A significant synthesis referring to the so-called spiritual ingredients which trigger the inner, pregnantly spiritual wellbeing… (I)

…when they are more or less awakened in our inner universe

By yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

The state of signally spiritual inner wellbeing is in fact a sui generis cocktail that is in fact a blended resultant of certain elevated, sublime, transcendental, more or less Godly states and experiences that some of us live, and which then generate in our being, just like a corollary, a polyvalent, profound state that is in a certain measure tangent with the Godly Attribute of Godly Good.

Considering this aspect, it can be said that such a state, that we fully experience in certain situations, is in its own way a mixture, with different dosage for each human being. The nuanced state of signally spiritual inner wellbeing that results through this blending of the various, some sublime, beneficial states and experiences may be different from one human being to the other, closely connected to what we may call the spiritual ingredients that make it up.

That is why with each human being, the state of signally spiritual inner wellbeing is unique in its way. That is why it cannot be said that two or several human beings will have a state of signally spiritual inner wellbeing that is absolutely identical.

Considering all these, in the presentation that we have structured you may discover which might be the spiritual ingredients that, when either awakened in a certain amount, or dynamized considerably in the inner universe of the spiritual aspirant, determine, trough specific blending, the appearance of a state of signally spiritual inner wellbeing that, as we have mentioned, is unique in its own way for each human being.

The complex state of signally spiritual inner wellbeing is the resultant that occurs trough the combination of such spiritual ingredients that are accumulated in our being’s microcosm because of processes of occult resonance® that each of us have triggered.

Considering all these, we should analyze these aspects with great attention and then is good to profoundly reflect on them. It is then good, based on these conclusive revelations, to act such as to awaken and, by deepening them, to considerably dynamize more and more as many of these spiritual ingredients as possible, which inasmuch as they become obvious, will contribute, why not, even on a daily basis to the appearance and more and more intense manifestation in one’s being of a state of signally spiritual inner wellbeing that is stronger and stronger, more and more intense, or even overwhelming.

That is why we consider it is necessary for you to study with great attention each suggestion of the ones that are presented here. Afterwards, inasmuch as these beneficial suggestions are put in practice, trough the grams of experience, they will become the spiritual ingredients that will contribute to the composition, to the awakening, to the amplification, to the complexification of specific states of signally spiritual inner wellbeing that many of us will have.

1. The plenary state of complete and unconditioned abandonment to the mysterious reality of God’s existence.

2. The intense, impeccable state of abnegation that spontaneously allow the instantaneous transcending of the ego (AHAMKARA).

3. The profound state of complete, unconditioned acceptance of everything that is beneficial not only outside of us, but also even in our inner universe.

4. The complete state of harmonious euphoric adaptation to the natural, beneficial ambiance we are in.

5. The considerable state of spiritual good, experienced as such, that characterizes us.

6. The intense and constant state of pure love that characterizes us.

7. The state of optimum receptivity to the mysterious, elevated, sublime influences that come from our guardian angel.

8. The strong state of arduous, constructive, beneficial attention to all and everything that appear, at the right time, in both our inner universe and in the ambiance we are in and which are beneficial.

9. The state of more or less accentuated or even strong courage that characterizes us.

10. The state of maximum inner receptiveness to all the genuine beauties and wonders that surround us.

11. The obvious state of occult resonance and even strong communion with the subtle, sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Good.

12. The considerable state of inner kindness that characterizes us.

13. The state intense happiness that characterizes us, that is the expression of a process of occult resonance with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Happiness.

14. The strong and constant state of aspiration towards a certain pure, noble, Godly ideal that already characterizes us.

15. The constant and considerable state of common sense that characterizes us.

16. The strong state of profound calmness that characterizes us.

17. The strong state of compassion that characterizes us.

18. The strong and ceaseless state of creative, eminently beneficial centering THERE and NOW, in the Present Moment.

19. The constant and considerable state of obvious clarity of consciousness that characterizes us.

20. The obviously predominant state of forgiveness that characterizes us and that is the expression of a process of occult resonance with the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Forgiveness.

21. The considerable state of impeccable centering at the level of our spiritual heart, state that is in connection to the subtle force center ANAHATA CHAKRA and which involves a considerable dynamizing beforehand of the state of wisdom of the heart.

22. The state of euphoric communion and even of identification, that is more or less intense, with the mysterious, indescribable reality either of the Omnipresence, or Omniscience, or Omnipotence of God.

23. The considerable state of inner spiritual maturity that allows every time for us to make beneficial, creative choices that are at the same time full of wisdom.

24. The strong clearly superior state of understanding of all and everything that appears in our daily existence. The human being who succeeds in properly understanding all and everything, afterwards succeeds very easily to forgive much of all that seems to be unforgivable.

25. The considerable, indescribable state of specific lucidity, clearly superior, that is generated by the dynamizing of our supra mental layer (VIJNANAMAYA KOSHA).

26. The intense state of inner beneficial force that is actually the expression of personal occult energy that each human being disposes of, in a certain amount (the respective occult energy considerably varies from one human being to the other).

27. The obvious and intense state of profound self-confidence.

28. The intense state that appears through profound awareness of all and everything that is beneficial, that we live. Always, without any exception, both everything that we become aware of, but that is beneficial, and also the degree (or in other words the intensity of the processes) of awareness immediately generate the emergence of some phenomena of occult resonance with subtle energies or with corresponding aspects from the Macrocosm. In order for it to become a signally spiritual ingredient, such awareness is necessary to be beneficial.

29. The intense state of contemplation that, in certain situations, characterizes us.

30. The more or less intense state of contentment that characterizes us and that is the expression of a process of occult resonance with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Contentment.

31. The more or less accentuated state of real inner spiritual transformation that characterizes us.

32. The intense, ebullient state of vitality that characterizes us.

33. The more or less accentuated, or in other words more or less intense state of faith in the reality of the existence of God which thus generates a certain process of occult resonance with the enigmatic and eternal being of God the Father.

34. The strong state of real detachment that characterizes us and that is the expression of a process of occult resonance with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Detachment (VAIRAGYA).

35. The accentuated state of aspiration towards God that characterizes us.

36. The strong, intense state of spiritual discernment that characterizes us.

37. The strong, intense state of gentleness that characterizes us.

38. The strong, intense state of genuine justice that characterizes us and that is the expression of a process of occult resonance with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Justice.

39. The strong, intense state of elevated inner pure equality that is the expression of a process of occult resonance with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Equality.

40. The accentuated, even intense state of transcending the ego, (AHAMKARA), which induces and catalyzes in our inner universe, shortly afterwards, indescribable Godly blissful transcendental states.

41. The accentuated, intense state of elevation of the predominant vibration frequency of our mysterious force (or, in other words, our aura) that characterizes us.

42. The obvious accentuated, intense state of wonderment that characterizes us.

43. The accentuated, intense state of optimism that characterizes us and that is the expression of a process of occult resonance with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Optimism.

44. The persistent, accentuated inner state of pure child that characterizes us.

45. The accentuated, intense state of inner balance, of equality of the inner moods, or disposition that characterizes us.

46. The accentuated, intense state of elevation, of real spiritual growth, or, more precisely said, of inner nobleness that characterizes us.

47. The accentuated state of experimentation and deepening of eminently beneficial emotional states that characterizes us.

48. The accentuated, intense state of enthusiasm that characterizes us and that is in fact the expression of a process of occult resonance with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Enthusiasm.

49. The accentuated, intense state of justified hopes that characterizes us and that is, in fact, the expression of a process of occult resonance with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Hope.

50. The accentuated, intense state of communion, even identification with the indescribable reality of the existence of God that characterizes us and that is the expression of a process of occult resonance with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Spirit.

51. The accentuated, intense state of permanently relating to the ideal, essential aspects that ceaselessly exists in the Godly creation and manifestation that characterizes us. This is the expression of a process of occult resonance with the sublime, subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Essence.

Read the second part of the article


May 10, 2018


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