An essential aphorism by eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

Notice with great attention how readily all sorts of aberrations and blatant nonsense that appear in the ambiance of this planet are accepted and then embraced, and then, in parallel, make a lucid, pertinent analysis of how people have so far noticed, seen all the remarkable, epochal revelations concerning Godly Attributes as being each a subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, omnipresent, Godly and free energy that helps us to readily feel God in an intimate and ineffable manner. You will immediately find the existence of a ceaseless deafening silence that mass-media, as well as sceptical, hostile, inimical persons manifest in what concerns these essential Godly revelations which are and remain of immense use to all human beings who thus gradually become deified when they intensely and profoundly experience the subtle sublime energy of a particular Godly Attribute among the more than 470 Godly Attributes that have been revealed so far. There are many different Godly Attributes, such as Love, Happiness, Pure Eros, Good, Healthy Humour, Contentment, Beauty, Enthusiasm etc.

Beyond appearances, the endless, subtle, sublime energies of the various Godly Attributes are hidden for people – so to speak – in plain sight, because many of us say, for example: “I felt that you thought of me with love yesterday, I realised that you love me a lot, your love helps me immensely and I am grateful for this.” However, we are not fully aware that the love we have felt then is, in reality, the subtle, sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Love which was thus enigmatically modulated through the inner universe of that human being who, being even over 10,000 km away, transmitted to us the subtle energy of love which they unconsciously modulated through the microcosm of their being after having accumulated it abundantly. This is a significant example worth reflecting on at length, in order for each of us to urgently convince ourselves that the subtle, sublime energies of Godly Attributes really do exist in eternity and are endless, but also free of cost. When evoked and accumulated one by one in the microcosm of a human being, the subtle, sublime energies of the more than 470 Godly Attributes each convey, in a distinct manner, certain pieces of information or, in other words, they deliver certain occult messages. For the sceptical or ignorant, there already exists an example that is now unanimously accepted. We are referring to genetic information where hereditary traits (which are nevertheless related even to previous reincarnations and existences) are transmitted through genes. DNA is the carrier of genetic information.

The subtle, sublime energy of each Godly Attribute that is now accumulated in the universe of a human being simultaneously also generates a distinct, nuanced state of elevated pleasure. Many of us have already felt that, for example, impetuous love, but also pure intense eros, each generate a different, nuanced state of pleasure that elevates our inner universe. Each of the more than 470 Godly Attributes includes in its subtle, sublime energy a certain occult code which contains unique, enigmatic information that is decoded when the subtle, sublime energy of a particular Godly Attribute that is evoked accumulates in the aura of the human being concerned, where it necessarily triggers effects, states that are different from one particular Godly Attribute to another. With certain exceptions, the subtle, sublime energies of the Godly Attributes that are evoked descend into our being through the crown of the head, through the fundamental subtle force centre sahasrara.

Eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru


June 20, 2024


Also available in: Română

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