFUL VOID.
*** When we become truly aware that in fact, we know absolutely nothing of ourselves, only then we become ONE with GOD.
*** When there is complete silence in ourselves, only then we will become aware of the fact that there is nothing to gain and nothing to lose.
*** We cannot truly worship someone before truly worshiping ourselves.
*** No one can discover GOD only by worshiping another.
*** GOD can never be bought with gifts.
*** GOD permanently exists in ourselves and best hides Himself in us.
*** In the ultimate essence of His being, GOD is present in every human being.
*** Pessimism and optimism are the same thing. They are in fact two sides of the same coin.
*** Pessimism and optimism are different angles or different perspectives from which we can look at life, but life is neither of these aspects.*** If we end up looking at life as it really is – and not from a random perspective – becoming aware that it does not have this duality, then it is no longer pessimist, nor optimist for us.
*** There is only a single truly alive temple and that is within ourselves.
*** Nobody can save us or liberate us spiritually by acting in our place.
*** Both BUDDHA as well as JESUS CHRIST have liberated themselves spiritually and they saved themselves from everything with the help of their own efforts.
*** Until accomplishing the supreme liberation, each of us must act constantly for himself in the event of a genuine and efficient spiritual orientation.
*** If a blind man will seek to lead another blind man, then there is an undoubted danger for both of them to fall into the precipice.
*** The ignorant is enveloped by shadows but the wise man becomes aware of the fact that he is enveloped by even darker shadows.
*** The wise man realizes, by humbly and truly thinking of GOD, that he is a different kind of fool – he is a fool who voluntarily becomes aware of the reality of his stupidity.
*** You should never believe the one who promises that can help you progress spiritually with no effort from you.
*** A spiritually accomplished being can guide you and motivate you, but nobody can help you totally, by acting permanently in your place, for no one, except God, is capable of doing this.
april 2015
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